interface EventListener { (evt: Event): void; } /** * The Event interface represents any event which takes place in the DOM; some are user-generated (such as mouse or keyboard events), while others are generated by APIs (such as * events that indicate an animation has finished running, a video has been paused, and so forth). While events are usually triggered by such "external" sources, they can also be * triggered programmatically, such as by calling the method of an element, or by defining the event, then sending it to a specified target using * EventTarget.dispatchEvent(). There are many types of events, some of which use other interfaces based on the main Event interface. Event itself contains the properties and * methods which are common to all events. */ interface Event { /** * Returns true or false depending on how event was initialized. True if event goes through its target's ancestors in reverse tree order, and false otherwise. */ readonly bubbles: boolean; cancelBubble: boolean; readonly cancelable: boolean; /** * Returns true or false depending on how event was initialized. True if event invokes listeners past a ShadowRoot node that is the root of its target, and false otherwise. */ readonly composed: boolean; readonly defaultPrevented: boolean; readonly eventPhase: number; /** * Returns true if event was dispatched by the user agent, and * false otherwise. */ readonly isTrusted: boolean; returnValue: boolean; /** * Returns the event's timestamp as the number of milliseconds measured relative to * the time origin. */ readonly timeStamp: number; /** * Returns the type of event, e.g. * "click", "hashchange", or * "submit". */ readonly type: string; readonly AT_TARGET: number; readonly BUBBLING_PHASE: number; readonly CAPTURING_PHASE: number; readonly NONE: number; composedPath(): any[]; initEvent(type: string, bubbles?: boolean, cancelable?: boolean): void; preventDefault(): void; /** * Invoking this method prevents event from reaching * any registered event listeners after the current one finishes running and, when dispatched in a tree, also prevents event from reaching any * other objects. */ stopImmediatePropagation(): void; /** * When dispatched in a tree, invoking this method prevents event from reaching any objects other than the current object. */ stopPropagation(): void; } interface EventInit { bubbles?: boolean | undefined; cancelable?: boolean | undefined; composed?: boolean | undefined; } interface MessageEventInit extends EventInit { data?: T | undefined; lastEventId?: string | undefined; origin?: string | undefined; } /** The MessageEvent interface represents a message received by a target object. */ interface MessageEvent extends Event { /** * Returns the data of the message. */ readonly data: T; /** * Returns the last event ID string, for server-sent events. */ readonly lastEventId: string; /** * Returns the origin of the message, for server-sent events and * cross-document messaging. */ readonly origin: string; } declare var MessageEvent: { prototype: MessageEvent; new(type: string, eventInitDict?: MessageEventInit): MessageEvent; };