/** * Provides client-side access to the authoritative PHP-generated User Agent * information supplied by the server. */ declare namespace UserAgent { /** * Check if the User Agent browser matches `query`. * * `query` should be a string like "Chrome" or "Chrome > 33". * * Valid browser names include: * * - ACCESS NetFront * - AOL * - Amazon Silk * - Android * - BlackBerry * - BlackBerry PlayBook * - Chrome * - Chrome for iOS * - Chrome frame * - Facebook PHP SDK * - Facebook for iOS * - Firefox * - IE * - IE Mobile * - Mobile Safari * - Motorola Internet Browser * - Nokia * - Openwave Mobile Browser * - Opera * - Opera Mini * - Opera Mobile * - Safari * - UIWebView * - Unknown * - webOS * - etc... * * An authoritative list can be found in the PHP `BrowserDetector` class and * related classes in the same file (see calls to `new UserAgentBrowser` here: * https://fburl.com/50728104). * * @note Function results are memoized */ function isBrowser(query: string): boolean; /** * Check if the User Agent browser uses a 32 or 64 bit architecture. * * @note Function results are memoized */ function isBrowserArchitecture(query: string): boolean; /** * Check if the User Agent device matches `query`. * * `query` should be a string like "iPhone" or "iPad". * * Valid device names include: * * - Kindle * - Kindle Fire * - Unknown * - iPad * - iPhone * - iPod * - etc... * * An authoritative list can be found in the PHP `DeviceDetector` class and * related classes in the same file (see calls to `new UserAgentDevice` here: * https://fburl.com/50728332). * * @note Function results are memoized */ function isDevice(query: string): boolean; /** * Check if the User Agent rendering engine matches `query`. * * `query` should be a string like "WebKit" or "WebKit >= 537". * * Valid engine names include: * * - Gecko * - Presto * - Trident * - WebKit * - etc... * * An authoritative list can be found in the PHP `RenderingEngineDetector` * class related classes in the same file (see calls to `new * UserAgentRenderingEngine` here: https://fburl.com/50728617). * * Function results are memoized */ function isEngine(query: string): boolean; /** * Check if the User Agent platform matches `query`. * * `query` should be a string like "Windows" or "iOS 5 - 6". * * Valid platform names include: * * - Android * - BlackBerry OS * - Java ME * - Linux * - Mac OS X * - Mac OS X Calendar * - Mac OS X Internet Account * - Symbian * - SymbianOS * - Windows * - Windows Mobile * - Windows Phone * - iOS * - iOS Facebook Integration Account * - iOS Facebook Social Sharing UI * - webOS * - Chrome OS * - etc... * * An authoritative list can be found in the PHP `PlatformDetector` class and * related classes in the same file (see calls to `new UserAgentPlatform` * here: https://fburl.com/50729226). * * Function results are memoized */ function isPlatform(query: string): boolean; /** * Check if the User Agent platform is a 32 or 64 bit architecture. * * Function results are memoized */ function isPlatformArchitecture(query: string): boolean; } // eslint-disable-next-line @definitelytyped/export-just-namespace export = UserAgent;