/** * Constructs an enumeration with keys equal to their value. If the value is an * object, the method is run recursively, including the parent key as a suffix. * An optional prefix can be provided that will be prepended to each value. * * For example: * * var ACTIONS = keyMirror({FOO: null, BAR: { BAZ: null, BOZ: null }}}); * ACTIONS.BAR.BAZ = 'BAR.BAZ'; * * Input: {key1: null, key2: { nested1: null, nested2: null }}} * Output: {key1: key1, key2: { nested1: nested1, nested2: nested2 }}} * * var CONSTANTS = keyMirror({FOO: {BAR: null}}, 'NameSpace'); * console.log(CONSTANTS.FOO.BAR); // NameSpace.FOO.BAR */ declare function keyMirrorRecursive(obj: T, prefix?: string | null): T; declare namespace keyMirrorRecursive {} export = keyMirrorRecursive;