export interface Git { exec: (command: string) => Promise; init: () => Promise; clean: () => Promise; reset: (remote: string, branch: string) => Promise; fetch: (remote: string) => Promise; checkout: (remote: string, branch: string) => Promise; rm: (files: string | string[]) => Promise; add: (files: string | string[]) => Promise; commit: (message: string) => Promise; tag: (name: string) => Promise; push: (remote: string, branch: string, force?: boolean) => Promise; getRemoteUrl: (remote: string) => Promise; deleteRef: (branch: string) => Promise; clone: (repo: string, dir: string, branch: string, options: PublishOptions) => Promise; } export interface PublishOptions { beforeAdd?: ((git: Git) => Promise) | null | undefined; add?: boolean | undefined; branch?: string | undefined; cname?: string | undefined; dest?: string | undefined; dotfiles?: boolean | undefined; git?: string | undefined; /** * Push force new commit without parent history * @default true */ history?: boolean | undefined; message?: string | undefined; /** @default false */ nojekyll?: boolean | undefined; only?: string | undefined; push?: boolean | undefined; remote?: string | undefined; /** * Removes files that match the given pattern (Ignored if used together with --add). * By default, gh-pages removes everything inside the target branch auto-generated directory before copying the new files from dir. * @default '.' */ remove?: string | undefined; repo?: string | undefined; silent?: boolean | undefined; src?: string | string[] | undefined; tag?: string | undefined; user?: | null | { name: string; email: string; } | undefined; } /** * Get the cache directory. */ export function getCacheDir(optPath?: string): string; export function publish(basePath: string, callback: (err: any) => void): Promise; export function publish(basePath: string, config: PublishOptions, callback?: (err: any) => void): Promise; export function clean(): void; export interface Defaults { beforeAdd: null; dest: "."; add: false; git: "git"; depth: 1; dotfiles: false; branch: "gh-pages"; remote: string; src: "**/*"; remove: "."; push: true; history: true; message: "Updates"; silent: false; } export const defaults: Readonly;