// Type definitions for git-semver-tags 4.1 // Project: https://github.com/conventional-changelog/conventional-changelog/tree/master/packages/git-semver-tags#readme // Definitions by: Jason Kwok // Piotr Błażejewicz // Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped /** * Get all git semver tags of your repository in reverse chronological order */ declare function gitSemverTags(options: gitSemverTags.Options, callback: gitSemverTags.Callback): void; declare function gitSemverTags(callback: gitSemverTags.Callback): void; declare namespace gitSemverTags { type Callback = (error: any, tags: string[]) => void; interface Options { /** * Extract lerna style tags (`foo-package@2.0.0`) from the git history, rather * than `v1.0.0` format. */ lernaTags?: boolean | undefined; /** * What package should lerna style tags be listed for, e.g., `foo-package`. */ package?: string | undefined; /** * Specify a prefix for the git tag to be ignored from the semver checks. */ tagPrefix?: string | undefined; /** * If given, unstable tags (e.g. `x.x.x-alpha.1`, `x.x.x-rc.2`) will be skipped. */ skipUnstable?: boolean | undefined; } } export = gitSemverTags;