// Type definitions for glob-stream v6.1.0 // Project: https://github.com/wearefractal/glob-stream // Definitions by: Bart van der Schoor // mrmlnc // Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped /// /// import glob = require('glob'); declare function GlobStream(glob: string | string[]): NodeJS.ReadableStream; declare function GlobStream(glob: string | string[], options: GlobStream.Options): NodeJS.ReadableStream; declare namespace GlobStream { export interface Entry { cwd: string; base: string; path: string; } export type UniqueByStringPredicate = 'cwd' | 'base' | 'path'; export type UniqueByFunctionPredicate = (entry: Entry) => string; export interface Options extends glob.IOptions { /** * Whether or not to error upon an empty singular glob. */ allowEmpty?: boolean | undefined; /** * The absolute segment of the glob path that isn't a glob. This value is attached * to each globobject and is useful for relative pathing. */ base?: string | undefined; /** * Whether or not the `cwd` and `base` should be the same. */ cwdbase?: boolean | undefined; /** * Filters stream to remove duplicates based on the string property name or the result of function. * When using a function, the function receives the streamed * data (objects containing `cwd`, `base`, `path` properties) to compare against. */ uniqueBy?: UniqueByStringPredicate | UniqueByFunctionPredicate | undefined; } } export = GlobStream;