import minimatch = require("minimatch"); import glob = require("glob"); interface FindOptions extends glob.IOptions { src?: string | undefined; filter?: string | ((filepath?: string, options?: any) => boolean) | undefined; nonull?: boolean | undefined; matchBase?: boolean | undefined; srcBase?: string | undefined; prefixBase?: boolean | undefined; } interface MappingOptions extends FindOptions { srcBase?: string | undefined; destBase?: string | undefined; ext?: string | undefined; extDot?: "first" | "last" | undefined; flatten?: boolean | undefined; rename?(p: string): string; } interface OneMapping { src: string[]; dest: string; } interface GlobuleStatic { /** * Match one or more globbing patterns against one or more file paths. * Returns a uniqued array of all file paths that match any of the specified globbing patterns. */ match(patterns: string | string[], filepaths: string | string[], options?: minimatch.IOptions): string[]; /** * Tests pattern(s) against against one or more file paths and returns true if any files were matched, otherwise false. */ isMatch(patterns: string | string[], filepaths: string | string[], options?: minimatch.IOptions): boolean; /** * Returns a unique array of all file or directory paths that match the given globbing pattern(s) */ find(pattern: string | string[], options?: FindOptions): string[]; /** * Returns a unique array of all file or directory paths that match the given globbing pattern(s) */ find(options: FindOptions): string[]; /** * Returns a unique array of all file or directory paths that match the given globbing pattern(s) */ find(pattern: string | string[], pattern2: string | string[], options?: FindOptions): string[]; /** * Returns a unique array of all file or directory paths that match the given globbing pattern(s) */ find(pattern: string, pattern2: string, pattern3: string | string[], options?: FindOptions): string[]; /** * Given a set of source file paths, returns an array of src-dest file mapping objects */ mapping(filepaths: string[], options?: MappingOptions): OneMapping[]; /** * Given a set of source file paths, returns an array of src-dest file mapping objects */ mapping(options: MappingOptions): OneMapping[]; /** * Given a set of source file paths, returns an array of src-dest file mapping objects */ mapping(filepaths: string[], filepaths2: string[], options?: MappingOptions): OneMapping[]; /** * Given a set of source file paths, returns an array of src-dest file mapping objects */ mapping(filepaths: string[], filepaths2: string[], filepaths3: string[], options?: MappingOptions): OneMapping[]; } declare var globule: GlobuleStatic; export = globule;