declare namespace google.maps { class OverlayView extends MVCObject { draw(): void; getMap(): Map | StreetViewPanorama; getPanes(): MapPanes; getProjection(): MapCanvasProjection; onAdd(): void; onRemove(): void; setMap(map: Map | StreetViewPanorama | null): void; /** * Stops click, tap, drag, and wheel events on the element from bubbling up to the map. Use this to prevent map dragging and zooming, as well as map "click" events. * @see {@link Maps JavaScript API} */ static preventMapHitsAndGesturesFrom(element: Element): void; /** * Stops click or tap on the element from bubbling up to the map. Use this to prevent the map from triggering "click" events. * @see {@link Maps JavaScript API} */ static preventMapHitsFrom(element: Element): void; } /** @see {@link Maps JavaScript API} */ interface MapPanes { /** * This pane contains the info window. (Pane 4). * It is above all map overlays. * @see {@link overlayMouseTarget pane below} * @see {@link Maps JavaScript API} */ readonly floatPane: Element; /** * This pane is the lowest pane and is above the tiles. (Pane 0). * It may not receive DOM events. * @see {@link overlayLayer pane above} * @see {@link Maps JavaScript API} */ readonly mapPane: Element; /** * This pane contains markers. (Pane 2). * It may not receive DOM events. * @see {@link floatPane pane above} * @see {@link overlayLayer pane below} * @see {@link Maps JavaScript API} */ readonly markerLayer: Element; /** * This pane contains polylines, polygons, ground overlays and tile layer overlays. (Pane 1). * It may not receive DOM events. * @see {@link markerLayer pane above} * @see {@link mapPane pane below} * @see {@link Maps JavaScript API} */ readonly overlayLayer: Element; /** * This pane contains elements that receive DOM events. (Pane 3). * @see {@link floatPane pane above} * @see {@link markerLayer pane below} * @see {@link Maps JavaScript API} */ readonly overlayMouseTarget: Element; } // TODO: replace to interface class MapCanvasProjection extends MVCObject { fromContainerPixelToLatLng(pixel: Point, nowrap?: boolean): LatLng; fromDivPixelToLatLng(pixel: Point, nowrap?: boolean): LatLng; fromLatLngToContainerPixel(latLng: LatLng): Point; fromLatLngToDivPixel(latLng: LatLng): Point; getWorldWidth(): number; } }