declare namespace google.maps.places { // TODO find source documentation interface RadarSearchRequest { bounds?: LatLngBounds | LatLngBoundsLiteral; keyword?: string; location?: LatLng | LatLngLiteral; name?: string; radius?: number; types?: string[] /* Deprecated. Will be removed February 16, 2017 */; type?: string; } class PlacesService { constructor(attrContainer: HTMLDivElement | Map); findPlaceFromPhoneNumber( request: FindPlaceFromPhoneNumberRequest, callback: (results: PlaceResult[], status: PlacesServiceStatus) => void, ): void; findPlaceFromQuery( request: FindPlaceFromQueryRequest, callback: (results: PlaceResult[], status: PlacesServiceStatus) => void, ): void; getDetails( request: PlaceDetailsRequest, callback: (result: PlaceResult, status: PlacesServiceStatus) => void, ): void; nearbySearch( request: PlaceSearchRequest, callback: (results: PlaceResult[], status: PlacesServiceStatus, pagination: PlaceSearchPagination) => void, ): void; /** * @deprecated Radar search is deprecated as of June 30, 2018. After that * time, this feature will no longer be available. */ radarSearch( request: RadarSearchRequest, callback: (results: PlaceResult[], status: PlacesServiceStatus) => void, ): void; textSearch( request: TextSearchRequest, callback: (results: PlaceResult[], status: PlacesServiceStatus, pagination: PlaceSearchPagination) => void, ): void; } interface PlaceDetailsRequest { placeId: string; fields?: string[]; sessionToken?: AutocompleteSessionToken; } interface FindPlaceFromPhoneNumberRequest { fields: string[]; locationBias?: LocationBias; phoneNumber: string; } interface FindPlaceFromQueryRequest { fields: string[]; locationBias?: LocationBias; query: string; } interface PlaceSearchRequest { bounds?: LatLngBounds | LatLngBoundsLiteral; keyword?: string; location?: LatLng | LatLngLiteral; maxPriceLevel?: number; minPriceLevel?: number; name?: string; openNow?: boolean; radius?: number; rankBy?: RankBy; types?: string[] /* Deprecated. Will be removed February 16, 2017 */; type?: string; } interface TextSearchRequest { bounds?: LatLngBounds | LatLngBoundsLiteral; location?: LatLng | LatLngLiteral; query: string; radius?: number; types?: string[] /* Deprecated. Will be removed February 16, 2017 */; type?: string; } enum RankBy { PROMINENCE = 0, DISTANCE = 1, } type LocationBias = LatLng | LatLngLiteral | LatLngBounds | LatLngBoundsLiteral | Circle | CircleLiteral | string; enum PlacesServiceStatus { INVALID_REQUEST = 'INVALID_REQUEST', NOT_FOUND = 'NOT_FOUND', OK = 'OK', OVER_QUERY_LIMIT = 'OVER_QUERY_LIMIT', REQUEST_DENIED = 'REQUEST_DENIED', UNKNOWN_ERROR = 'UNKNOWN_ERROR', ZERO_RESULTS = 'ZERO_RESULTS', } interface PlaceSearchPagination { nextPage(): void; hasNextPage: boolean; } interface PlaceResult { address_components?: GeocoderAddressComponent[]; adr_address?: string; aspects?: PlaceAspectRating[]; formatted_address?: string; formatted_phone_number?: string; geometry?: PlaceGeometry; html_attributions?: string[]; icon?: string; id?: string; international_phone_number?: string; name: string; opening_hours?: OpeningHours; permanently_closed?: boolean; photos?: PlacePhoto[]; place_id?: string; plus_code?: PlacePlusCode; price_level?: number; rating?: number; reviews?: PlaceReview[]; types?: string[]; url?: string; user_ratings_total?: number; /** * @deprecated utc_offset is deprecated as of November 2019 and will be turned off in November 2020. * Use PlaceResult.utc_offset_minutes instead. */ utc_offset?: number; utc_offset_minutes?: number; vicinity?: string; website?: string; } interface PlaceAspectRating { rating: number; type: string; } // TODO add BusinessStatus interface PlaceGeometry { location: LatLng; viewport: LatLngBounds; } // TODO rename to PlaceOpeningHours interface OpeningHours { /** * @deprecated open_now is deprecated as of November 2019 and will be turned off in November 2020. * Use the PlaceOpeningHours.isOpen function from a PlacesService.getDetails result instead. */ open_now: boolean; periods: OpeningPeriod[]; weekday_text: string[]; isOpen(date?: Date): boolean; } // TODO rename to PlaceOpeningHoursPeriod interface OpeningPeriod { open: OpeningHoursTime; close?: OpeningHoursTime; } // TODO rename to PlaceOpeningHoursTime interface OpeningHoursTime { day: number; hours: number; minutes: number; nextDate: number; time: string; } interface PlacePlusCode { compound_code?: string; global_code: string; } interface PlacePhoto { height: number; html_attributions: string[]; width: number; getUrl(opts: PhotoOptions): string; } interface PhotoOptions { maxHeight?: number; maxWidth?: number; } interface PlaceReview { aspects: PlaceAspectRating[]; author_name: string; author_url?: string; language: string; profile_photo_url: string; // TODO rating is documented in the HTTP API ( but not in the Javascript API. rating: number; relative_time_description: string; text: string; time: number; } }