declare namespace gsap { type Timeline = SimpleTimeline | TimelineLite | TimelineMax; class SimpleTimeline extends Animation { /** * SimpleTimeline is the base class for TimelineLite and TimelineMax, providing the most basic timeline () => voidality and it is used for the root timelines in TweenLite but is only * intended for internal use in the GreenSock tweening platform. It is meant to be very fast and lightweight. */ constructor(vars?: any); /** If true, child tweens/timelines will be removed as soon as they complete. */ autoRemoveChildren: boolean; /** Controls whether or not child tweens/timelines are repositioned automatically (changing their startTime) in order to maintain smooth playback when properties are changed on-the-fly. */ smoothChildTiming: boolean; /** Adds a TweenLite, TweenMax, TimelineLite, or TimelineMax instance to the timeline at a specific time. */ add(child: any, position?: any, align?: string, stagger?: number): SimpleTimeline; /** renders */ render(time: number, suppressEvents?: boolean, force?: boolean): SimpleTimeline; } class TimelineLite extends SimpleTimeline { constructor(vars?: {}); /** Adds a tween, timeline, callback, or label (or an array of them) to the timeline. */ add(value: any, position?: any, align?: string, stagger?: number): TimelineLite; /** Adds a label to the timeline, making it easy to mark important positions/times. */ addLabel(label: string, position: any): TimelineLite; /** Inserts a special callback that pauses playback of the timeline at a particular time or label. */ addPause(position?: any, callback?: () => void, params?: any[], scope?: any): TimelineLite; /** * Adds a callback to the end of the timeline (or elsewhere using the "position" parameter) - this is a convenience method that accomplishes exactly the same thing as * add( TweenLite.delayedCall(...) ) but with less code. */ call(callback: () => void, params?: any[], scope?: any, position?: any): TimelineLite; /** Empties the timeline of all tweens, timelines, and callbacks (and optionally labels too). */ clear(labels?: boolean): TimelineLite; /** Returns the time at which the animation will finish according to the parent timeline's local time. */ endTime(includeRepeats?: boolean): number; /** * Seamlessly transfers all tweens, timelines, and [optionally] delayed calls from the root timeline into a new TimelineLite so that you can perform advanced tasks on a seemingly global * basis without affecting tweens/timelines that you create after the export. */ static exportRoot(vars?: {}, omitDelayedCalls?: boolean): TimelineLite; /** * Adds a TweenLite.from() tween to the end of the timeline (or elsewhere using the "position" parameter) - this is a convenience method that accomplishes exactly the same thing as * add( TweenLite.from(...) ) but with less code. */ from(target: {}, duration: number, vars: {}, position?: any): TimelineLite; /** Adds a TweenLite.fromTo() tween to the end of the timeline - this is a convenience method that accomplishes exactly the same thing as add( TweenLite.fromTo(...) ) but with less code. */ fromTo(target: {}, duration: number, fromVars: {}, toVars: {}, position?: any): TimelineLite; /** Returns an array containing all the tweens and/or timelines nested in this timeline. */ getChildren(nested?: boolean, tweens?: boolean, timelines?: boolean, ignoreBeforeTime?: number): Array; /** Returns the time associated with a particular label. */ getLabelTime(label: string): number; /** Returns the tweens of a particular object that are inside this timeline. */ getTweensOf(target: {}, nested?: boolean): Tween[]; /** * Clears any initialization data (like starting/ending values in tweens) which can be useful if, for example, you want to restart a tween without reverting to any previously recorded * starting values. */ invalidate(): TimelineLite; /** Returns the most recently added child tween/timeline/callback regardless of its position in the timeline. */ recent(): Animation; /** Removes a tween, timeline, callback, or label (or array of them) from the timeline. */ remove(value: any): TimelineLite; /** Removes a label from the timeline and returns the time of that label. */ removeLabel(label: string): any; /** Jumps to a specific time (or label) without affecting whether or not the instance is paused or reversed. */ seek(position: string | number, supressEvents?: boolean): TimelineLite; /** * Adds a zero-duration tween to the end of the timeline (or elsewhere using the "position" parameter) that sets values immediately (when the virtual playhead reaches that * position on the timeline) - this is a convenience method that accomplishes exactly the same thing as add(, 0, {...}) ) but with less code. */ set(target: {}, vars: {}, position?: any): TimelineLite; /** Shifts the startTime of the timeline's children by a certain amount and optionally adjusts labels too. */ shiftChildren(amount: number, adjustLabels?: boolean, ignoreBeforeTime?: number): TimelineLite; /** * Tweens an array of targets from a common set of destination values (using the current values as the destination), but staggers their start times by a specified amount of time, * creating an evenly-spaced sequence with a surprisingly small amount of code. */ staggerFrom( targets: any, duration: number, vars: {}, stagger?: number, position?: any, onCompleteAll?: () => void, onCompleteAllParams?: any[], onCompleteScope?: any ): TimelineLite; /** * Tweens an array of targets from and to a common set of values, but staggers their start times by a specified amount of time, creating an evenly-spaced sequence with a surprisingly * small amount of code. */ staggerFromTo( targets: any, duration: number, fromVars: {}, toVars: {}, stagger?: number, position?: any, onCompleteAll?: () => void, onCompleteAllParams?: any[], onCompleteAllScope?: any ): TimelineLite; /** * Tweens an array of targets to a common set of destination values, but staggers their start times by a specified amount of time, creating an evenly-spaced sequence with a surprisingly * small amount of code. */ staggerTo( targets: any, duration: number, vars: {}, stagger: number, position?: any, onCompleteAll?: () => void, onCompleteAllParams?: any[], onCompleteAllScope?: any ): TimelineLite; /** * Adds a tween to the end of the timeline (or elsewhere using the "position" parameter) - this is a convenience method that accomplishes exactly the same thing as * add( ) but with less code. */ to(target: {}, duration: number, vars: {}, position?: any): TimelineLite; usesFrames(): boolean; /** If true, the timeline's timing mode is frames-based instead of seconds. */ useFrames(): boolean; } class TimelineMax extends TimelineLite { constructor(vars?: {}); addCallback(callback: () => void, position: any, params?: any[], scope?: any): TimelineMax; currentLabel(): string; currentLabel(value: string): TimelineMax; getActive(nested?: boolean, tweens?: boolean, timelines?: boolean): Tween | Timeline[]; getLabelAfter(time: number): string; getLabelBefore(time: number): string; getLabelsArray(): Array<{ name: string; time: number }>; removeCallback(callback: () => void, timeOrLabel?: any): TimelineMax; removePause(position: any): TimelineMax; repeat(): number; repeat(value: number): TimelineMax; repeatDelay(): number; repeatDelay(value: number): TimelineMax; tweenFromTo(fromPosition: any, toPosition: any, vars?: {}): TweenLite; tweenTo(position: any, vars?: {}): TweenLite; yoyo(): boolean; yoyo(value: boolean): TimelineMax; } }