/// import gulpMatch = require("gulp-match"); import minimatch = require("minimatch"); /** * gulp-if will pipe data to stream whenever condition is truthy. * If condition is falsey and elseStream is passed, data will pipe to elseStream * After data is piped to stream or elseStream or neither, data is piped down-stream. * * @param condition whether input should be piped to stream * @param stream the stream to pipe to if condition is true * @param elseStream (optional) the stream to pipe to if condition is false * @param minimatchOptions (optional) the minimatch options when matching glob conditions */ declare function gulpIf( condition: gulpMatch.MatchCondition, stream: NodeJS.ReadWriteStream, elseStream?: NodeJS.ReadWriteStream, minimatchOptions?: minimatch.IOptions, ): NodeJS.ReadWriteStream; export = gulpIf;