/// /// interface JasmineOptions { /** * Display spec names in default reporter. */ verbose?: boolean | undefined; /** * Include stack traces in failures in default reporter. * @default false */ includeStackTrace?: boolean | undefined; /** * Reporter(s) to use. */ reporter?: jasmine.CustomReporter | readonly jasmine.CustomReporter[] | undefined; /** * Time to wait in milliseconds before a test automatically fails. * @default 5000 */ timeout?: number | undefined; /** * Stops the stream on failed tests. * @default true */ errorOnFail?: boolean | undefined; /** * Passes the config to Jasmine's loadConfig method. */ config?: object | undefined; } /** * Executes Jasmine tests. Emits a 'jasmineDone' event on success. * @param options Optional options for the execution of the Jasmine test */ declare function gulpJasmine(options?: JasmineOptions): NodeJS.ReadWriteStream; export = gulpJasmine;