/// import vinyl = require("vinyl"); import chalk from "chalk"; import through2 = require("through2"); export { vinyl as File }; /** * Replaces a file extension in a path. Returns the new path. */ export function replaceExtension(npath: string, ext: string): string; export const colors: typeof chalk; export const date: { (now?: Date | string, mask?: string, convertLocalTimeToUTC?: boolean): any; masks: any; }; /** * Logs stuff. Already prefixed with [gulp] and all that. Use the right colors * for values. If you pass in multiple arguments it will join them by a space. */ export function log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void; /** * This is a lodash.template function wrapper. You must pass in a valid gulp * file object so it is available to the user or it will error. You can not * configure any of the delimiters. Look at the lodash docs for more info. */ export function template(tmpl: string): (opt: { file: { path: string } }) => string; export function template(tmpl: string, opt: { file: { path: string } }): string; export const env: any; export function beep(): void; /** * Returns a stream that does nothing but pass data straight through. */ export const noop: typeof through2; export function isStream(obj: any): boolean; export function isBuffer(obj: any): boolean; export function isNull(obj: any): boolean; export const linefeed: string; export function combine(streams: NodeJS.ReadWriteStream[]): () => NodeJS.ReadWriteStream; export function combine(...streams: NodeJS.ReadWriteStream[]): () => NodeJS.ReadWriteStream; /** * This is similar to es.wait but instead of buffering text into one string * it buffers anything into an array (so very useful for file objects). */ export function buffer(cb?: (err: Error, data: any[]) => void): NodeJS.ReadWriteStream; export class PluginError implements Error, PluginErrorOptions { constructor(options?: PluginErrorOptions); constructor(pluginName: string, options?: PluginErrorOptions); constructor(pluginName: string, message: string | Error, options?: PluginErrorOptions); /** * The module name of your plugin. */ name: string; /** * Can be a string or an existing error. */ message: any; fileName: string; lineNumber: number; /** * You need to include the message along with this stack. If you pass an * error in as the message the stack will be pulled from that, otherwise one * will be created. */ stack: string; /** * By default the stack will not be shown. Set this to true if you think the * stack is important for your error. */ showStack: boolean; /** * Error properties will be included in err.toString(). Can be omitted by * setting this to false. */ showProperties: boolean; plugin: string; error: Error; } export interface PluginErrorOptions { /** * The module name of your plugin. */ name?: string | undefined; /** * Can be a string or an existing error. */ message?: any; fileName?: string | undefined; lineNumber?: number | undefined; /** * You need to include the message along with this stack. If you pass an * error in as the message the stack will be pulled from that, otherwise one * will be created. */ stack?: string | undefined; /** * By default the stack will not be shown. Set this to true if you think the * stack is important for your error. */ showStack?: boolean | undefined; /** * Error properties will be included in err.toString(). Can be omitted by * setting this to false. */ showProperties?: boolean | undefined; plugin?: string | undefined; error?: Error | undefined; }