import * as Boom from '@hapi/boom'; import * as http from 'http'; import * as https from 'https'; export interface Host { name: string; port: number; } export interface CustomRequest { authorization: string; contentType: string; host: string; method: string; port: number; url: string; } export interface ParseRequestOptions { host?: string; hostHeaderName?: string; name?: string; port?: number; } export const version: string; export const limits: { /** Limit the length of uris and headers to avoid a DoS attack on string matching */ maxMatchLength: number; }; export function now(localtimeOffsetMsec: number): number; export function nowSecs(localtimeOffsetMsec: number): number; export function parseAuthorizationHeader(header: string, keys?: string[]): Record; export function parseContentType(header?: string): string; export function parseHost(req: http.RequestOptions | https.RequestOptions, hostHeaderName?: string): Host | null; export function parseRequest( req: http.RequestOptions | https.RequestOptions, options?: ParseRequestOptions, ): CustomRequest; export function unauthorized( message?: string, attributes?: string | Boom.unauthorized.Attributes, ): Boom.Boom & Boom.unauthorized.MissingAuth;