/** * @param status the status code * @param msg the message of the error, defaulting to node's text for that status code * @param opts custom properties to attach to the error object */ declare function assert(value: any, status?: number, msg?: string, opts?: Record): asserts value; declare function assert(value: any, status?: number, opts?: Record): asserts value; declare namespace assert { /** * @param status the status code * @param msg the message of the error, defaulting to node's text for that status code * @param opts custom properties to attach to the error object */ type Assert = (a: T, b: T, status?: number, msg?: string, opts?: Record) => void; /** * @param status the status code * @param msg the message of the error, defaulting to node's text for that status code * @param opts custom properties to attach to the error object */ type AssertOK = (a: any, status?: number, msg?: string, opts?: Record) => asserts a; /** * @param status the status code * @param msg the message of the error, defaulting to node's text for that status code * @param opts custom properties to attach to the error object */ type AssertEqual = (a: any, b: any, status?: number, msg?: string, opts?: Record) => void; const equal: Assert; const notEqual: Assert; const ok: AssertOK; const strictEqual: AssertEqual; const notStrictEqual: AssertEqual; const deepEqual: AssertEqual; const notDeepEqual: AssertEqual; } export = assert;