// Type definitions for node-ip // Project: https://github.com/indutny/node-ip // Definitions by: Peter Harris // Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped interface NodeBuffer { } interface SubnetInfo { networkAddress: string; firstAddress: string; lastAddress: string; broadcastAddress: string; subnetMask: string; subnetMaskLength: number; numHosts: number; length: number; } declare module "ip" { /** * Check two IP address are the same. **/ export function isEqual(ip1: string, ip2: string): boolean; /** * Convert an IP string into a buffer. **/ export function toBuffer(ip: string, buffer?: number, offset?: number): NodeBuffer; /** * Convert an IP buffer into a string. **/ export function toString(ip: NodeBuffer, offset?: number, length?: number): string; /** * Get the subnet mask from a CIDR prefix length. * * @param family The IP family is infered from the prefixLength, but can be explicity specified as either "ipv4" or "ipv6". **/ export function fromPrefixLen(prefixLength: number, family?:string): string; /** * Get the network ID IP address from an IP address and its subnet mask. **/ export function mask(ip: string, mask: string): string; /** * Get the network ID IP address from an IP address in CIDR notation. **/ export function cidr(cidr: string): string; /** * Get the bitwise inverse (NOT every octet) of an IP address or subnet mask. **/ export function not(ip: string): string; /** * Get the bitwise OR of two IP addresses (usually an IP address and a subnet mask). **/ export function or(ip: string, mask:string): string; /** * Check whether an IP is within a private IP address range. **/ export function isPrivate(ip: string): boolean; /** * Check whether an IP is within a public IP address range. **/ export function isPublic(ip: string): boolean; /** * Check whether an IP is a loopback address. **/ export function isLoopback(ip: string): boolean; /** * Get the loopback address for an IP family. * * @param family The family can be either "ipv4" or "ipv6". Default: "ipv4". **/ export function loopback(family?: string): string; /** * Get the address for the network interface on the current system with the specified 'name'. * If no interface name is specified, the first IPv4 address or loopback address is returned. * * @param name The name can be any named interface, or 'public' or 'private'. * @param family The family can be either "ipv4" or "ipv6". Default: "ipv4". **/ export function address(name?: string, family?: string):string; /** * Convert a string IPv4 IP address to the equivalent long numeric value. **/ export function toLong(ip: string): number; /** * Convert an IPv4 IP address from its the long numeric value to a string. **/ export function fromLong(ip: number): string; /** * Get the subnet information. * @param ip IP address. * @param subnet Subnet address. */ export function subnet(ip: string, subnet: string): SubnetInfo; /** * Get the subnet information. * @param cidr CIDR address. */ export function cidrSubnet(cidr: string): SubnetInfo; }