import * as stream from 'stream'; import { SObjectCreateOptions } from './create-options'; import { DescribeSObjectResult } from './describe-result'; import { Query } from './query'; import { Record, RecordReference } from './record'; import { RecordResult } from './record-result'; import { Connection, RestApiOptions, Callback } from './connection'; import { SalesforceId } from './salesforce-id'; import { Batch, BatchResultInfo } from './batch'; import { QuickAction, QuickActionInfo } from './quick-action'; export class SObject { record(id: SalesforceId): RecordReference; retrieve(id: SalesforceId, callback?: Callback>): Promise>; retrieve(id: SalesforceId, options?: object, callback?: Callback>): Promise>; retrieve(ids: SalesforceId[], callback?: Callback>>): Promise>>; retrieve(ids: SalesforceId[], options?: object, callback?: Callback>>): Promise>>; // Should update require that the record Id field be provided? update(record: Partial, callback?: Callback): Promise; update(record: Partial, options?: RestApiOptions, callback?: Callback): Promise; update(records: Array>, callback?: Callback): Promise; update(records: Array>, options?: RestApiOptions, callback?: Callback): Promise; // should input really be optional? the documentation says so, but how can you actually update without it? updateBulk(input?: Record[] | stream.Stream | string, callback?: Callback): Batch; updated(start: string | Date, end: string | Date, callback?: Callback): Promise; upsert(records: Record, extIdField: string, callback?: Callback): Promise; upsert(records: Record, extIdField: string, options?: RestApiOptions, callback?: Callback): Promise; upsert(records: Array>, extIdField: string, callback?: Callback): Promise; upsert(records: Array>, extIdField: string, options?: RestApiOptions, callback?: Callback): Promise; upsertBulk(input?: Array> | stream.Stream | string, callback?: Callback): Batch; find(query?: object | string, callback?: Callback>>): Query>>; find(query?: object | string, fields?: Object | string[] | string, callback?: Callback>>): Query>>; find(query?: object | string, fields?: Object | string[] | string, options?: FindOptions, callback?: Callback>>): Query>>; findOne(query?: object | string, callback?: Callback>): Query>; findOne(query?: object | string, fields?: Object | string[] | string, callback?: Callback>): Query>; findOne(query?: object | string, fields?: Object | string[] | string, options?: FindOptions, callback?: Callback>): Query>; approvalLayouts$: { /** Returns a value from the cache if it exists, otherwise calls SObject.approvalLayouts */ (callback?: Callback): ApprovalLayoutInfo; clear(): void; } approvalLayouts(callback?: Callback): Promise; bulkload(operation: string, options?: { extIdField?: string }, input?: Array> | stream.Stream | string, callback?: Callback): Batch; compactLayouts$: { /** Returns a value from the cache if it exists, otherwise calls SObject.compactLayouts */ (callback?: Callback): CompactLayoutInfo; clear(): void; } compactLayouts(callback?: Callback): Promise; count(conditions?: object | string, callback?: Callback): Query; create(record: T, options?: RestApiOptions, callback?: Callback): Promise; create(record: T, callback?: Callback): Promise; create(record: Array, options?: RestApiOptions, callback?: Callback): Promise; create(record: Array, callback?: Callback): Promise; createBulk(input?: Array> | stream.Stream | string, callback?: Callback): Batch; del(id: string, callback?: Callback): Promise; del(ids: string[], callback?: Callback): Promise; destroy(id: string, callback?: Callback): Promise; destroy(ids: string[], callback?: Callback): Promise; delete(id: string, callback?: Callback): Promise; delete(ids: string[], callback?: Callback): Promise; deleteBulk(input?: Array> | stream.Stream | string, callback?: Callback): Batch; destroyBulk(input?: Array> | stream.Stream | string, callback?: Callback): Batch; destroyHardBulk(input?: Array> | stream.Stream | string, callback?: Callback): Batch; deleted(start: Date | string, end: Date | string, callback?: Callback): Promise; deleteHardBulk(input?: Array> | stream.Stream | string, callback?: Callback): Batch; describe(callback?: Callback): Promise; describe$: { /** Returns a value from the cache if it exists, otherwise calls SObject.describe */ (callback?: Callback): DescribeSObjectResult; clear(): void; } insert(record: Record, callback?: Callback): Promise; insert(records: Array>, callback?: Callback): Promise; insertBulk(input?: Array> | stream.Stream | string, callback?: Callback): Batch; /** Returns a value from the cache if it exists, otherwise calls SObject.layouts */ layouts$: { (layoutName?: string, callback?: Callback): LayoutInfo; clear(): void; } layouts(layoutName?: string, callback?: Callback): Promise; listview(id: string): ListView; listviews(callback?: Callback): Promise; quickAction(actionName: string): QuickAction; quickActions(callback?: Callback): Promise; recent(callback?: Callback): Promise; select(callback?: Callback): Query; // TODO:use a typed pluck to turn `fields` into a subset of T's fields so that the output is slimmed down appropriately select(fields?: {[P in keyof T]: boolean} | Array<(keyof T)> | (keyof T), callback?: Callback>>): Query>>; } export interface FindOptions { limit?: number; offset?: number; skip?: number; } export interface UpdatedRecordsInfo { latestDateCovered: string; ids: string[]; } export interface ApprovalLayoutInfo { approvalLayouts: Object[]; } export interface CompactLayoutInfo { compactLayouts: Object[]; defaultCompactLayoutId: string; recordTypeCompactLayoutMappings: Object[]; } export interface DeletedRecordsInfo { earliestDateAvailable: string; latestDateCovered: string; deletedRecords: DeletedRecord[]; } export interface DeletedRecord { id: string, deletedDate: string, } export interface LayoutInfo { layouts: Object[]; recordTypeMappings: Object[]; } export class ListView { constructor(connection: Connection, type: string, id: SalesforceId) } export class ListViewsInfo { } // TODO: Remove this export export { QuickAction } // for compatibility if anyone had imported it from this file