import "karma"; import { Store } from "istanbul"; declare module "karma" { interface ConfigOptions { /** * {@link } */ coverageReporter?: KarmaCoverageReporter & { reporters?: KarmaCoverageReporter[] | undefined } | undefined; } /** Reporter type */ type ReporterType = | "html" | "lcov" | "lcovonly" | "text" | "text-summary" | "cobertura" | "teamcity" | "json" | "json-summary" | "in-memory" | "none"; interface Reporter { type: ReporterType; dir?: string | undefined; subdir?: string | ((browser: string) => string) | undefined; file?: string | undefined; } interface CheckTresholds { global?: Tresholds | undefined; each?: Tresholds | undefined; } interface Tresholds { statements?: number | undefined; branches?: number | undefined; functions?: number | undefined; lines?: number | undefined; excludes?: string[] | undefined; overrides?: Record | undefined; } interface Watermarks { statements?: [number, number] | undefined; functions?: [number, number] | undefined; branches?: [number, number] | undefined; lines?: [number, number] | undefined; } interface KarmaCoverageReporter { /** Specify a reporter type */ type?: ReporterType | undefined; /** This will be used to output coverage reports. When you set a relative path, the directory is resolved against the basePath. */ dir?: string | undefined; /** This will be used in complement of the coverageReporter.dir option to generate the full output directory path */ subdir?: string | ((browser: string) => string) | undefined; /** If you use one of these reporters, `cobertura`, `lcovonly`, `teamcity`, `text` or `text-summary`, you may set the file option to specify the output file */ file?: string | undefined; /** This will be used to configure minimum threshold enforcement for coverage results */ check?: CheckTresholds | undefined; /** This will be used to set the coverage threshold colors */ watermarks?: Watermarks | undefined; /** * You can opt to include all sources files, as indicated by the coverage preprocessor, * in your code coverage data, even if there are no tests covering them */ includeAllSources?: boolean | undefined; /** You can opt to specify a source store allowing for external coverage collectors access to the instrumented code. */ sourceStore?: Store | undefined; /** You can use multiple reporters, by providing array of options */ reporters?: Reporter[] | undefined; /** * Karma-coverage can infers the instrumenter regarding of the file extension. * It is possible to override this behavior and point out an instrumenter * for the files matching a specific pattern. */ instrumenter?: { [key: string]: string; } | undefined; instrumenters?: Record | undefined; instrumenterOptions?: Record> | undefined; /** * If set to true, then CoffeeScript files instrumented with Ibrik will use * the .js extension for the transpiled source (without this option, * the JavaScript files will keep the original .coffee extension) */ useJSExtensionForCoffeeScript?: boolean | undefined; [moreSettings: string]: unknown; } }