import * as Koa from "koa"; export = cors; /** * CORS middleware factory. * @param options - Configuration options. * @returns cors middleware */ declare function cors(options?: cors.Options): Koa.Middleware; declare namespace cors { /** * Middleware configuration options. */ interface Options { /** * `Access-Control-Allow-Origin`, default is '*' * * @remarks * If `credentials` set and return `true`, the `origin` default value will set to the request `Origin` header * * @remarks * If a function is provided, it will be called for each request with * the koa context object. It may return a string or a promise that * will resolve with a string. */ origin?: ((ctx: Koa.Context) => string) | ((ctx: Koa.Context) => PromiseLike) | string | undefined; /** * `Access-Control-Allow-Methods`, default is * 'GET,HEAD,PUT,POST,DELETE,PATCH' */ allowMethods?: string[] | string | undefined; /** * `Access-Control-Expose-Headers` */ exposeHeaders?: string[] | string | undefined; /** * `Access-Control-Allow-Headers` */ allowHeaders?: string[] | string | undefined; /** * `Access-Control-Max-Age` in seconds */ maxAge?: number | string | undefined; /** * `Access-Control-Allow-Credentials` * * @remarks * If a function is provided, it will be called for each request with * the koa context object. It may return a boolean or a promise that * will resolve with a boolean. */ credentials?: | ((ctx: Koa.Context) => boolean) | ((ctx: Koa.Context) => PromiseLike) | boolean | undefined; /** * Add set headers to `err.header` if an error is thrown */ keepHeadersOnError?: boolean | undefined; /** * Add `Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy` & `Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy` to response headers, default is `false` * * @see */ secureContext?: boolean | undefined; /** * Handle `Access-Control-Request-Private-Network` request by return `Access-Control-Allow-Private-Network`, default is `false` * * @see */ privateNetworkAccess?: boolean | undefined; } }