/** * For launching local browsers. The callback will be given a Launcher to * perform the actual launching. */ export function local(cb: (err: any, localBrowsers: Launcher) => void): void; export namespace local { export const platform: { chrome?: BrowserPlatformDetails | undefined; chromium?: BrowserPlatformDetails | undefined; canary?: BrowserPlatformDetails | undefined; firefox?: BrowserPlatformDetails | undefined; aurora?: BrowserPlatformDetails | undefined; opera?: BrowserPlatformDetails | undefined; ie?: BrowserPlatformDetails | undefined; edge?: BrowserPlatformDetails | undefined; safari?: BrowserPlatformDetails | undefined; phantom?: BrowserPlatformDetails | undefined; nodeWebkit?: BrowserPlatformDetails | undefined; }; } interface BrowserstackAuth { username: string; password: string; } export function browserstack( authCreds: BrowserstackAuth, cb: (err: any, browserstack: Launcher) => void, ): void; interface BrowserPlatformDetails { pathQuery?: string | undefined; plistPath?: string | undefined; command?: string | undefined; process?: string | undefined; versionKey?: string | undefined; defaultLocation?: string | undefined; args?: string[] | undefined; opensTab?: boolean | undefined; multi?: boolean | undefined; getCommand?: ((browser: BrowserPlatformDetails, url: string, args: string[]) => string) | undefined; cwd?: string | undefined; imageName?: string | undefined; } interface LaunchOptions { browser: string; version?: string | undefined; } interface Launcher { (url: string, options: LaunchOptions, callback: (err: any, instance: Instance) => void): void; browsers(cb: (error: any, browsers?: Browser[]) => void): void; chrome: BrowserFunction; chromium: BrowserFunction; canary: BrowserFunction; firefox: BrowserFunction; aurora: BrowserFunction; opera: BrowserFunction; ie: BrowserFunction; edge: BrowserFunction; safari: BrowserFunction; phantom: BrowserFunction; nodeWebkit: BrowserFunction; } interface Browser { name: string; version: string; binPath: string; } interface BrowserFunction { (url: string, callback: (err: any, instance: Instance) => void): void; } export interface Instance { id: string; stop(cb: (err: any) => void): void; status(cb: (err: any, status: any) => void): void; addListener(event: string, listener: Function): this; on(event: string, listener: Function): this; once(event: string, listener: Function): this; removeListener(event: string, listener: Function): this; removeAllListeners(event?: string): this; setMaxListeners(n: number): void; listeners(event: string): Function[]; emit(event: string, ...args: any[]): boolean; }