// Type definitions for lazypipe // Project: https://github.com/OverZealous/lazypipe // Definitions by: Thomas Corbière // Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped /// interface IPipelineBuilder { /** * Returns a stream where all the internal steps are processed sequentially * and the final result is passed on. */ (): NodeJS.ReadWriteStream; /** * Creates a new lazy pipeline with all the previous steps, and the new step added to the end. * @param fn A stream creation function to call when the pipeline is created later. * @param args Any remaining arguments are saved and passed into fn when the pipeline is created. */ pipe(fn: Function, ...args: any[]): IPipelineBuilder; } /** * Initializes a lazypipe. */ declare function lazypipe(): IPipelineBuilder; export = lazypipe;