import _ = require("../index"); declare module "../index" { interface LoDashStatic { /** * Checks if predicate returns truthy for all elements of collection. Iteration is stopped once predicate * returns falsey. The predicate is invoked with three arguments: (value, index|key, collection). * * @param collection The collection to iterate over. * @param predicate The function invoked per iteration. * @return Returns true if all elements pass the predicate check, else false. */ every( collection: List | null | undefined, predicate?: ListIterateeCustom ): boolean; /** * @see _.every */ every( collection: NumericDictionary | null | undefined, predicate?: NumericDictionaryIterateeCustom ): boolean; /** * @see _.every */ every( collection: T | null | undefined, predicate?: ObjectIterateeCustom ): boolean; } interface LoDashImplicitWrapper { /** * @see _.every */ every( this: LoDashImplicitWrapper | null | undefined>, predicate?: ListIterateeCustom ): boolean; /** * @see _.every */ every( this: LoDashImplicitWrapper, predicate?: ObjectIterateeCustom ): boolean; /** * @see _.every */ every( this: LoDashImplicitWrapper | null | undefined>, predicate?: NumericDictionaryIterateeCustom ): boolean; } interface LoDashExplicitWrapper { /** * @see _.every */ every( this: LoDashExplicitWrapper | null | undefined>, predicate?: ListIterateeCustom ): LoDashExplicitWrapper; /** * @see _.every */ every( this: LoDashExplicitWrapper, predicate?: ObjectIterateeCustom ): LoDashExplicitWrapper; /** * @see _.every */ every( this: LoDashExplicitWrapper | null | undefined>, predicate?: NumericDictionaryIterateeCustom ): LoDashExplicitWrapper; } }