/** * Names of clock methods that may be faked by install. */ type FakeMethod = | "setTimeout" | "clearTimeout" | "setImmediate" | "clearImmediate" | "setInterval" | "clearInterval" | "Date" | "nextTick" | "hrtime" | "requestAnimationFrame" | "cancelAnimationFrame" | "requestIdleCallback" | "cancelIdleCallback"; /** * Global methods avaliable to every clock and also as standalone methods (inside `timers` global object). */ export interface GlobalTimers { /** * Schedules a callback to be fired once timeout milliseconds have ticked by. * * @param callback Callback to be fired. * @param timeout How many ticks to wait to run the callback. * @param args Any extra arguments to pass to the callback. * @returns Time identifier for cancellation. */ setTimeout: (callback: () => void, timeout: number, ...args: any[]) => TTimerId; /** * Clears a timer, as long as it was created using setTimeout. * * @param id Timer ID or object. */ clearTimeout: (id: TimerId) => void; /** * Schedules a callback to be fired every time timeout milliseconds have ticked by. * * @param callback Callback to be fired. * @param timeout How many ticks to wait between callbacks. * @param args Any extra arguments to pass to the callback. * @returns Time identifier for cancellation. */ setInterval: (callback: () => void, timeout: number, ...args: any[]) => TTimerId; /** * Clears a timer, as long as it was created using setInterval. * * @param id Timer ID or object. */ clearInterval: (id: TTimerId) => void; /** * Schedules the callback to be fired once 0 milliseconds have ticked by. * * @param callback Callback to be fired. * @remarks You'll still have to call clock.tick() for the callback to fire. * @remarks If called during a tick the callback won't fire until 1 millisecond has ticked by. */ setImmediate: (callback: () => void) => TTimerId; /** * Clears a timer, as long as it was created using setImmediate. * * @param id Timer ID or object. */ clearImmediate: (id: TTimerId) => void; /** * Implements the Date object but using this clock to provide the correct time. */ Date: typeof Date; } /** * Timer object used in node. */ export interface NodeTimer { /** * Stub method call. Does nothing. */ ref(): void; /** * Stub method call. Does nothing. */ unref(): void; } /** * Timer identifier for clock scheduling. */ export type TimerId = number | NodeTimer; /** * Controls the flow of time. */ export interface LolexClock extends GlobalTimers { /** * Current clock time. */ now: number; /** * Don't know what this prop is for, but it was included in the clocks that `createClock` or * `install` return (it is never used in the code, for now). */ timeouts: {}; /** * Maximum number of timers that will be run when calling runAll(). */ loopLimit: number; /** * Schedule callback to run in the next animation frame. * * @param callback Callback to be fired. * @returns Request id. */ requestAnimationFrame: (callback: (time: number) => void) => TTimerId; /** * Cancel animation frame request. * * @param id The id returned from requestAnimationFrame method. */ cancelAnimationFrame: (id: TTimerId) => void; /** * Queues the callback to be fired during idle periods to perform background and low priority work on the main event loop. * * @param callback Callback to be fired. * @param timeout The maximum number of ticks before the callback must be fired. * @remarks Callbacks which have a timeout option will be fired no later than time in milliseconds. */ requestIdleCallback: (callback: () => void, timeout?: number) => TTimerId; /** * Clears a timer, as long as it was created using requestIdleCallback. * * @param id Timer ID or object. */ cancelIdleCallback: (id: TTimerId) => void; /** * Get the number of waiting timers. * * @returns number of waiting timers. */ countTimers: () => number; /** * Advances the clock to the the moment of the first scheduled timer, firing it. */ next: () => void; /** * Advances the clock to the the moment of the first scheduled timer, firing it. * * Also breaks the event loop, allowing any scheduled promise callbacks to execute _before_ running the timers. */ nextAsync: () => Promise; /** * Advance the clock, firing callbacks if necessary. * * @param time How many ticks to advance by. */ tick: (time: number | string) => void; /** * Advance the clock, firing callbacks if necessary. * * Also breaks the event loop, allowing any scheduled promise callbacks to execute _before_ running the timers. * * @param time How many ticks to advance by. */ tickAsync: (time: number | string) => Promise; /** * Removes all timers and tick without firing them and restore now to its original value. */ reset: () => void; /** * Runs all pending timers until there are none remaining. * * @remarks If new timers are added while it is executing they will be run as well. */ runAll: () => void; /** * Runs all pending timers until there are none remaining. * * Also breaks the event loop, allowing any scheduled promise callbacks to execute _before_ running the timers. * * @remarks If new timers are added while it is executing they will be run as well. */ runAllAsync: () => Promise; /** * Advanced the clock to the next animation frame while firing all scheduled callbacks. */ runToFrame: () => void; /** * Takes note of the last scheduled timer when it is run, and advances the clock to * that time firing callbacks as necessary. */ runToLast: () => void; /** * Takes note of the last scheduled timer when it is run, and advances the clock to * that time firing callbacks as necessary. * * Also breaks the event loop, allowing any scheduled promise callbacks to execute _before_ running the timers. */ runToLastAsync: () => Promise; /** * Simulates a user changing the system clock. * * @param now New system time. * @remarks This affects the current time but it does not in itself cause timers to fire. */ setSystemTime: (now?: number | Date) => void; } /** * Lolex clock for a browser environment. */ type BrowserClock = LolexClock & { /** * Mimics performance.now(). */ performance: { now: () => number; }; }; /** * Lolex clock for a Node environment. */ type NodeClock = LolexClock & { /** * Mimicks process.hrtime(). * * @param prevTime Previous system time to calculate time elapsed. * @returns High resolution real time as [seconds, nanoseconds]. */ hrtime(prevTime?: [number, number]): [number, number]; /** * Mimics process.nextTick() explicitly dropping additional arguments. */ queueMicrotask: (callback: () => void) => void; /** * Simulates process.nextTick(). */ nextTick: (callback: () => void) => void; /** * Run all pending microtasks scheduled with nextTick. */ runMicrotasks: () => void; }; /** * Clock object created by lolex. */ type Clock = BrowserClock | NodeClock; /** * Additional methods that installed clock have. */ type InstalledMethods = { /** * Restores the original methods on the context that was passed to lolex.install, * or the native timers if no context was given. */ uninstall: () => void; methods: FakeMethod[]; }; /** * Clock object created by calling `install();`. * * @typeparam {TClock} type of base clock (e.g BrowserClock). */ type InstalledClock = TClock & InstalledMethods; /** * Creates a clock. * * @param now Current time for the clock. * @param loopLimit Maximum number of timers that will be run when calling runAll() * before assuming that we have an infinite loop and throwing an error * (by default, 1000). * @typeparam {TClock} Type of clock to create. * @remarks The default epoch is 0. */ export declare function createClock(now?: number | Date, loopLimit?: number): TClock; export interface LolexInstallOpts { /** * Installs lolex onto the specified target context (default: global) */ target?: any; /** * Installs lolex with the specified unix epoch (default: 0) */ now?: number | Date | undefined; /** * An array with explicit function names to hijack. When not set, lolex will automatically fake all methods except nextTick * e.g., lolex.install({ toFake: ["setTimeout", "nextTick"]}) will fake only setTimeout and nextTick */ toFake?: FakeMethod[] | undefined; /** * The maximum number of timers that will be run when calling runAll() (default: 1000) */ loopLimit?: number | undefined; /** * Tells lolex to increment mocked time automatically based on the real system time shift (e.g. the mocked time will be incremented by * 20ms for every 20ms change in the real system time) (default: false) */ shouldAdvanceTime?: boolean | undefined; /** * Relevant only when using with shouldAdvanceTime: true. increment mocked time by advanceTimeDelta ms every advanceTimeDelta ms change * in the real system time (default: 20) */ advanceTimeDelta?: number | undefined; } /** * Creates a clock and installs it globally. * * @param now Current time for the clock, as with lolex.createClock(). * @param toFake Names of methods that should be faked. * @typeparam {TClock} Type of clock to create. */ export declare function install(opts?: LolexInstallOpts): InstalledClock; export interface LolexWithContext { timers: GlobalTimers; createClock: (now?: number | Date, loopLimit?: number) => TClock; install: (opts?: LolexInstallOpts) => InstalledClock; withGlobal: (global: Object) => LolexWithContext; } /** * Apply new context to lolex. * * @param global New context to apply like `window` (in browsers) or `global` (in node). */ export declare function withGlobal(global: Object): LolexWithContext; export declare const timers: GlobalTimers;