export type DateTimeFormatOptions = Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions; export interface ZoneOptions { /** * If true, adjust the underlying time so that the local time stays the same, but in the target zone. * You should rarely need this. * Defaults to false. */ keepLocalTime?: boolean | undefined; /** * @deprecated since 0.2.12. Use keepLocalTime instead */ keepCalendarTime?: boolean | undefined; } /** @deprecated */ export type EraLength = StringUnitLength; export type NumberingSystem = Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions extends { numberingSystem?: infer T } ? T : | 'arab' | 'arabext' | 'bali' | 'beng' | 'deva' | 'fullwide' | 'gujr' | 'guru' | 'hanidec' | 'khmr' | 'knda' | 'laoo' | 'latn' | 'limb' | 'mlym' | 'mong' | 'mymr' | 'orya' | 'tamldec' | 'telu' | 'thai' | 'tibt'; export type CalendarSystem = Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions extends { calendar?: infer T } ? T : | 'buddhist' | 'chinese' | 'coptic' | 'ethioaa' | 'ethiopic' | 'gregory' | 'hebrew' | 'indian' | 'islamic' | 'islamicc' | 'iso8601' | 'japanese' | 'persian' | 'roc'; export type HourCycle = 'h11' | 'h12' | 'h23' | 'h24'; export type StringUnitLength = 'narrow' | 'short' | 'long'; export type NumberUnitLength = 'numeric' | '2-digit'; export type UnitLength = StringUnitLength | NumberUnitLength;