// Type definitions for Marked 4.0 // Project: https://github.com/markedjs/marked, https://marked.js.org // Definitions by: William Orr // BendingBender // CrossR // Mike Wickett // Hitomi Hatsukaze // Ezra Celli // Romain LE BARO // Sarun Intaralawan // Tony Brix // Anatolii Titov // Jean-Francois Cere // Mykhaylo Stolyarchuk // Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped /** * Compiles markdown to HTML asynchronously. * * @param src String of markdown source to be compiled * @param options Hash of options, having async: true * @return Promise of string of compiled HTML */ export function marked(src: string, options: marked.MarkedOptions & {async: true}): Promise; /** * Compiles markdown to HTML synchronously. * * @param src String of markdown source to be compiled * @param options Optional hash of options * @return String of compiled HTML */ export function marked(src: string, options?: marked.MarkedOptions): string; /** * Compiles markdown to HTML asynchronously with a callback. * * @param src String of markdown source to be compiled * @param callback Function called when the markdownString has been fully parsed when using async highlighting */ export function marked(src: string, callback: (error: any, parseResult: string) => void): void; /** * Compiles markdown to HTML asynchronously with a callback. * * @param src String of markdown source to be compiled * @param options Hash of options * @param callback Function called when the markdownString has been fully parsed when using async highlighting */ export function marked( src: string, options: marked.MarkedOptions, callback: (error: any, parseResult: string) => void, ): void; export class Lexer extends marked.Lexer {} export class Parser extends marked.Parser {} export class Tokenizer extends marked.Tokenizer {} export class Renderer extends marked.Renderer {} export class TextRenderer extends marked.TextRenderer {} export class Slugger extends marked.Slugger {} export namespace marked { const defaults: MarkedOptions; /** * @param src String of markdown source to be compiled * @param options Hash of options */ function lexer(src: string, options?: MarkedOptions): TokensList; /** * Compiles markdown to HTML. * * @param src String of markdown source to be compiled * @param callback Function called when the markdownString has been fully parsed when using async highlighting * @return String of compiled HTML */ function parse(src: string, callback: (error: any, parseResult: string) => void): void; /** * Compiles markdown to HTML asynchronously. * * @param src String of markdown source to be compiled * @param options Hash of options having async: true * @return Promise of string of compiled HTML */ function parse(src: string, options: MarkedOptions & {async: true}): Promise; /** * Compiles markdown to HTML synchronously. * * @param src String of markdown source to be compiled * @param options Optional hash of options * @return String of compiled HTML */ function parse(src: string, options?: MarkedOptions): string; /** * Compiles markdown to HTML synchronously. * * @param src String of markdown source to be compiled * @param options Optional hash of options * @param callback Function called when the markdownString has been fully parsed when using async highlighting * @return String of compiled HTML */ function parse(src: string, options: MarkedOptions, callback: (error: any, parseResult: string) => void): void; /** * @param src Tokenized source as array of tokens * @param options Hash of options */ function parser(src: Token[] | TokensList, options?: MarkedOptions): string; /** * Compiles markdown to HTML without enclosing `p` tag. * * @param src String of markdown source to be compiled * @param options Hash of options * @return String of compiled HTML */ function parseInline(src: string, options?: MarkedOptions): string; /** * Sets the default options. * * @param options Hash of options */ function options(options: MarkedOptions): typeof marked; /** * Sets the default options. * * @param options Hash of options */ function setOptions(options: MarkedOptions): typeof marked; /** * Gets the original marked default options. */ function getDefaults(): MarkedOptions; function walkTokens(tokens: Token[] | TokensList, callback: (token: Token) => void): typeof marked; /** * Use Extension * @param MarkedExtension */ function use(...extensions: MarkedExtension[]): void; class Tokenizer { constructor(options?: MarkedOptions); options: MarkedOptions; space(this: Tokenizer & TokenizerThis, src: string): Tokens.Space | T; code(this: Tokenizer & TokenizerThis, src: string): Tokens.Code | T; fences(this: Tokenizer & TokenizerThis, src: string): Tokens.Code | T; heading(this: Tokenizer & TokenizerThis, src: string): Tokens.Heading | T; hr(this: Tokenizer & TokenizerThis, src: string): Tokens.Hr | T; blockquote(this: Tokenizer & TokenizerThis, src: string): Tokens.Blockquote | T; list(this: Tokenizer & TokenizerThis, src: string): Tokens.List | T; html(this: Tokenizer & TokenizerThis, src: string): Tokens.HTML | T; def(this: Tokenizer & TokenizerThis, src: string): Tokens.Def | T; table(this: Tokenizer & TokenizerThis, src: string): Tokens.Table | T; lheading(this: Tokenizer & TokenizerThis, src: string): Tokens.Heading | T; paragraph(this: Tokenizer & TokenizerThis, src: string): Tokens.Paragraph | T; text(this: Tokenizer & TokenizerThis, src: string): Tokens.Text | T; escape(this: Tokenizer & TokenizerThis, src: string): Tokens.Escape | T; tag(this: Tokenizer & TokenizerThis, src: string): Tokens.Tag | T; link(this: Tokenizer & TokenizerThis, src: string): Tokens.Image | Tokens.Link | T; reflink( this: Tokenizer & TokenizerThis, src: string, links: Tokens.Link[] | Tokens.Image[], ): Tokens.Link | Tokens.Image | Tokens.Text | T; emStrong( this: Tokenizer & TokenizerThis, src: string, maskedSrc: string, prevChar: string, ): Tokens.Em | Tokens.Strong | T; codespan(this: Tokenizer & TokenizerThis, src: string): Tokens.Codespan | T; br(this: Tokenizer & TokenizerThis, src: string): Tokens.Br | T; del(this: Tokenizer & TokenizerThis, src: string): Tokens.Del | T; autolink(this: Tokenizer & TokenizerThis, src: string, mangle: (cap: string) => string): Tokens.Link | T; url(this: Tokenizer & TokenizerThis, src: string, mangle: (cap: string) => string): Tokens.Link | T; inlineText(this: Tokenizer & TokenizerThis, src: string, smartypants: (cap: string) => string): Tokens.Text | T; } type TokenizerObject = Partial, 'constructor' | 'options'>>; class Renderer { constructor(options?: MarkedOptions); options: MarkedOptions; code(this: Renderer | RendererThis, code: string, language: string | undefined, isEscaped: boolean): string | T; blockquote(this: Renderer | RendererThis, quote: string): string | T; html(this: Renderer | RendererThis, html: string): string | T; heading( this: Renderer | RendererThis, text: string, level: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6, raw: string, slugger: Slugger, ): string | T; hr(this: Renderer | RendererThis): string | T; list(this: Renderer | RendererThis, body: string, ordered: boolean, start: number): string | T; listitem(this: Renderer | RendererThis, text: string, task: boolean, checked: boolean): string | T; checkbox(this: Renderer | RendererThis, checked: boolean): string | T; paragraph(this: Renderer | RendererThis, text: string): string | T; table(this: Renderer | RendererThis, header: string, body: string): string | T; tablerow(this: Renderer | RendererThis, content: string): string | T; tablecell( this: Renderer | RendererThis, content: string, flags: { header: boolean; align: 'center' | 'left' | 'right' | null; }, ): string | T; strong(this: Renderer | RendererThis, text: string): string | T; em(this: Renderer | RendererThis, text: string): string | T; codespan(this: Renderer | RendererThis, code: string): string | T; br(this: Renderer | RendererThis): string | T; del(this: Renderer | RendererThis, text: string): string | T; link(this: Renderer | RendererThis, href: string | null, title: string | null, text: string): string | T; image(this: Renderer | RendererThis, href: string | null, title: string | null, text: string): string | T; text(this: Renderer | RendererThis, text: string): string | T; } type RendererObject = Partial, 'constructor' | 'options'>>; class TextRenderer { strong(text: string): string; em(text: string): string; codespan(text: string): string; del(text: string): string; text(text: string): string; link(href: string | null, title: string | null, text: string): string; image(href: string | null, title: string | null, text: string): string; br(): string; html(text: string): string; } class Parser { constructor(options?: MarkedOptions); tokens: Token[] | TokensList; token: Token | null; options: MarkedOptions; renderer: Renderer; textRenderer: TextRenderer; slugger: Slugger; static parse(src: Token[] | TokensList, options?: MarkedOptions): string; static parseInline(src: Token[], options?: MarkedOptions): string; parse(src: Token[] | TokensList): string; parseInline(src: Token[], renderer?: Renderer): string; next(): Token; } class Lexer { constructor(options?: MarkedOptions); tokens: TokensList; options: MarkedOptions; rules: Rules; static rules: Rules; static lex(src: string, options?: MarkedOptions): TokensList; static lexInline(src: string, options?: MarkedOptions): Token[]; lex(src: string): TokensList; blockTokens(src: string, tokens: Token[]): Token[]; blockTokens(src: string, tokens: TokensList): TokensList; inline(src: string, tokens?: Token[]): Token[]; inlineTokens(src: string, tokens?: Token[]): Token[]; state: { inLink: boolean; inRawBlock: boolean; top: boolean; }; } class Slugger { seen: { [slugValue: string]: number }; slug(value: string, options?: SluggerOptions): string; } interface SluggerOptions { dryrun: boolean; } interface Rules { [ruleName: string]: RegExp | Rules; } type TokensList = Token[] & { links: { [key: string]: { href: string | null; title: string | null }; }; }; type Token = | Tokens.Space | Tokens.Code | Tokens.Heading | Tokens.Table | Tokens.Hr | Tokens.Blockquote | Tokens.List | Tokens.ListItem | Tokens.Paragraph | Tokens.HTML | Tokens.Text | Tokens.Def | Tokens.Escape | Tokens.Tag | Tokens.Image | Tokens.Link | Tokens.Strong | Tokens.Em | Tokens.Codespan | Tokens.Br | Tokens.Del; namespace Tokens { interface Space { type: 'space'; raw: string; } interface Code { type: 'code'; raw: string; codeBlockStyle?: 'indented' | undefined; lang?: string | undefined; text: string; } interface Heading { type: 'heading'; raw: string; depth: number; text: string; tokens: Token[]; } interface Table { type: 'table'; raw: string; align: Array<'center' | 'left' | 'right' | null>; header: TableCell[]; rows: TableCell[][]; } interface TableCell { text: string; tokens: Token[]; } interface Hr { type: 'hr'; raw: string; } interface Blockquote { type: 'blockquote'; raw: string; text: string; tokens: Token[]; } interface List { type: 'list'; raw: string; ordered: boolean; start: number | ''; loose: boolean; items: ListItem[]; } interface ListItem { type: 'list_item'; raw: string; task: boolean; checked?: boolean | undefined; loose: boolean; text: string; tokens: Token[]; } interface Paragraph { type: 'paragraph'; raw: string; pre?: boolean | undefined; text: string; tokens: Token[]; } interface HTML { type: 'html'; raw: string; pre: boolean; text: string; } interface Text { type: 'text'; raw: string; text: string; tokens?: Token[] | undefined; } interface Def { type: 'def'; raw: string; tag: string; href: string; title: string; } interface Escape { type: 'escape'; raw: string; text: string; } interface Tag { type: 'text' | 'html'; raw: string; inLink: boolean; inRawBlock: boolean; text: string; } interface Link { type: 'link'; raw: string; href: string; title: string; text: string; tokens: Token[]; } interface Image { type: 'image'; raw: string; href: string; title: string; text: string; } interface Strong { type: 'strong'; raw: string; text: string; tokens: Token[]; } interface Em { type: 'em'; raw: string; text: string; tokens: Token[]; } interface Codespan { type: 'codespan'; raw: string; text: string; } interface Br { type: 'br'; raw: string; } interface Del { type: 'del'; raw: string; text: string; tokens: Token[]; } interface Generic { [index: string]: any; type: string; raw: string; tokens?: Token[] | undefined; } } interface TokenizerThis { lexer: Lexer; } interface TokenizerExtension { name: string; level: 'block' | 'inline'; start?: ((this: TokenizerThis, src: string) => number | void) | undefined; tokenizer: (this: TokenizerThis, src: string, tokens: Token[] | TokensList) => Tokens.Generic | void; childTokens?: string[] | undefined; } interface RendererThis { parser: Parser; } interface RendererExtension { name: string; renderer: (this: RendererThis, token: Tokens.Generic) => string | false; } type TokenizerAndRendererExtension = TokenizerExtension | RendererExtension | (TokenizerExtension & RendererExtension); interface MarkedExtension { /** * True will tell marked to await any walkTokens functions before parsing the tokens and returning an HTML string. */ async?: boolean; /** * A prefix URL for any relative link. */ baseUrl?: string | undefined; /** * Enable GFM line breaks. This option requires the gfm option to be true. */ breaks?: boolean | undefined; /** * Add tokenizers and renderers to marked */ extensions?: | TokenizerAndRendererExtension[] | undefined; /** * Enable GitHub flavored markdown. */ gfm?: boolean | undefined; /** * Include an id attribute when emitting headings. */ headerIds?: boolean | undefined; /** * Set the prefix for header tag ids. */ headerPrefix?: string | undefined; /** * A function to highlight code blocks. The function can either be * synchronous (returning a string) or asynchronous (callback invoked * with an error if any occurred during highlighting and a string * if highlighting was successful) */ highlight?(code: string, lang: string, callback?: (error: any, code?: string) => void): string | void; /** * Set the prefix for code block classes. */ langPrefix?: string | undefined; /** * Mangle autolinks (). */ mangle?: boolean | undefined; /** * Conform to obscure parts of markdown.pl as much as possible. Don't fix any of the original markdown bugs or poor behavior. */ pedantic?: boolean | undefined; /** * Type: object Default: new Renderer() * * An object containing functions to render tokens to HTML. */ renderer?: Renderer | RendererObject | undefined; /** * Sanitize the output. Ignore any HTML that has been input. */ sanitize?: boolean | undefined; /** * Optionally sanitize found HTML with a sanitizer function. */ sanitizer?(html: string): string; /** * Shows an HTML error message when rendering fails. */ silent?: boolean | undefined; /** * Use smarter list behavior than the original markdown. May eventually be default with the old behavior moved into pedantic. */ smartLists?: boolean | undefined; /** * Use "smart" typograhic punctuation for things like quotes and dashes. */ smartypants?: boolean | undefined; /** * The tokenizer defines how to turn markdown text into tokens. */ tokenizer?: Tokenizer | TokenizerObject | undefined; /** * The walkTokens function gets called with every token. * Child tokens are called before moving on to sibling tokens. * Each token is passed by reference so updates are persisted when passed to the parser. * The return value of the function is ignored. */ walkTokens?: ((token: Token) => void) | undefined; /** * Generate closing slash for self-closing tags (
instead of
) */ xhtml?: boolean | undefined; } interface MarkedOptions extends Omit { /** * Type: object Default: new Renderer() * * An object containing functions to render tokens to HTML. */ renderer?: Renderer | undefined; /** * The tokenizer defines how to turn markdown text into tokens. */ tokenizer?: Tokenizer | undefined; } }