// Type definitions for nightwatch 2.3 // Project: http://nightwatchjs.org // Definitions by: Rahul Kavalapara // Connor Schlesiger // Clayton Astrom // Lukas Beranek // Vaibhav Singh // Andrei Rusu // David Burns // Ravi Sawlani // Binayak Ghosh // Harshit Agrawal // David Mello // Luke Bickell // Priyansh Garg // Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped // TypeScript Version: 4.5 // Nightwatch Version: 2.3.0 import { WebElement, By, RelativeBy, Actions } from 'selenium-webdriver'; import { Protocol } from 'devtools-protocol'; import { Expect } from './expect'; export * from './globals'; export * from './expect'; export const ELEMENT_KEY = 'element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf'; export interface ElementResult { [ELEMENT_KEY]: string; } export interface JSON_WEB_OBJECT extends ElementResult { getId: () => string; } export type Definition = string | ElementProperties | Element | RelativeBy; export type Awaitable = Omit & PromiseLike; export interface ChromePerfLoggingPrefs { /** * Default: true. Whether or not to collect events from Network domain. */ enableNetwork?: boolean | undefined; /** * Default: true. Whether or not to collect events from Page domain. */ enablePage?: boolean | undefined; /** * A comma-separated string of Chrome tracing categories for which trace events should be collected. * An unspecified or empty string disables tracing. */ traceCategories?: string | undefined; /** * Default: 1000. The requested number of milliseconds between DevTools trace buffer usage events. For example, if 1000, * then once per second, DevTools will report how full the trace buffer is. If a report indicates the buffer usage is 100%, * a warning will be issued. */ bufferUsageReportingInterval?: number | undefined; } export interface ChromeOptions { /** * List of command-line arguments to use when starting Chrome. Arguments with an associated value should be separated by a '=' sign * (e.g., ['start-maximized', 'user-data-dir=/tmp/temp_profile']). */ args?: string[] | undefined; /** * Path to the Chrome executable to use (on Mac OS X, this should be the actual binary, not just the app. e.g., * '/Applications/Google Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome') */ binary?: string | undefined; /** * A list of Chrome extensions to install on startup. Each item in the list should be a base-64 encoded packed Chrome extension (.crx) */ extensions?: string[] | undefined; /** * A dictionary with each entry consisting of the name of the preference and its value. These preferences are applied * to the Local State file in the user data folder. */ localState?: Record | undefined; /** * A dictionary with each entry consisting of the name of the preference and its value. These preferences are only applied * to the user profile in use. */ prefs?: Record | undefined; /** * Default: false. If false, Chrome will be quit when ChromeDriver is killed, regardless of whether the session is quit. * If true, Chrome will only be quit if the session is quit (or closed). Note, if true, and the session is not quit, * ChromeDriver cannot clean up the temporary user data directory that the running Chrome instance is using. */ detach?: boolean | undefined; /** * An address of a Chrome debugger server to connect to, in the form of , e.g. '' */ debuggerAddress?: string | undefined; /** * List of Chrome command line switches to exclude that ChromeDriver by default passes when starting Chrome. * Do not prefix switches with --. */ excludeSwitches?: string[] | undefined; /** * Directory to store Chrome minidumps . (Supported only on Linux.) */ minidumpPath?: string | undefined; /** * A dictionary with either a value for “deviceName,” or values for “deviceMetrics” and “userAgent.” Refer to Mobile Emulation for more information. */ mobileEmulation?: Record | undefined; /** * An optional dictionary that specifies performance logging preferences. See below for more information. */ perfLoggingPrefs?: ChromePerfLoggingPrefs | undefined; /** * A list of window types that will appear in the list of window handles. For access to elements, include "webview" in this list. */ windowTypes?: string[] | undefined; } // TODO: visit later export interface NightwatchDesiredCapabilities { /** * The name of the browser being used; examples: {chrome|firefox|safari|edge|internet explorer|android|iPhone|iPad|opera|brave}. */ browserName?: string | null; /** * The browser version, or the empty string if unknown. */ version?: string | undefined; /** * A key specifying which platform the browser should be running on. This value should be one of {WINDOWS|XP|VISTA|MAC|LINUX|UNIX|ANDROID}. * When requesting a new session, the client may specify ANY to indicate any available platform may be used. * For more information see [GridPlatforms (https://code.google.com/p/selenium/wiki/GridPlatforms)] */ platform?: string | undefined; /** * Whether the session supports taking screenshots of the current page. */ takesScreenShot?: boolean | undefined; /** * Whether the session can interact with modal popups, such as window.alert and window.confirm. */ handlesAlerts?: boolean | undefined; /** * Whether the session supports CSS selectors when searching for elements. */ cssSelectorsEnabled?: boolean | undefined; /** * Whether the session supports executing user supplied JavaScript in the context of the current page (only on HTMLUnitDriver). */ javascriptEnabled?: boolean | undefined; /** * Whether the session can interact with database storage. */ databaseEnabled?: boolean | undefined; /** * Whether the session can set and query the browser's location context. */ locationContextEnabled?: boolean | undefined; /** * Whether the session can interact with the application cache. */ applicationCacheEnabled?: boolean | undefined; /** * Whether the session can query for the browser's connectivity and disable it if desired. */ browserConnectionEnabled?: boolean | undefined; /** * Whether the session supports interactions with storage objects (http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/WD-webstorage-20091029/). */ webStorageEnabled?: boolean | undefined; /** * Whether the session should accept all SSL certs by default. */ acceptSslCerts?: boolean | undefined; /** * Whether the session can rotate the current page's current layout between portrait and landscape orientations (only applies to mobile platforms). */ rotatable?: boolean | undefined; /** * Whether the session is capable of generating native events when simulating user input. */ nativeEvents?: boolean | undefined; /** * What the browser should do with an unhandled alert before throwing out the UnhandledAlertException. Possible values are "accept", "dismiss" and "ignore" */ unexpectedAlertBehaviour?: string | undefined; /** * Allows the user to specify whether elements are scrolled into the viewport for interaction to align with the top (0) or bottom (1) of the viewport. * The default value is to align with the top of the viewport. Supported in IE and Firefox (since 2.36) */ elementScrollBehaviour?: number | undefined; /** * A JSON object describing the logging level of different components in the browser, the driver, or any intermediary WebDriver servers. * Available values for most loggers are "OFF", "SEVERE", "WARNING", "INFO", "CONFIG", "FINE", "FINER", "FINEST", "ALL". * This produces a JSON object looking something like: {"loggingPrefs": {"driver": "INFO", "server": "OFF", "browser": "FINE"}}. */ loggingPrefs?: | { browser?: string | undefined; driver?: string | undefined; server?: string | undefined; } | undefined; /** * This is a list of all the Chrome-specific desired capabilities. */ chromeOptions?: ChromeOptions | undefined; } export interface NightwatchScreenshotOptions { enabled?: boolean | undefined; filename_format: ({ testSuite, testCase, isError, dateObject, }?: { testSuite?: string; testCase?: string; isError?: boolean; dateObject?: Date; }) => string; on_failure?: boolean | undefined; on_error?: boolean | undefined; path?: string | undefined; } export interface NightwatchTestRunner { type?: string | undefined; options?: | { ui?: string | undefined; feature_path?: string | undefined; auto_start_session?: boolean | undefined; parallel?: number | undefined; reporter?: string | undefined; reporterOptions?: { [key: string]: any }; } | undefined; } export interface NightwatchTestWorker { enabled: boolean; workers: string | number; node_options?: string | string[] | undefined; } export interface TimeoutOptions { /** * @default 60000 */ timeout: number; /** * @default 0 */ retry_attempts: number; } export interface NightwatchOptions { /** * Location(s) where custom commands will be loaded from. */ custom_commands_path?: string | string[] | undefined; /** * Location(s) where custom assertions will be loaded from. */ custom_assertions_path?: string | string[] | undefined; /** * Location(s) where page object files will be loaded from. */ page_objects_path?: string | string[] | undefined; // An array specifying a list of Nightwatch plugin names that should be used; // e.g.: plugins: ['vite-plugin-nightwatch'] plugins: string[]; /** * Location of an external globals module which will be loaded and made available to the test as a property globals on the main client instance. * Globals can also be defined/overwritten inside a test_settings environment. */ globals_path?: string | undefined; /** * An object which will be made available on the main test api, throughout the test execution. */ globals?: NightwatchGlobals; /** * configuration settings for the dotenv module - a zero-dependency module that loads environment variables from a .env file into process.env. More details on https://www.npmjs.com/package/dotenv */ dotenv?: any; /** * persist the same globals object between runs or have a (deep) copy of it per each test; * this can be useful when persisting data between test suites is needed, such as a cookie or session information. * @default false */ persist_globals?: boolean | undefined; /** * The location where the JUnit XML report files will be saved. Set this to false if you want to disable XML reporting. */ output_folder?: string | undefined; /** * An array of folders (excluding subfolders) where the tests are located. */ src_folders: string | string[]; /** * Used when running in parallel to determine if the output should be collected and displayed at the end. */ live_output?: boolean | undefined; /** * disable support of loading of typescript files for backwards compatibility with test suites. */ disable_typescript: boolean | undefined; /** * Controls whether or not to disable coloring of the cli output globally. */ disable_colors?: boolean | undefined; /** * Used when running in parallel to specify the delay (in milliseconds) between starting the child processes */ parallel_process_delay?: number | undefined; /** * An object containing Selenium Server related configuration options. See below for details. */ selenium?: NightwatchSeleniumOptions | undefined; /** * Whether or not to automatically start the Selenium/WebDriver session. If running unit tests, this should be set tot false. * @default true */ start_process?: boolean | undefined; /** * End the session automatically when the test is being terminated, usually after a failed assertion. * @default true */ end_session_on_fail?: boolean | undefined; /** * Skip the remaining test cases from the current test suite, when one test case fails. */ skip_testcases_on_fail?: boolean | undefined; /** * Whether or not to run individual test files in parallel. If set to true, runs the tests in parallel and determines the number of workers automatically. * If set to an object, can specify specify the number of workers as "auto" or a number. Example: "test_workers" : {"enabled" : true, "workers" : "auto"} * @default false */ test_workers?: boolean | NightwatchTestWorker | undefined; /** * This object contains all the test related options. See below for details. */ test_settings: NightwatchTestSettings; /** * Specifies which test runner to use when running the tests. Values can be either default (built in nightwatch runner) or mocha. * Example: "test_runner" : {"type" : "mocha", "options" : {"ui" : "tdd"}} * @default 'default' */ test_runner?: string | NightwatchTestRunner | undefined; /** * Allows for webdriver config (mostly the same as selenium) */ webdriver?: | { /** * When this is enabled, the Webdriver server is run in background in a child process and started/stopped automatically. * Nightwatch includes support for managing Chromedriver, Geckodriver (Firefox), Safaridriver, and Selenium Server. Please refer to the Install Webdriver section for details. * @default false */ start_process: boolean; /** * Only useful if start_process is enabled. * @default none */ server_path: string; /** * Only needed when the Webdriver service is running on a different machine. */ host: string; /** * The port number on which the Webdriver service will listen and/or on which Nightwatch will attempt to connect. */ port: number; /** * Should be set to true if connecting to a remote (cloud) service via HTTPS. Also don't forget to set port to 443. */ ssl: boolean; /** * The location where the Webdriver service log file output.log file will be placed. Defaults to current directory. * To disable Webdriver logging, set this to false. * @default none */ log_path: string | boolean; /** * List of cli arguments to be passed to the Webdriver process. This varies for each Webdriver implementation. * * @default none */ cli_args: any; /** * Some Webdriver implementations (Safari, Edge) support both the W3C Webdriver API as well as the legacy JSON Wire (Selenium) API. * * @default false */ use_legacy_jsonwire: boolean; /** * Time to wait (in ms) before starting to check the Webdriver server is up and running. * * @default 100 */ check_process_delay: number; /** * Maximum number of ping status check attempts when checking if the Webdriver server is up and running before returning a timeout error. * * @default 5 */ max_status_poll_tries: number; /** * Interval (in ms) to use between status ping checks when checking if the Webdriver server is up and running. * * @default 100 */ status_poll_interval: number; /** * The entire time (in ms) to wait for the Node.js process to be created and running (default is 2 min), including spawning the child process and checking the status. * * @default 120000 */ process_create_timeout: number; /** * Proxy requests to the Webdriver (or Selenium) service. http, https, socks(v5), socks5, sock4, and pac are accepted. Uses node-proxy-agent. * * @example http://user:pass@host:port * @default none */ proxy: string; /** * Requests to the Webdriver service will timeout in timeout miliseconds; a retry will happen retry_attempts number of times. * * @example {timeout: 15000, retry_attempts: 5} */ timeout_options: TimeoutOptions; /** * Needed sometimes when using a Selenium Server. The prefix to be added to to all requests (e.g. /wd/hub). */ default_path_prefix: string; /** * Usually only needed for cloud testing Selenium services. In case the server requires credentials this username will be used to compute the Authorization header. * * The value can be also an environment variable, in which case it will look like this: * "username" : "${SAUCE_USERNAME}" * * @default none */ username: string; /** * This field will be used together with username to compute the Authorization header. * * Like username, the value can be also an environment variable: * "access_key" : "${SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY}" * * @default none */ access_key: string; /** * Sets the path to the Chrome binary to use. * On Mac OS X, this path should reference the actual Chrome executable, * not just the application binary (e.g. "/Applications/Google Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome"). */ chrome_binary?: ''; /** * Sets the path to Chrome's log file. This path should exist on the machine that will launch Chrome. */ chrome_log_file?: ''; /** * Configures the ChromeDriver to launch Chrome on Android via adb. */ android_chrome?: false; /** * Sets the path to the Edge binary to use. This path should exist on the machine that will launch Edge. */ edge_binary?: ''; /** * Sets the path to the Edge binary to use. */ edge_log_file?: ''; /** * Sets the binary to use. The binary may be specified as the path to a Firefox executable or a desired release Channel. This path should exist on the machine that will launch Firefox. */ firefox_binary?: ''; /** * Sets the path to an existing profile to use as a template for new browser sessions. * This profile will be copied for each new session - changes will not be applied to the profile itself. */ firefox_profile?: ''; } | undefined; /** * An array of folders or file patterns to be skipped (relative to the main source folder). * @example * "exclude" : ["excluded-folder"] * or: * "exclude" : ["test-folder/*-smoke.js"] */ exclude?: string[]; /** * Folder or file pattern to be used when loading the tests. Files that don't match this pattern will be ignored * @example * "filter" : "tests/*-smoke.js" */ filter?: string; /** * Skip a group of tests (a subfolder); can be a list of comma-separated values (no space). */ skipgroup?: string; /** * A name property will be added to the desiredCapabilities containing the test suite name when this is enabled. It is useful when using cloud testing services. */ sync_test_names?: boolean; /** * Skip tests by tag name; can be a list of comma-separated values (no space). */ skiptags?: string; /** * Use xpath as the default locator strategy. */ use_xpath?: boolean; parallel_mode?: boolean; report_prefix?: string; unit_testing_mode?: boolean; /** * @default junit */ default_reporter?: string; /** * Set this to true to use the v1.x response format for commands when using ES6 async/await * @default false */ backwards_compatibility_mode?: boolean; /** * Set this to true to disable the global objects such as element(), browser, by(), expect() */ disable_global_apis?: boolean; /** * Ignore network errors (e.g. ECONNRESET errors) */ report_network_errors?: boolean; /** * Interactive element commands such as "click" or "setValue" can be retried * if an error occurred (such as an "element not interactable" error) */ element_command_retries?: number; /** * Sets the initial window size: {height: number, width: number} */ window_size?: WindowSize; } export interface NightwatchGlobals { [key: string]: any; /** * this controls whether to abort the test execution when an assertion failed and skip the rest * it's being used in waitFor commands and expect assertions * @default true */ abortOnAssertionFailure?: boolean | undefined; /** * this controls whether to abort the test execution when an assertion failed and skip the rest * it's being used in waitFor commands and expect assertions * @default false */ abortOnElementLocateError?: boolean | undefined; /** * this will overwrite the default polling interval (currently 500ms) for waitFor commands * and expect assertions that use retry * @default 500 */ waitForConditionPollInterval?: number | undefined; /** * default timeout value in milliseconds for waitFor commands and implicit waitFor value for * expect assertions * @default 5000 */ waitForConditionTimeout?: number | undefined; /** * this will cause waitFor commands on elements to throw an error if multiple * elements are found using the given locate strategy and selector * @default false */ throwOnMultipleElementsReturned?: boolean | undefined; /** * By default a warning is printed if multiple elements are found using the given locate strategy * and selector; set this to true to suppress those warnings * @default false */ suppressWarningsOnMultipleElementsReturned: boolean | undefined; /** * controls the timeout time for async hooks. Expects the done() callback to be invoked within this time * or an error is thrown * @default 20000 */ asyncHookTimeout?: number | undefined; /** * controls the timeout value for when running async unit tests. Expects the done() callback to be invoked within this time * or an error is thrown * @default 2000 */ unitTestsTimeout?: number | undefined; /** * controls the timeout value for when executing the global async reporter. Expects the done() callback to be invoked within this time * or an error is thrown * @default 20000 */ customReporterCallbackTimeout?: number | undefined; /** * Automatically retrying failed assertions - You can tell Nightwatch to automatically retry failed assertions until a given timeout is reached, before the test runner gives up and fails the test. */ retryAssertionTimeout?: number | undefined; reporter: (results: any, cb: any) => void; beforeTestSuite(browser: any): Promise; afterTestSuite(browser: any): Promise; beforeTestCase(browser: any): Promise; afterTestCase(browser: any): Promise; onBrowserNavigate(browser: any): Promise; onBrowserQuit(browser: any): Promise; } export interface NightwatchSeleniumOptions { /** * Whether or not to manage the selenium process automatically. * @default false */ start_process: boolean; /** * Whether or not to automatically start the Selenium session. */ start_session: boolean; /** * The location of the selenium jar file. This needs to be specified if start_process is enabled.E.g.: lib/selenium-server-standalone-2.43.0.jar */ server_path: string; /** * The location where the selenium Selenium-debug.log file will be placed. Defaults to current directory. To disable Selenium logging, set this to false */ log_path: string | boolean; /** * Usually not required and only used if start_process is true. Specify the IP address you wish Selenium to listen on. */ host: string; /** * The port number Selenium will listen on. */ port: number | undefined; /** * List of cli arguments to be passed to the Selenium process. Here you can set various options for browser drivers, such as: * * webdriver.firefox.profile: Selenium will be default create a new Firefox profile for each session. * If you wish to use an existing Firefox profile you can specify its name here. * Complete list of Firefox Driver arguments available https://code.google.com/p/selenium/wiki/FirefoxDriver. * * webdriver.chrome.driver: Nightwatch can run the tests using Chrome browser also. To enable this you have to download the ChromeDriver binary * (http://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/index.html) and specify it's location here. Also don't forget to specify chrome as the browser name in the * desiredCapabilities object. * More information can be found on the ChromeDriver website (https://sites.google.com/a/chromium.org/chromedriver/). * * webdriver.ie.driver: Nightwatch has support for Internet Explorer also. To enable this you have to download the IE Driver binary * (https://code.google.com/p/selenium/wiki/InternetExplorerDriver) and specify it's location here. Also don't forget to specify "internet explorer" as the browser * name in the desiredCapabilities object. */ cli_args: {}; /** * Time to wait (in ms) before starting to check the Webdriver server is up and running * @default 500 */ check_process_delay: number; /** * Maximum number of ping status check attempts before returning a timeout error * @default 15 */ max_status_poll_tries: number; /** * Interval (in ms) to use between status ping checks when checking if the Webdriver server is up and running * @default 200 */ status_poll_interval: number; } // TODO: Remove duplicates from NightwatchOptions export interface NightwatchTestSettingGeneric { /** * A url which can be used later in the tests as the main url to load. Can be useful if your tests will run on different environments, each one with a different url. */ launch_url?: string | undefined; /** * The hostname/IP on which the selenium server is accepting connections. */ selenium_host?: string | undefined; /** * The port number on which the selenium server is accepting connections. */ selenium_port?: number | undefined; /** * Whether to show extended Selenium command logs. */ silent?: boolean | undefined; /** * Use to disable terminal output completely. */ output?: boolean | undefined; /** * Use to disable colored output in the terminal. */ disable_colors?: boolean | undefined; /** * In case the selenium server requires credentials this username will be used to compute the Authorization header. * The value can be also an environment variable, in which case it will look like this: "username" : "${SAUCE_USERNAME}" */ username?: string | undefined; /** * This field will be used together with username to compute the Authorization header. * Like username, the value can be also an environment variable: "access_key" : "${SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY}" */ access_key?: string | undefined; /** * Proxy requests to the selenium server. http, https, socks(v5), socks5, sock4, and pac are accepted. Uses node-proxy-agent. Example: http://user:pass@host:port */ proxy?: string | undefined; /** * An object which will be passed to the Selenium WebDriver when a new session will be created. You can specify browser name for instance along with other capabilities. * Example: * "desiredCapabilities" : { * "browserName" : "firefox", * "acceptSslCerts" : true * } * You can view the complete list of capabilities https://code.google.com/p/selenium/wiki/DesiredCapabilities. */ desiredCapabilities?: NightwatchDesiredCapabilities | undefined; /** * An object which will be made available within the test and can be overwritten per environment. Example:"globals" : { "myGlobal" : "some_global" } */ globals?: NightwatchTestHooks | undefined; /** * An array of folders or file patterns to be skipped (relative to the main source folder). * Example: "exclude" : ["excluded-folder"] or: "exclude" : ["test-folder/*-smoke.js"] */ exclude?: string[] | undefined; /** * Folder or file pattern to be used when loading the tests. Files that don't match this patter will be ignored. * Example: "filter" : "tests/*-smoke.js" */ filter?: string | undefined; /** * Do not show the Base64 image data in the (verbose) log when taking screenshots. */ log_screenshot_data?: boolean | undefined; /** * Use xpath as the default locator strategy */ use_xpath?: boolean | undefined; /** * Same as Selenium settings cli_args. You can override the global cli_args on a per-environment basis. */ cli_args?: any; /** * End the session automatically when the test is being terminated, usually after a failed assertion. */ end_session_on_fail?: boolean | undefined; /** * Skip the rest of testcases (if any) when one testcase fails.. */ skip_testcases_on_fail?: boolean | undefined; } export interface NightwatchTestSettingScreenshots extends NightwatchTestSettingGeneric { /** * Selenium generates screenshots when command errors occur. With on_failure set to true, also generates screenshots for failing or erroring tests. These are saved on the disk. * Since v0.7.5 you can disable screenshots for command errors by setting "on_error" to false. * Example: * "screenshots" : { * "enabled" : true, * "on_failure" : true, * "on_error" : false, * "path" : "" * } */ screenshots: NightwatchScreenshotOptions; } export interface NightwatchTestOptions extends NightwatchTestSettingGeneric { screenshots: boolean; screenshotsPath: string; } export interface NightwatchTestSettings { [key: string]: NightwatchTestSettingScreenshots; } export interface NightwatchTestSuite { name: string; module: string; group: string; results: any; } export interface NightwatchAssertionsError { name: string; message: string; showDiff: boolean; stack: string; } export interface NightwatchEnsureResult { value: null; returned: 1; } export interface Ensure { /** * Ensures that the Nightwatch WebDriver client is able to switch to the designated frame. */ ableToSwitchToFrame(frame: number | WebElement | By): Awaitable; /** * Creates a condition that waits for an alert to be opened. */ alertIsPresent(): Awaitable; /** * Creates a condition that will wait for the given element to be disabled. */ elementIsDisabled(element: WebElement | Element | string): Awaitable; /** * Creates a condition that will wait for the given element to be enabled. */ elementIsEnabled(element: WebElement): Awaitable; /** * Creates a condition that will wait for the given element to be deselected. */ elementIsNotSelected(element: WebElement | Element | string): Awaitable; /** * Creates a condition that will wait for the given element to be in the DOM, yet not displayed to the user. */ elementIsNotVisible(element: WebElement | Element | string): Awaitable; /** * Creates a condition that will wait for the given element to be selected. */ elementIsSelected(element: WebElement | Element | string): Awaitable; /** * Creates a condition that will wait for the given element to be displayed. */ elementIsVisible(element: WebElement | Element | string): Awaitable; /** * Creates a condition that will loop until an element is found with the given locator. */ elementLocated(locator: By): Awaitable; /** * Creates a condition that will wait for the given element's text to contain the given substring. */ elementTextContains(element: WebElement | Element | string, substr: string): Awaitable; /** * Creates a condition that will wait for the given element's text to equal the given text. */ elementTextIs(element: WebElement | Element | string, text: string): Awaitable; /** * Creates a condition that will wait for the given element's text to match a given regular expression. */ elementTextMatches(element: WebElement | Element | string, regex: RegExp): Awaitable; /** * Creates a condition that will loop until at least one element is found with the given locator. */ elementsLocated(locator: By): Awaitable; /** * Creates a condition that will wait for the given element to become stale. * An element is considered stale once it is removed from the DOM, or a new page has loaded. */ stalenessOf(element: WebElement | Element | string): Awaitable; /** * Creates a condition that will wait for the current page's title to contain the given substring. */ titleContains(substr: string): Awaitable; /** * Creates a condition that will wait for the current page's title to match the given value. */ titleIs(title: string): Awaitable; /** * Creates a condition that will wait for the current page's title to match the given regular expression. */ titleMatches(regex: RegExp): Awaitable; /** * Creates a condition that will wait for the current page's url to contain the given substring. */ urlContains(substrUrl: string): Awaitable; /** * Creates a condition that will wait for the current page's url to match the given value. */ urlIs(url: string): Awaitable; /** * Creates a condition that will wait for the current page's url to match the given regular expression. */ urlMatches(regex: RegExp): Awaitable; } export interface Assert extends NightwatchAssertions, NightwatchNodeAssertions {} export interface NightwatchAssertions extends NightwatchCommonAssertions, NightwatchCustomAssertions { /** * Negates any of assertions following in the chain. */ not: Omit; } export interface NightwatchAssertionsResult { value: T; status: 0; returned: 1; passed: true; } export interface NightwatchCommonAssertions { /** * Checks if the given attribute of an element contains the expected value. * * ``` * this.demoTest = function (client) { * browser.assert.attributeContains('#someElement', 'href', 'google.com'); * }; * ``` */ attributeContains( selector: Definition, attribute: string, expected: string, message?: string ): Awaitable>; /** * Checks if the given attribute of an element has the expected value. * * ``` * this.demoTest = function (client) { * browser.assert.attributeEquals('body', 'data-attr', 'some value'); * }; * ``` */ attributeEquals( selector: Definition, attribute: string, expected: string, message?: string ): Awaitable>; /** * Check if an element's attribute value matches a regular expression. * * @example * * ``` * this.demoTest = function (browser) { * browser.assert.attributeMatches('body', 'data-attr', '(value)'); * }; * ``` * */ attributeMatches( selector: Definition, attribute: string, regex: string | RegExp, msg?: string, ): Awaitable>; /** * Checks if the specified css property of a given element has the expected value. * * ``` * this.demoTest = function (client) { * browser.assert.cssProperty('#main', 'display', 'block'); * }; * ``` */ cssProperty( selector: Definition, cssProperty: string, expected: string | number, msg?: string ): Awaitable>; /** * Checks if the specified DOM property of a given element has the expected value. * For all the available DOM element properties, consult the [Element doc at MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/element). * Several properties can be specified (either as an array or command-separated list). Nightwatch will check each one for presence. */ domPropertyContains( selector: Definition, domProperty: string, expected: string | number, msg?: string, ): Awaitable>; /** * Checks if the specified DOM property of a given element has the expected value. * For all the available DOM element properties, consult the [Element doc at MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/element). * If the result value is JSON object or array, a deep equality comparison will be performed. */ domPropertyEquals( selector: Definition, domProperty: string, expected: string | number, msg?: string, ): Awaitable>; /** * Check if specified DOM property value of a given element matches a regex. * For all the available DOM element properties, consult the [Element doc at MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/element). */ domPropertyMatches( selector: Definition, domProperty: string, expected: string | RegExp, msg?: string, ): Awaitable>; /** * Checks if the number of elements specified by a selector is equal to a given value. * * @example * * this.demoTest = function (browser) { * browser.assert.elementsCount('div', 10); * browser.assert.not.elementsCount('div', 10); * } * */ elementsCount( selector: Definition, count: number, msg?: string ): Awaitable & {WebdriverElementId: string}>; /** * Checks if the given element exists in the DOM. * * ``` * this.demoTest = function (client) { * browser.assert.elementPresent("#main"); * }; * ``` */ elementPresent( selector: Definition, msg?: string ): Awaitable>>>; /** * Checks if the given element does not exists in the DOM. * * @example * ``` * this.demoTest = function (browser) { * browser.assert.elementNotPresent(".should_not_exist"); * }; * ``` * * @deprecated In favour of `assert.not.elementPresent()`. */ elementNotPresent( selector: Definition, msg?: string ): Awaitable>>>; /** * Checks if the given element does not have the specified CSS class. * * ``` * this.demoTest = function (browser) { * browser.assert.cssClassNotPresent('#main', 'container'); * }; * ``` * * @deprecated In favour of `assert.not.hasClass()`. */ cssClassNotPresent(selector: Definition, className: string, msg?: string): Awaitable>; /** * Checks if the given element has the specified CSS class. * * ``` * this.demoTest = function (client) { * browser.assert.cssClassPresent('#main', 'container'); * }; * ``` * * @deprecated In favour of `assert.hasClass()`. */ cssClassPresent(selector: Definition, className: string, message?: string): Awaitable>; /** * Checks if the given element has the specified CSS class. * * @example * * * ``` * this.demoTest = function (browser) { * browser.assert.hasClass('#main', 'container'); * browser.assert.hasClass('#main', ['visible', 'container']); * browser.assert.hasClass('#main', 'visible container'); * }; * ``` * */ hasClass( selector: Definition, className: string | string[], msg?: string ): Awaitable>; /** * Checks if the given element contains the specified DOM attribute. * * Equivalent of: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/hasAttribute * * @example * * ``` * this.demoTest = function (browser) { * browser.assert.hasAttribute('#main', 'data-track'); * }; * ``` * */ hasAttribute( selector: Definition, expectedAttribute: string, msg?: string ): Awaitable>; /** * Checks if the given element is enabled (as indicated by the 'disabled' attribute). * * @example * this.demoTest = function (browser) { * browser.assert.enabled('.should_be_enabled'); * browser.assert.enabled({selector: '.should_be_enabled'}); * browser.assert.enabled({selector: '.should_be_enabled', suppressNotFoundErrors: true}); * }; */ enabled(selector: Definition, message?: string): Awaitable>; /** * Checks if the given element is selected. * * @example * this.demoTest = function (browser) { * browser.assert.selected('.should_be_selected'); * browser.assert.selected({selector: '.should_be_selected'}); * browser.assert.selected({selector: '.should_be_selected', suppressNotFoundErrors: true}); * }; */ selected(selector: Definition, message?: string): Awaitable>; /** * Checks if the given element contains the specified text. * * ``` * this.demoTest = function (client) { * browser.assert.containsText('#main', 'The Night Watch'); * }; * ``` * * @deprecated In favour of `assert.textContains()`. */ containsText( selector: Definition, expectedText: string, message?: string ): Awaitable>; /** * Checks if the given element contains the specified text. * * @example * ``` * this.demoTest = function (browser) { * browser.assert.textContains('#main', 'The Night Watch'); * }; * ``` * */ textContains( selector: Definition, expectedText: string, msg?: string ): Awaitable>; /** * Check if an element's inner text equals the expected text. * * @example * * ``` * this.demoTest = function (browser) { * browser.assert.textEquals('#main', 'The Night Watch'); * }; * ``` * */ textEquals( selector: Definition, expectedText: string, msg?: string ): Awaitable>; /** * Check if an elements inner text matches a regular expression. * * @example * * ``` * this.demoTest = function (browser) { * browser.assert.textMatches('#main', '^Nightwatch'); * }; * ``` * */ textMatches( selector: Definition, regex: string | RegExp, msg?: string ): Awaitable>; /** * Checks if the page title equals the given value. * * ``` * this.demoTest = function (client) { * browser.assert.title("Nightwatch.js"); * }; * ``` * * @deprecated In favour of `titleEquals()`. */ title(expected: string, message?: string): Awaitable>; /** * Checks if the page title equals the given value. * * ``` * this.demoTest = function (client) { * browser.assert.title("Nightwatch.js"); * }; * ``` */ titleContains(expected: string, message?: string): Awaitable>; /** * Checks if the page title equals the given value. * @since 2.0 * ``` * this.demoTest = function (client) { * browser.assert.titleEquals("Nightwatch.js"); * }; * ``` */ titleEquals(expected: string, message?: string): Awaitable>; /** * Checks if the current title matches a regular expression. * * @example * * ``` * this.demoTest = function (client) { * browser.assert.titleMatches('^Nightwatch'); * }; * ``` * */ titleMatches(regex: string | RegExp, msg?: string): Awaitable>; /** * Checks if the current URL contains the given value. * * ``` * this.demoTest = function (client) { * browser.assert.urlContains('google'); * }; * ``` */ urlContains(expectedText: string, message?: string): Awaitable>; /** * Checks if the current url equals the given value. * * ``` * this.demoTest = function (client) { * browser.assert.urlEquals('https://www.google.com'); * }; * ``` */ urlEquals(expected: string, message?: string): Awaitable>; /** * Checks if the current url matches a regular expression. * * @example * ``` * this.demoTest = function (client) { * browser.assert.urlMatches('^https'); * }; * ``` * */ urlMatches(regex: string | RegExp, msg?: string): Awaitable>; /** * Checks if the given form element's value equals the expected value. * * ``` * this.demoTest = function (client) { * browser.assert.value("form.login input[type=text]", "username"); * }; * ``` * * @deprecated In favour of `assert.valueEquals()`. */ value(selector: Definition, expectedText: string, message?: string): Awaitable>; /** * Checks if the given form element's value contains the expected value. * * ``` * this.demoTest = function (client) { * browser.assert.valueContains("form.login input[type=text]", "username"); * }; * ``` */ valueContains(selector: Definition, expectedText: string, message?: string): Awaitable>; /** * Checks if the given form element's value equals the expected value. * * The existing .assert.value() command. * * @example * ``` * this.demoTest = function (browser) { * browser.assert.valueEquals("form.login input[type=text]", "username"); * }; * ``` * */ valueEquals(selector: Definition, expected: string, msg?: string): Awaitable>; /** * Checks if the given element is not visible on the page. * * @example * ``` * this.demoTest = function (browser) { * browser.assert.hidden('.should_not_be_visible'); * }; * ``` * * @deprecated In favour of `assert.not.visible()`. */ hidden(selector: Definition, msg?: string): Awaitable>; /** * Checks if the given element is visible on the page. * * ``` * this.demoTest = function (client) { * browser.assert.visible(".should_be_visible"); * }; * ``` */ visible(selector: Definition, message?: string): Awaitable>; NightwatchAssertionsError: NightwatchAssertionsError; } export interface NightwatchNodeAssertionsResult { value: null; returned: 1; } export interface NightwatchNodeAssertions { // The following definitions are taken from @types/assert fail(message?: string | Error): Awaitable; fail(actual: any, expected: any, message?: string | Error, operator?: string): Awaitable; ok(value: any, message?: string | Error): Awaitable; equal(actual: any, expected: any, message?: string | Error): Awaitable; notEqual(actual: any, expected: any, message?: string | Error): Awaitable; deepEqual(actual: any, expected: any, message?: string | Error): Awaitable; notDeepEqual(actual: any, expected: any, message?: string | Error): Awaitable; strictEqual(actual: any, expected: any, message?: string | Error): Awaitable; notStrictEqual(actual: any, expected: any, message?: string | Error): Awaitable; deepStrictEqual(actual: any, expected: any, message?: string | Error): Awaitable; notDeepStrictEqual(actual: any, expected: any, message?: string | Error): Awaitable; throws(block: () => any, message?: string | Error): Awaitable; doesNotThrow(block: () => any, message?: string | Error): Awaitable; ifError(value: any): Awaitable; rejects(block: (() => Promise) | Promise, message?: string | Error): Awaitable; doesNotReject(block: (() => Promise) | Promise, message?: string | Error): Awaitable; match(value: string, regExp: RegExp, message?: string | Error): Awaitable; doesNotMatch(value: string, regExp: RegExp, message?: string | Error): Awaitable; } export interface ElementProperties { /** * the element selector name * * @example * '@searchBar' */ selector: string; /** * locator strategy can be one of * - css selector * - link text * - partial link text * - tag name * - xpath * * @example * 'css selector' */ locateStrategy?: LocateStrategy; /** * used to target a specific element in a query that results in multiple elements returned. Normally, * only the first element is used (index = 0) but using the index property, you can specify any element within the result. */ index?: number; /** * used to overwrite this setting when using waitForElement* commands. */ abortOnFailure?: boolean; /** * used to overwrite the default timeout for when using waitForElement* commands or assertions. */ timeout?: number; /** * used to overwrite the default retry interval for when using waitForElement* commands or assertions. */ retryInterval?: number; /** * Some element commands like .click() or .getText() will throw a NoSuchElement error if the element cannot be located, causing the test to fail. * If this option is set to true then this error is ignored. */ suppressNotFoundErrors?: boolean; } export interface NightwatchTypedCallbackResult { status: 0; value: T; error: Error; } export interface NightwatchCallbackResultError { status: 1; // we cannot use `number` so giving it a "symbolic" value allows to disjoint the union value: { message: string; screen: string; class: string; stackTrace: Array<{ fileName: string; lineNumber: number; className: string; methodName: string; }>; }; state: Error | string; } export type NightwatchCallbackResult = NightwatchTypedCallbackResult | NightwatchCallbackResultError; export interface NightwatchLogEntry { /** * The log entry message. */ message: string; /** * The time stamp of log entry in seconds. */ opt_timestamp: number; /** * The log type, if known. */ opt_type?: string; /** * Severity level */ level: 'ALL' | 'DEBUG' | 'FINE' | 'FINER' | 'FINEST' | 'INFO' | 'OFF' | 'SEVERE' | 'WARNING' | Level | number; } export interface Level { /** * the level's name. */ name: string; /** * the level's numeric value. */ level: number; } export interface NightwatchKeys { /** Releases all held modifier keys. */ NULL: string; /** OS-specific keystroke sequence that performs a cancel action. */ CANCEL: string; /** The help key. This key only appears on older Apple keyboards in place of the Insert key. */ HELP: string; /** The backspace key. */ BACK_SPACE: string; /** The tab key. */ TAB: string; /** The clear key. This key only appears on full-size Apple keyboards in place of Num Lock key. */ CLEAR: string; /** The return key. */ RETURN: string; /** The enter (numpad) key. */ ENTER: string; /** The shift key. */ SHIFT: string; /** The control key. */ CONTROL: string; /** The alt key. */ ALT: string; /** The pause key. */ PAUSE: string; /** The escape key. */ ESCAPE: string; /** The space bar. */ SPACE: string; /** The page up key. */ PAGEUP: string; /** The page down key. */ PAGEDOWN: string; /** The end key. */ END: string; /** The home key. */ HOME: string; /** The left arrow. */ ARROW_LEFT: string; LEFT_ARROW: string; /** The up arrow. */ ARROW_UP: string; UP_ARROW: string; /** The right arrow. */ ARROW_RIGHT: string; RIGHT_ARROW: string; /** The down arrow. */ ARROW_DOWN: string; DOWN_ARROW: string; /** The insert key. */ INSERT: string; /** The delete key. */ DELETE: string; /** The semicolon key. */ SEMICOLON: string; /** The equals key. */ EQUALS: string; /** The numpad zero key. */ NUMPAD0: string; /** The numpad one key. */ NUMPAD1: string; /** The numpad two key. */ NUMPAD2: string; /** The numpad three key. */ NUMPAD3: string; /** The numpad four key. */ NUMPAD4: string; /** The numpad five key. */ NUMPAD5: string; /** The numpad six key. */ NUMPAD6: string; /** The numpad seven key. */ NUMPAD7: string; /** The numpad eight key. */ NUMPAD8: string; /** The numpad nine key. */ NUMPAD9: string; /** The numpad multiply (*) key. */ MULTIPLY: string; /** The numpad add (+) key. */ ADD: string; /** The numpad separator (=) key. */ SEPARATOR: string; /** The numpad subtract (-) key. */ SUBTRACT: string; /** The numpad decimal (.) key. */ DECIMAL: string; /** The numpad divide (/) key. */ DIVIDE: string; /** The F1 key. */ F1: string; /** The F2 key. */ F2: string; /** The F3 key. */ F3: string; /** The F4 key. */ F4: string; /** The F5 key. */ F5: string; /** The F6 key. */ F6: string; /** The F7 key. */ F7: string; /** The F8 key. */ F8: string; /** The F9 key. */ F9: string; /** The F10 key. */ F10: string; /** The F11 key. */ F11: string; /** The F12 key. */ F12: string; /** The meta (Windows) key. */ META: string; /** The command (⌘) key. */ COMMAND: string; } export type NightwatchPage = { [name: string]: () => EnhancedPageObject; } & { [name: string]: NightwatchPage; }; export interface NightwatchApiCommands { readonly WEBDRIVER_ELEMENT_ID: string; readonly browserName: string; readonly platformName: string; __isBrowserName(browser: string, alternateName: string): boolean; __isPlatformName(platform: string): boolean; isIOS(): boolean; isAndroid(): boolean; isMobile(): boolean; isSafari(): boolean; isChrome(): boolean; isFirefox(): boolean; isEdge(): boolean; isInternetExplorer(): boolean; isOpera(): boolean; } export interface NightwatchAPI extends SharedCommands, WebDriverProtocol, NightwatchCustomCommands, NightwatchApiCommands { baseUrl: string; assert: Assert; actions(options?: { async?: boolean; bridge?: boolean }): Actions; expect: Expect; ensure: Ensure; verify: Assert; page: NightwatchPage & NightwatchCustomPageObjects; /** * SessionId of the session used by the Nightwatch api. */ sessionId: string; /** * Override the sessionId used by Nightwatch client with another session id. */ setSessionId(sessionId: string): this; options: NightwatchTestOptions; Keys: NightwatchKeys; currentTest: NightwatchTestSuite; globals: NightwatchGlobals; launchUrl: string; launch_url: string; } // tslint:disable-next-line:no-empty-interface export interface NightwatchCustomCommands {} // tslint:disable-next-line:no-empty-interface export interface NightwatchCustomAssertions {} // tslint:disable-next-line:no-empty-interface export interface NightwatchCustomPageObjects {} export interface NightwatchBrowser extends NightwatchAPI, NightwatchComponentTestingCommands, NightwatchCustomCommands {} export interface NightwatchComponentTestingCommands { importScript(scriptPath: string, options: { scriptType: string; componentTyp: string }, callback: () => void): this; mountReactComponent(componentPath: string, props?: string | (() => void), callback?: () => void): Element; mountComponent(componentPath: string, props?: string | (() => void), callback?: () => void): Element; mountVueComponent(componentPath: string, options?: any, callback?: () => void): Element; launchComponentRenderer(): this; } // tslint:disable-next-line export interface NightwatchElement extends WebElement {} export type NightwatchTest = (browser?: NightwatchBrowser) => void; export interface NightwatchTestFunctions { before?: NightwatchTestHook | undefined; after?: NightwatchTestHook | undefined; beforeEach?: NightwatchTestHook | undefined; afterEach?: NightwatchTestHook | undefined; '@tags'?: string | string[] | undefined; '@disabled'?: boolean | undefined; [key: string]: any; } export type NightwatchTestHook = GlobalNightwatchTestHookEach | GlobalNightwatchTestHook; export type GlobalNightwatchTestHookEach = (browser: NightwatchBrowser, done: (err?: any) => void) => void; export type GlobalNightwatchTestHook = (done: (err?: any) => void) => void; export interface NightwatchTestHooks extends NightwatchGlobals { before?: GlobalNightwatchTestHook | undefined; after?: GlobalNightwatchTestHook | undefined; beforeEach?: GlobalNightwatchTestHookEach | undefined; afterEach?: GlobalNightwatchTestHookEach | undefined; } export class Element { name: string; webElement: WebElement; index: number; selector: string; locateStrategy: string; pseudoSelector: null; parent: any; resolvedElement: any; abortOnFailure: boolean; suppressNotFoundErrors: boolean; retryInterval: number; message: string; timeout: number; getId: () => string; findElement: ElementCommands['findElement']; element: typeof globalElement; find: (selector: Definition | WebElement | By) => any; get: (selector: Definition | WebElement | By) => any; findElements: ElementCommands['findElements']; findAll: (selector: Definition) => any; click: ElementCommands['click']; sendKeys: ElementCommands['sendKeys']; getTagName: ElementCommands['getTagName']; tagName: (selector: Definition) => string; getCssValue: ElementCommands['getCssProperty']; css: (selector: Definition) => string; getAttribute: ElementCommands['getAttribute']; attr: (selector: Definition) => string; attribute: (selector: Definition) => string; getProperty: ElementCommands['getElementProperty']; property: (selector: Definition) => any; prop: (selector: Definition) => any; getText: ElementCommands['getText']; text: (selector: Definition) => string; getAriaRole: ElementCommands['getAriaRole']; arialRole: (selector: Definition) => string; getAccessibleName: ElementCommands['getAccessibleName']; accessibleName: (selector: Definition) => string; getRect: ClientCommands['getWindowRect']; rect: () => { x: number; y: number; width: number; height: number }; isEnabled: ElementCommands['isEnabled']; isSelected: ElementCommands['isSelected']; submit: WebDriverProtocolElementInteraction['submit']; clear: ElementCommands['clearValue']; isDisplayed: WebDriverProtocolElementState['elementIdDisplayed']; takeScreenshot: ElementCommands['takeElementScreenshot']; screenshot: (selector: Definition) => 'string'; getWebElement: () => Promise; isComponent: () => boolean; } export function globalElement(locator: Definition | By | WebElement, options?: any): Element; export type NightwatchTests = NightwatchTestFunctions | NightwatchTestHooks; export class DescribeInstance { '[instance]': any; '[attributes]': {}; '[client]': NightwatchClient; /** * Title of the describe suite. */ get name(): string; /** * Get or set tags for the test suite. * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/guide/running-tests/filtering-by-test-tags.html */ get tags(): string | string[]; set tags(value: string | string[]); /** * Enable if the current test is a unit/integration test * (no webdriver session is required). */ get unitTest(): boolean; set unitTest(value: boolean); /** * Set to false if you'd like the browser window to be kept open * in case of a failure or error (useful for debugging). */ get endSessionOnFail(): boolean; set endSessionOnFail(value: boolean); /** * Set to false if you'd like the rest of the test cases/test steps * to be executed in the event of an assertion failure/error. */ get skipTestcasesOnFail(): boolean; set skipTestcasesOnFail(value: boolean); /** * Set to true if you'd like this test suite to be skipped by the * test runner. */ get disabled(): boolean; set disabled(value: boolean); /** * Get or set testsuite specific capabilities. */ get desiredCapabilities(): NightwatchDesiredCapabilities; set desiredCapabilities(value: NightwatchDesiredCapabilities); /** * Get available page objects. */ get page(): NightwatchAPI['page']; /** * Get all current globals. */ get globals(): NightwatchGlobals; /** * Get all current settings. */ get settings(): NightwatchOptions; /** * Get all current cli arguments. */ get argv(): {[key: string]: any}; /** * Get all current mocha options. */ get mochaOptions(): {[key: string]: any} | undefined; /** * Control the unit test timeout. * * Control the assertion and element commands timeout until when * an element should be located or assertion passed. * * @param value Timeout in `ms` */ timeout(value: number): void; /** * Get the assertion and element commands timeout until when * an element would be located or assertion passed. * * @returns Timeout in `ms` */ waitForTimeout(): number; /** * Control the assertion and element commands timeout until when * an element should be located or assertion passed. * * @param value Timeout in `ms` */ waitForTimeout(value: number): void; /** * Get the polling interval between re-tries for assertions * or element commands. * * @returns Time interval in `ms` */ waitForRetryInterval(): number; /** * Control the polling interval between re-tries for assertions * or element commands. * * @param value Time interval in `ms` */ waitForRetryInterval(value: number): void; /** * Control the polling interval between re-tries for assertions * or element commands. * * @param value Time interval in `ms` */ retryInterval(value: number): void; /** * How many time to retry a failed testcase inside this test suite */ retries(n: number): void; /** * How many times to retry the current test suite in case of an * assertion failure or error */ suiteRetries(n: number): void; } export type ExtendDescribeThis = DescribeInstance & {[P in keyof T]?: T[P]}; interface SuiteFunction { (title: string, fn?: (this: DescribeInstance) => void): this; only: ExclusiveSuiteFunction; skip: PendingSuiteFunction; } interface ExclusiveSuiteFunction { (title: string, fn?: (this: DescribeInstance) => void): this; } interface PendingSuiteFunction { (title: string, fn?: (this: DescribeInstance) => void): this | void; } interface ExclusiveTestFunction { (fn: NormalFunc | AsyncFunc): this; (title: string, fn: NormalFunc | AsyncFunc): this; } interface PendingTestFunction { (fn: NormalFunc | AsyncFunc): this; (title: string, fn: NormalFunc | AsyncFunc): this; } type NormalFunc = (this: DescribeInstance, browser: NightwatchBrowser) => void; type AsyncFunc = (this: DescribeInstance, browser: NightwatchBrowser) => PromiseLike; interface TestFunction { (fn: NormalFunc | AsyncFunc): this; (title: string, fn: NormalFunc | AsyncFunc): this; only: ExclusiveTestFunction; skip: PendingTestFunction; retries(n: number): void; } type NightwatchBddTestHookCallback = (this: DescribeInstance, browser: NightwatchBrowser, done: (err?: any) => void) => void; type NightwatchBddTestHook = (callback: NightwatchBddTestHookCallback) => void; declare global { const describe: SuiteFunction; const xdescribe: PendingSuiteFunction; const context: SuiteFunction; const xcontext: PendingSuiteFunction; const test: TestFunction; const it: TestFunction; const xit: PendingTestFunction; const specify: TestFunction; const xspecify: PendingTestFunction; const before: NightwatchBddTestHook; const after: NightwatchBddTestHook; const beforeEach: NightwatchBddTestHook; const afterEach: NightwatchBddTestHook; } /** * Performs an assertion * */ export type NightwatchAssert = ( passed: boolean, receivedValue?: any, expectedValue?: any, message?: string, abortOnFailure?: boolean, originalStackTrace?: string, ) => void; /** * Abstract assertion class that will subclass all defined assertions * * All assertions must implement the following api: * * - @param {T|function} expected * - @param {string} message * - @param {function} pass * - @param {function} value * - @param {function} command * - @param {function} - Optional failure */ export interface NightwatchAssertion { expected: (() => T) | T; message: string; pass(value: T): any; value(result: U): T; command(callback: (result: U) => void): this; failure?(result: U): boolean; api: NightwatchAPI; client: NightwatchClient; } export interface NightwatchClient extends Nightwatch { api: NightwatchAPI; locateStrategy: LocateStrategy; options: NightwatchOptions; // TODO: Add reporter // reporter: reporte sessionID: string; settings: NightwatchOptions; } export interface CreateClientParams { browserName: string | null; headless?: boolean; silent?: boolean; output?: boolean; useAsync?: boolean; env?: string; timeout?: number; parallel?: boolean; reporter?: null; globals?: any; devtools?: boolean; debug?: boolean; enable_global_apis?: boolean; config?: string; } export interface Nightwatch { cli(callback: any): this; client(settings: NightwatchOptions, reporter?: any, argv?: {}): this; createClient({ headless, silent, output, useAsync, env, timeout, parallel, reporter, browserName, globals, devtools, debug, enable_global_apis, config, }: CreateClientParams): this; cliRunner(argv?: {}): this; initClient(opts: any): this; runner(argv?: {}, done?: () => void, settings?: {}): this; runTests(testSource: string | string[], settings?: any, ...args: any[]): any; api: NightwatchAPI; assert: Assert; expect: Expect; verify: Assert; updateCapabilities(...args: any): this; launchBrowser(): NightwatchAPI | Promise; } export type LocateStrategy = | 'class name' | 'css selector' | 'id' | 'name' | 'link text' | 'partial link text' | 'tag name' | 'xpath'; /** * #### [Enhanced Element Instances](https://github.com/nightwatchjs/nightwatch/wiki/Page-Object-API#enhanced-element-instances) * Element instances encapsulate the definition used to handle element selectors. * Generally you won't need to access them directly, * instead referring to them using their `@`-prefixed names for selector arguments, * but they are available through a page object or section's elements property. */ export interface EnhancedElementInstance { /** * The name of the element as defined by its key in the parent section or the page object's `elements` definition. * This is the same name used with the `@` prefix in selector arguments for page object commands that refer to the element. */ name: string; /** * The locate strategy to be used with `selector` when finding the element within the DOM. */ locateStrategy: LocateStrategy; /** * A reference to the parent object instance. * This is the parent section or the page object that contained the definition for this object. */ parent: T; /** * The selector string used to find the element in the DOM. */ selector: string; } export type EnhancedSectionInstance< Commands = {}, Elements = {}, Sections extends EnhancedPageObjectSections = {}, > = EnhancedPageObject; export interface EnhancedPageObjectSections { [name: string]: EnhancedSectionInstance; } /** * #### [Enhanced Page Object Instances](https://github.com/nightwatchjs/nightwatch/wiki/Page-Object-API#enhanced-page-object-instances) * Page object module definitions are used to define page object instances when their respective factory functions within the page reference of the standard command API is called. * ``` * var myPageObject = browser.page.MyPage(); // defined in MyPage.js module * ``` * Every time a factory function like MyPage above is called, a new instance of the page object is instantiated. */ export type EnhancedPageObject< Commands = {}, Elements = {}, Sections extends EnhancedPageObjectSections = {}, > = Nightwatch & SharedCommands & NightwatchCustomCommands & Commands & { /** * A map of Element objects (see [Enhanced Element Instances](https://github.com/nightwatchjs/nightwatch/wiki/Page-Object-API#enhanced-element-instances)) used by element selectors. */ elements: { [name: string]: EnhancedElementInstance>; }; section: Sections; /** * The name of the page object as defined by its module name (not including the extension). * This is the same name used to access the `page` object factory from the page reference in the command API. */ name: string; /** * This command is an alias to url and also a convenience method because when called without any arguments * it performs a call to .url() with passing the value of `url` property on the page object. * Uses `url` protocol command. */ navigate(url?: string, callback?: () => void): EnhancedPageObject; }; export interface Cookie { name: string; value: string; path: string | undefined; domain: string | undefined; secure: boolean | undefined; expiry: Date | number | undefined; httpOnly: boolean | undefined; } export interface SharedCommands extends ClientCommands, ElementCommands {} export interface WindowPosition { x: number; y: number; } // tslint:disable-next-line export interface NightwatchPosition extends WindowPosition {} export interface WindowSize { height: number; width: number; } // tslint:disable-next-line export interface NightwatchSize extends WindowSize {} export type WindowSizeAndPosition = WindowPosition & WindowSize; export type NightwatchSizeAndPosition = WindowSizeAndPosition; export type WindowType = 'tab' | 'window'; export interface ChromiumClientCommands { /** * Mock the geolocation of the browser. * * Call without any arguments to reset the geolocation. * * @example * describe('mock geolocation', function() { * it('sets the geolocation to Tokyo, Japan and then resets it', () => { * browser * .setGeolocation({ * latitude: 35.689487, * longitude: 139.691706, * accuracy: 100 * }) // sets the geolocation to Tokyo, Japan * .navigateTo('https://www.gps-coordinates.net/my-location') * .pause(3000) * .setGeolocation() // resets the geolocation * .navigateTo('https://www.gps-coordinates.net/my-location') * .pause(3000); * }); * }); * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/guide/network-requests/mock-geolocation.html */ setGeolocation( coordinates?: { latitude: number; longitude: number; accuracy?: number }, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * Capture outgoing network calls from the browser. * * @example * describe('capture network requests', function() { * it('captures and logs network requests as they occur', function(this: ExtendDescribeThis<{requestCount: number}>) { * this.requestCount = 1; * browser * .captureNetworkRequests((requestParams) => { * console.log('Request Number:', this.requestCount!++); * console.log('Request URL:', requestParams.request.url); * console.log('Request method:', requestParams.request.method); * console.log('Request headers:', requestParams.request.headers); * }) * .navigateTo('https://www.google.com'); * }); * }); * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/guide/network-requests/capture-network-calls.html */ captureNetworkRequests( onRequestCallback: (requestParams: Protocol.Network.RequestWillBeSentEvent) => void, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * Intercept the request made on a particular URL and mock the response. * * @example * describe('mock network response', function() { * it('intercepts the request made to Google search and mocks its response', function() { * browser * .mockNetworkResponse('https://www.google.com/', { * status: 200, * headers: { * 'Content-Type': 'UTF-8' * }, * body: 'Hello there!' * }) * .navigateTo('https://www.google.com/') * .pause(2000); * }); * }); * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/guide/network-requests/mock-network-response.html */ mockNetworkResponse( urlToIntercept: string, response?: { status?: Protocol.Fetch.FulfillRequestRequest['responseCode']; headers?: { [name: string]: string }; body?: Protocol.Fetch.FulfillRequestRequest['body']; }, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * Override device mode/dimensions. * * @example * describe('modify device dimensions', function() { * it('modifies the device dimensions and then resets it', function() { * browser * .setDeviceDimensions({ * width: 400, * height: 600, * deviceScaleFactor: 50, * mobile: true * }) * .navigateTo('https://www.google.com') * .pause(1000) * .setDeviceDimensions() // resets the device dimensions * .navigateTo('https://www.google.com') * .pause(1000); * }); * }); * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/guide/mobile-web-testing/override-device-dimensions.html */ setDeviceDimensions( metrics?: { width?: number; height?: number; deviceScaleFactor?: number; mobile?: boolean }, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * Get the performance metrics from the browser. Metrics collection * only begin after `enablePerformanceMetrics()` command is called. * * @returns A promise that contains metrics collected between the * last call to `enablePerformanceMetrics()` command and this command. * * @example * describe('collect performance metrics', function() { * it('enables the metrics collection, does some stuff and collects the metrics', function() { * browser * .enablePerformanceMetrics() * .navigateTo('https://www.google.com') * .getPerformanceMetrics((result) => { * if (result.status === 0) { * const metrics = result.value; * console.log(metrics); * } * }); * }); * }); * * @see https://web.dev/metrics/ * @see https://pptr.dev/api/puppeteer.page.metrics/ */ getPerformanceMetrics( callback?: ( this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult<{[metricName: string]: number}>, ) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * Enable/disable the collection of performance metrics in the browser. Metrics * collection only begin after this command is called. * * @example * describe('collect performance metrics', function() { * it('enables the metrics collection, does some stuff and collects the metrics', function() { * browser * .enablePerformanceMetrics() * .navigateTo('https://www.google.com') * .getPerformanceMetrics((result) => { * if (result.status === 0) { * const metrics = result.value; * console.log(metrics); * } * }); * }); * }); * * @see https://web.dev/metrics/ * @see https://pptr.dev/api/puppeteer.page.metrics/ */ enablePerformanceMetrics( enable?: boolean, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * Take heap snapshot and save it as a `.heapsnapshot` file. * The saved snapshot file can then be loaded into Chrome * DevTools' Memory tab for inspection. * * The contents of the heap snapshot are also available in the `value` * property of the `result` argument passed to the callback, in * string-serialized JSON format. * * @returns A promise that contains heap snapshot in string-serialized * JSON format. * * @example * describe('take heap snapshot', function() { * it('takes heap snapshot and saves it as snap.heapsnapshot file', function() { * browser * .navigateTo('https://www.google.com') * .takeHeapSnapshot('./snap.heapsnapshot'); * }); * }); * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/guide/running-tests/take-heap-snapshot.html */ takeHeapSnapshot( heapSnapshotLocation?: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * Listen to the `console` events (ex. `console.log` event) and * register callback to process the same. * * @example * describe('capture console events', function() { * it('captures and logs console.log event', function() { * browser * .captureBrowserConsoleLogs((event) => { * console.log(event.type, event.timestamp, event.args[0].value); * }) * .navigateTo('https://www.google.com') * .executeScript(function() { * console.log('here'); * }, []); * }); * }); * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/guide/running-tests/capture-console-messages.html */ captureBrowserConsoleLogs( onEventCallback: ( event: Pick< Protocol.Runtime.ConsoleAPICalledEvent, "type" | "timestamp" | "args" > ) => void, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * Catch the JavaScript exceptions thrown in the browser. * * @example * describe('catch browser exceptions', function() { * it('captures the js exceptions thrown in the browser', async function() { * await browser.captureBrowserExceptions((event) => { * console.log('>>> Exception:', event); * }); * * await browser.navigateTo('https://duckduckgo.com/'); * * const searchBoxElement = await browser.findElement('input[name=q]'); * await browser.executeScript(function(_searchBoxElement) { * _searchBoxElement.setAttribute('onclick', 'throw new Error("Hello world!")'); * }, [searchBoxElement]); * * await browser.elementIdClick(searchBoxElement.getId()); * }); * }); * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/guide/running-tests/catch-js-exceptions.html */ captureBrowserExceptions( onExceptionCallback: (event: Protocol.Runtime.ExceptionThrownEvent) => void, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; } export interface ClientCommands extends ChromiumClientCommands { /** * Close the current window. This can be useful when you're working with multiple windows open (e.g. an OAuth login). * Uses `window` protocol command. * * @example * describe('closeWindow command demo' , function (result) { * test('demo test', function () { * browser.closeWindow(); * }); * }); * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/closeWindow.html */ closeWindow( callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * Sets the current window state to fullscreen. * * @example * module.exports = { * 'demo Test': function(browser) { * browser.fullscreenWindow(function(result) { * console.log(result); * }); * }, * * 'ES6 async demo Test': async function(browser) { * const result = await browser.fullscreenWindow(); * console.log('result value is:', result.value); * } * } * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/fullscreenWindow.html */ fullscreenWindow( callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void ): Awaitable; /** * Hides the window in the system tray. If the window happens to be in fullscreen mode, * it is restored the normal state then it will be "iconified" - minimize or hide the window from the visible screen. * * @example * module.exports = { * 'demo Test': function(browser) { * browser.minimizeWindow(function(result) { * console.log(result); * }); * }, * * 'ES6 async demo Test': async function(browser) { * const result = await browser.minimizeWindow(); * console.log('result value is:', result.value); * } * } * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/minimizeWindow.html */ minimizeWindow( callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void ): Awaitable; /** * Opens a new top-level browser window, which can be either a tab (default) or a separate new window. * * This command is only available for W3C Webdriver compatible browsers. * * @example * module.exports = { * 'demo Test': function(browser) { * // open a new window tab (default) * browser.openNewWindow(function(result) { * console.log(result); * }); * * // open a new window * browser.openNewWindow('window', function(result) { * console.log(result); * }); * }, * * 'ES6 async demo Test': async function(browser) { * const result = await browser.openNewWindow(); * console.log('result value is:', result.value); * } * } * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/openNewWindow.html */ openNewWindow( type?: WindowType, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * Delete the cookie with the given name. This command is a no-op if there is no such cookie visible to the current page. * * @example * this.demoTest = function() { * browser.deleteCookie("test_cookie", function() { * // do something more in here * }); * } * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/deleteCookie.html */ deleteCookie( cookieName: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * Delete all cookies visible to the current page. * * @example * this.demoTest = function() { * browser.deleteCookies(function() { * // do something more in here * }); * } * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/deleteCookies.html */ deleteCookies( callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void ): Awaitable; /** * Ends the session. Uses session protocol command. * * @example * this.demoTest = function () { * browser.end(); * }; * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/end.html */ end( callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void ): Awaitable; /** * Retrieve a single cookie visible to the current page. The cookie is returned as a cookie JSON object, * as defined [here](https://code.google.com/p/selenium/wiki/JsonWireProtocol#Cookie_JSON_Object). * * Uses `cookie` protocol command. * * @example * this.demoTest = function() { * browser.getCookie(name, function callback(result) { * this.assert.equal(result.value, '123456'); * this.assert.equals(result.name, 'test_cookie'); * }); * } * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/getCookie.html */ getCookie( name: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void ): Awaitable; /** * Retrieve all cookies visible to the current page. The cookies are returned as an array of cookie JSON object, * as defined [here](https://code.google.com/p/selenium/wiki/JsonWireProtocol#Cookie_JSON_Object). * * Uses `cookie` protocol command. * * @example * this.demoTest = function() { * browser.getCookies(function callback(result) { * this.assert.equal(result.value.length, 1); * this.assert.equals(result.value[0].name, 'test_cookie'); * }); * } * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/getCookies.html */ getCookies( callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void ): Awaitable; /** * Gets a log from Selenium. * * @example * this.demoTest = function() { * this.getLog('browser', function(logEntriesArray) { * console.log('Log length: ' + logEntriesArray.length); * logEntriesArray.forEach(function(log) { * console.log('[' + log.level + '] ' + log.timestamp + ' : ' + log.message); * }); * }); * }; * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/getLog.html */ getLog( typestring: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, log: NightwatchLogEntry[]) => void ): Awaitable; /** * Gets the available log types. More info about log types in WebDriver can be found here: https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/wiki/Logging * * @example * this.demoTest = function() { * this.getLogTypes(function(typesArray) { * console.log(typesArray); * }); * }; * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/getLogTypes.html */ getLogTypes( callback?: ( this: NightwatchAPI, result: Array<'client' | 'driver' | 'browser' | 'server' | 'performance'>, ) => void, ): Awaitable>; /** * Retrieve the URL of the current page. * * @example * describe('Navigation commands demo', function() { * test('demoTest', function(browser) { * // navigate to new url: * browser.navigateTo('https://nightwatchjs.org'); * * // Retrieve to url with callback: * browser.getCurrentUrl(function(result) { * console.log(result.value); * }); * }); * * test('demoTestAsync', async function(browser) { * const currentUrl = await browser.navigateTo('https://nightwatchjs.org').getCurrentUrl(); * console.log('currentUrl:', currentUrl); // will print 'https://nightwatchjs.org' * }); * * }); * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/getCurrentUrl.html */ getCurrentUrl( callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void ): Awaitable; /** * Returns the title of the current page. Uses title protocol command. * * @example * this.demoTest = function () { * browser.getTitle(function(title) { * this.assert.equal(typeof title, 'string'); * this.assert.equal(title, 'Nightwatch.js'); * }); * }; * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/getTitle.html */ getTitle( callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: string) => void ): Awaitable; /** * Navigate to a new URL. This method will also call the `onBrowserNavigate()` test global, * right after the page is loaded. * * @example * describe('Navigation commands demo', function() { * test('demoTest', function(browser) { * // navigate to new url: * browser.navigateTo('https://nightwatchjs.org'); * * // Retrieve to url with callback: * browser.getCurrentUrl(function(result) { * console.log(result.value); * }); * }); * * test('demoTestAsync', async function(browser) { * const currentUrl = await browser.navigateTo('https://nightwatchjs.org').getCurrentUrl(); * console.log('currentUrl:', currentUrl); // will print 'https://nightwatchjs.org' * }); * }); * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/navigateTo.html */ navigateTo( url: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * Ends the session and closes down the test WebDriver server, if one is running. * This is similar to calling the .end() command, but the former doesn't quit the WebDriver session. * * This command will also execute the `onBrowserQuit()` global, if one is defined. * * @example * this.demoTest = function (browser) { * browser.quit(function(result) { * console.log(result.value); * }); * } * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/quit.html */ quit( callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void ): Awaitable; /** * This command is an alias to url and also a convenience method when called without any arguments in the sense * that it performs a call to .url() with passing the value of `launch_url` field from the settings file. * Uses `url` protocol command. * * @example * this.demoTest = function () { * browser.init(); * }; * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/init.html */ init( url?: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void ): Awaitable; /** * Utility command to load an external script into the page specified by url. * * @example * this.demoTest = function() { * this.injectScript("{script-url}", function() { * // we're all done here. * }); * }; * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/injectScript.html */ injectScript( scriptUrl: string, id?: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * Utility command to test if the log type is available. * * @example * this.demoTest = function() { * browser.isLogAvailable('browser', function(isAvailable) { * // do something more in here * }); * } * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/isLogAvailable.html */ isLogAvailable( typeString: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: boolean) => void ): Awaitable; /** * Maximizes the current window. * * @example * this.demoTest = function () { * browser.maximizeWindow(); * }; * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/maximizeWindow.html */ maximizeWindow( callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void ): Awaitable; /** * Suspends the test for the given time in milliseconds. If the milliseconds argument is missing it will suspend the test indefinitely * * @example * this.demoTest = function () { * browser.pause(1000); * // or suspend indefinitely * browser.pause(); * }; * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/pause.html */ pause(ms?: number, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI) => void): Awaitable; /** * This command halts the test execution and provides users with a REPL interface where they can type * any of the available Nightwatch commands and the command will be executed in the running browser * in real-time. * * This can be used to debug why a certain command in not working as expected, find the correct * locators for your assertions or just play around with the available Nightwatch commands. * * @example * // async function is required while using the debug * // command to get the correct result as output. * this.demoTest = async function (browser) { * browser.debug(); * * // with no auto-complete * browser.debug({preview: false}); * * // with a timeout of 6000 ms (time for which the interface * // would wait for a result). * browser.debug({timeout: 6000}) * }; * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/debug.html */ debug( config?: { useGlobal?: boolean; preview?: boolean; timeout?: number }, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI) => void ): Awaitable; /** * A simple perform command which allows access to the Nightwatch API in a callback. Can be useful if you want to read variables set by other commands. * * The callback signature can have up to two parameters. * - no parameters: callback runs and perform completes immediately at the end of the execution of the callback. * - one parameter: allows for asynchronous execution within the callback providing a done callback function for completion as the first argument. * - two parameters: allows for asynchronous execution with the Nightwatch `api` object passed in as the first argument, followed by the done callback. * * @example * this.demoTest = function () { * var elementValue; * browser * .getValue('.some-element', function(result) { * elementValue = result.value; * }) * // other stuff going on ... * // * // self-completing callback * .perform(function() { * console.log('elementValue', elementValue); * // without any defined parameters, perform * // completes immediately (synchronously) * }) * // * // asynchronous completion * .perform(function(done) { * console.log('elementValue', elementValue); * // potentially other async stuff going on * // on finished, call the done callback * done(); * }) * // * // asynchronous completion including api (client) * .perform(function(done) { * console.log('elementValue', elementValue); * // similar to before, but now with client * // potentially other async stuff going on * // on finished, call the done callback * done(); * }); * }; */ perform( callback: | (() => undefined | Promise) | ((done: () => void) => void) | ((client: NightwatchAPI, done: () => void) => void), ): Awaitable; /** * Waits for a condition to evaluate to a "truthy" value. The condition may be specified by any function which * returns the value to be evaluated or a Promise to wait for. * * An optional wait time can be specified, otherwise the global waitForConditionTimeout value will be used. * * @example * describe('waitUntil Example', function() { * it('demo Test', function(browser) { * browser * .url('https://nightwatchjs.org) * .waitUntil(async function() { * const title = await this.execute(function() { * return document.title; * }); * * return title === 'Nightwatch.js'; * }, 1000); * }); * } * */ waitUntil( conditionFn: | ((this: NightwatchAPI) => undefined | Promise) | ((this: NightwatchAPI, done: () => void) => void) | ((this: NightwatchAPI, client: NightwatchAPI, done: () => void) => void), waitTimeMs?: number, retryInterval?: number, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * Resizes the current window. * * @example * this.demoTest = function () { * browser.resizeWindow(1000, 800); * }; * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/resizeWindow.html */ resizeWindow( width: number, height: number, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * Take a screenshot of the current page and saves it as the given filename. * * @example * this.demoTest = function ( ) { * browser.saveScreenshot('/path/to/fileName.png'); * }; * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/saveScreenshot.html */ saveScreenshot( fileName: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * Set a cookie, specified as a cookie JSON object, as defined [here](https://code.google.com/p/selenium/wiki/JsonWireProtocol#Cookie_JSON_Object). * * Uses `cookie` protocol command. * * @example * this.demoTest = function() { * browser.setCookie({ * name : "test_cookie", * value : "test_value", * path : "/", (Optional) * domain : "example.org", (Optional) * secure : false, (Optional) * httpOnly : false, // (Optional) * expiry : 1395002765 // (Optional) time in seconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC * }); * } * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/setCookie.html */ setCookie( cookie: Cookie, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void ): Awaitable; /** * Sets the current window position. * * @example * this.demoTest = function () { * browser.setWindowPosition(0, 0); * }; * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/setWindowPosition.html */ setWindowPosition( offsetX: number, offsetY: number, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * Change the [window rect](https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-window-rect). This is defined as a dictionary of the `screenX`, `screenY`, `outerWidth` and `outerHeight` attributes of the window. * * Its JSON representation is the following: * - `x` - window's screenX attribute; * - `y` - window's screenY attribute; * - `width` - outerWidth attribute; * - `height` - outerHeight attribute. * * All attributes are in in CSS pixels. To change the window react, you can either specify `width` and `height`, `x` and `y` or all properties together. * * @example * module.exports = { * 'demo test .setWindowRect()': function() { * * // Change the screenX and screenY attributes of the window rect. * browser.setWindowRect({x: 500, y: 500}); * * // Change the width and height attributes of the window rect. * browser.setWindowRect({width: 600, height: 300}); * * // Retrieve the attributes * browser.setWindowRect(function(result) { * console.log(result.value); * }); * }, * * 'setWindowRect ES6 demo test': async function() { * await browser.setWindowRect({ * width: 600, * height: 300, * x: 100, * y: 100 * }); * } * } * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/setWindowRect.html */ setWindowRect( options: WindowSizeAndPosition, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * Sets the current window position. * * @example * this.demoTest = function () { * browser.setWindowPosition(0, 0); * }; * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/setWindowSize.html * */ setWindowSize( width: number, height: number, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * Change focus to another window. The window to change focus to may be specified by its server assigned window handle, or by the value of its name attribute. * * To find out the window handle use `windowHandles` command * * @example * this.demoTest = function () { * browser.windowHandles(function(result) { * const handle = result.value[0]; * browser.switchWindow(handle); * }); * }; * * this.demoTestAsync = async function () { * const result = await browser.windowHandles(); * const handle = result.value[0]; * browser.switchWindow(handle); * }; * * @alias switchToWindow * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/switchWindow.html */ switchWindow( handleOrName: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * Change focus to another window. The window to change focus to may be specified by its server assigned window handle, or by the value of its name attribute. * * To find out the window handle use `windowHandles` command * * @example * this.demoTest = function () { * browser.windowHandles(function(result) { * const handle = result.value[0]; * browser.switchToWindow(handle); * }); * }; * * this.demoTestAsync = async function () { * const result = await browser.windowHandles(); * const handle = result.value[0]; * browser.switchToWindow(handle); * }; * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/switchToWindow.html */ switchToWindow( handleOrName: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * Change or get the [window rect](https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-window-rect). * This is defined as a dictionary of the `screenX`, `screenY`, `outerWidth` and `outerHeight` attributes of the window. * * Its JSON representation is the following: * - `x` - window's screenX attribute; * - `y` - window's screenY attribute; * - `width` - outerWidth attribute; * - `height` - outerHeight attribute. * * All attributes are in in CSS pixels. To change the window react, you can either specify `width` and `height`, `x` and `y` or all properties together. * * @example * module.exports = { * 'demo test .getWindowRect()': function() { * // Retrieve the attributes * browser.getWindowRect(function(value) { * console.log(value); * }); * }, * * 'getWindowRect ES6 demo test': async function() { * const resultValue = await browser.getWindowRect(); * console.log('result value', resultValue); * } * } * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/getWindowRect.html */ getWindowRect( callback?: ( this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult, ) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * Retrieves the current window size. * * For clients which are compatible with the [W3C Webdriver API](https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/), `getWindowSize` is an alias of `getWindowRect`. * * The `getWindowRect` command returns both dimensions and position of the window, using the `windowRect` protocol command. * * @example * module.exports = { * 'demo test .getWindowSize()': function() { * // Retrieve the attributes * browser.getWindowSize(function(value) { * console.log(value); * }); * }, * * 'getWindowSize ES6 demo test': async function(browser) { * const value = await browser.getWindowSize(); * console.log('value', value); * } * } * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/getWindowSize.html */ getWindowSize( callback?: ( this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult, ) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * Retrieves the current window position. * * For clients which are compatible with the [W3C Webdriver API](https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/), `getWindowPosition` is an alias of `getWindowRect`. * * The `getWindowRect` command returns both dimensions and position of the window, using the `windowRect` protocol command. * * @example * module.exports = { * 'demo test .getWindowPosition()': function(browser) { * // Retrieve the attributes * browser.getWindowPosition(function(value) { * console.log(value); * }); * }, * * 'getWindowPosition ES6 demo test': async function(browser) { * const value = await browser.getWindowPosition(); * console.log('value', value); * } * } * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/getWindowPosition.html */ getWindowPosition( callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * Returns the page source. Uses pageSource protocol command. * * @example * this.demoTest = function (browser) { * browser.pageSource(function(pageSource) { * console.log(pageSource); * }); * }; * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/pageSource.html */ pageSource( callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void ): Awaitable; /** * Convenience command that adds the specified hash (i.e. url fragment) to the current value of the `launch_url` as set in `nightwatch.json`. * * @example * this.demoTest = function () { * browser.urlHash('#hashvalue'); * // or * browser.urlHash('hashvalue'); * }; * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/urlHash.html */ urlHash( hash: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void ): Awaitable; /** * Sets the locate strategy for selectors to `css selector`, therefore every following selector needs to be specified as css. * * @example * this.demoTest = function () { * browser * .useCss() // we're back to CSS now * .setValue('input[type=text]', 'nightwatch'); * }; * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/useCss.html */ useCss(callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI) => void): Awaitable; /** * Sets the locate strategy for selectors to xpath, therefore every following selector needs to be specified as xpath. * * @example * this.demoTest = function () { * browser * .useXpath() // every selector now must be xpath * .click("//tr[@data-recordid]/span[text()='Search Text']"); * }; * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/useXpath.html */ useXpath(callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI) => void): Awaitable; /** * Injects the axe-core js library into the current page (using the .executeScript() command) to be paired * with axeRun to evaluate the axe-core accessibility rules. * * @example * this.demoTest = function () { * browser * .url('https://nightwatchjs.org') * .axeInject() * .axeRun(); * }; * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/axeInject.html */ axeInject(): Awaitable; /** * Analyzes the current page against applied axe rules. * * @example * this.demoTest = function () { * browser * .url('https://nightwatchjs.org') * .axeInject() * .axeRun( * 'body', * { runOnly: ['color-contrast', 'image-alt'] } * ); * }; * * @example * this.demoTest = function () { * browser * .url('https://nightwatchjs.org') * .axeInject() * .axeRun( * 'body', * { * 'color-contrast': { * enabled: false * } * }, * } * ); * }; * * @param selector - CSS selector to scope rule analysis against, will cascade to child elements * @param options - Allows configuration of what rules will be run (accessibility standard or rules to enable/disable) * @see {@link https://www.deque.com/axe/core-documentation/api-documentation/#options-parameter} * * @see {@link https://nightwatchjs.org/api/axeRun.html} */ axeRun( selector?: string, options?: { [key: string]: any }, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; } export interface ElementCommands { /** * Clear a textarea or a text input element's value. * Starting with v1.1 `clearValue()` will wait for the element to be present (until the specified timeout). * * If the element is not found, an error is thrown which will cause the test to fail. * Starting with `v1.2` you can suppress element not found errors by specifying the `suppressNotFoundErrors` flag. * * @example * describe('clearValue Command demo', function() { * test('demo test', function() { * browser.clearValue('#login input[type=text]'); * * browser.clearValue('#login input[type=text]', function(result) { * console.log('clearValue result', result); * }); * * // with explicit locate strategy * browser.clearValue('css selector', '#login input[type=text]'); * * // with selector object - see https://nightwatchjs.org/guide#element-properties * browser.clearValue({ * selector: '#login input[type=text]', * index: 1, * suppressNotFoundErrors: true * }); * * browser.clearValue({ * selector: '#login input[type=text]', * timeout: 2000 // overwrite the default timeout (in ms) to check if the element is present * }); * * }); * * }); * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/clearValue.html */ clearValue( selector: Definition, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void ): Awaitable; clearValue( using: LocateStrategy, selector: Definition, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void ): Awaitable; /** * Simulates a click event on the given DOM element. * The element is scrolled into view if it is not already pointer-interactable. * See the WebDriver specification for element interactability. * * @example * module.exports = { * demoTest() { * browser.click('#main ul li a.first'); * * browser.click('#main ul li a.first', function(result) { * console.log('Click result', result); * }); * * // with explicit locate strategy * browser.click('css selector', '#main ul li a.first'); * * // with selector object - see https://nightwatchjs.org/guide#element-properties * browser.click({ * selector: '#main ul li a', * index: 1, * suppressNotFoundErrors: true * }); * * browser.click({ * selector: '#main ul li a.first', * timeout: 2000 // overwrite the default timeout (in ms) to check if the element is present * }); * }, * * demoTestAsync: async function(browser) { * const result = await browser.click('#main ul li a.first'); * console.log('Click result', result); * } * } * * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/click.html */ click(selector: Definition, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void): Awaitable; click( using: LocateStrategy, selector: Definition, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * Retrieve the value of an attribute for a given DOM element. * * @example * module.exports = { * demoTest() { * browser.getAttribute('#main ul li a.first', 'href', function(result) { * console.log('result', result); * }); * * // with explicit locate strategy * browser.getAttribute('css selector', '#main ul li a.first', 'href', function(result) { * console.log('result', result); * }); * * // with selector object - see https://nightwatchjs.org/guide#element-properties * browser.getAttribute({ * selector: '#main ul li a.first', * index: 1, * suppressNotFoundErrors: true * }, 'href', function(result) { * console.log('result', result); * }); * }, * * demoTestAsync: async function(browser) { * const result = await browser.getAttribute('#main ul li a.first', 'href'); * console.log('attribute', result); * } * } * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/getAttribute.html */ getAttribute( selector: Definition, attribute: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; getAttribute( using: LocateStrategy, selector: Definition, attribute: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * Retrieve the value of a css property for a given DOM element. * * @example * module.exports = { * demoTest() { * browser.getCssProperty('#main ul li a.first', 'display', function(result) { * console.log('result', result); * }); * * // with explicit locate strategy * browser.getCssProperty('css selector', '#main ul li a.first', 'display', function(result) { * console.log('result', result); * }); * * // with selector object - see https://nightwatchjs.org/guide#element-properties * browser.getCssProperty({ * selector: '#main ul li a.first', * index: 1, * suppressNotFoundErrors: true * }, 'display', function(result) { * console.log('result', result); * }); * }, * * demoTestAsync: async function(browser) { * const result = await browser.getCssProperty('#main ul li a.first', 'display'); * console.log('display', result); * } * } * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/getCssProperty.html */ getCssProperty( selector: Definition, cssProperty: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; getCssProperty( using: LocateStrategy, selector: Definition, cssProperty: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * Determine an element's size in pixels. For W3C Webdriver compatible clients (such as GeckoDriver), this command is equivalent to `getLocation` and both return * the dimensions and coordinates of the given element: * - x: X axis position of the top-left corner of the element, in CSS pixels * - y: Y axis position of the top-left corner of the element, in CSS pixels * - height: Height of the element’s bounding rectangle in CSS pixels; * - width: Width of the web element’s bounding rectangle in CSS pixels. * * @example * module.exports = { * demoTest() { * browser.getElementSize('#login', function(result) { * console.log('result', result); * }); * * // with explicit locate strategy * browser.getElementSize('css selector', '#login', function(result) { * console.log('result', result); * }); * * // with selector object - see https://nightwatchjs.org/guide#element-properties * browser.getElementSize({ * selector: '#login', * index: 1, * suppressNotFoundErrors: true * }, function(result) { * console.log('result', result); * }); * }, * * demoTestAsync: async function(browser) { * const result = await browser.getElementSize('#login'); * console.log('classList', result); * } * } * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/getElementSize.html */ getElementSize( selector: Definition, callback?: ( this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult, ) => void, ): Awaitable; getElementSize( using: LocateStrategy, selector: Definition, callback?: ( this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult, ) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * Determine an element's location on the page. The point (0, 0) refers to the upper-left corner of the page. The element's coordinates are returned as a JSON object with x and y properties. * * For W3C Webdriver compatible clients (such as GeckoDriver), this command is equivalent to `getElementSize` and both return * the dimensions and coordinates of the given element: * - x: X axis position of the top-left corner of the element, in CSS pixels * - y: Y axis position of the top-left corner of the element, in CSS pixels * - height: Height of the element’s bounding rectangle in CSS pixels; * - width: Width of the web element’s bounding rectangle in CSS pixels. * * @example * module.exports = { * demoTest() { * browser.getLocation('#login', function(result) { * console.log('result', result); * }); * * // with explicit locate strategy * browser.getLocation('css selector', '#login', function(result) { * console.log('result', result); * }); * * // with selector object - see https://nightwatchjs.org/guide#element-properties * browser.getLocation({ * selector: '#login', * index: 1, * suppressNotFoundErrors: true * }, function(result) { * console.log('result', result); * }); * }, * * demoTestAsync: async function(browser) { * const result = await browser.getLocation('#login'); * console.log('location', result); * } * } * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/getLocation.html */ getLocation( selector: Definition, callback?: ( this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult, ) => void, ): Awaitable; getLocation( using: LocateStrategy, selector: Definition, callback?: ( this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult, ) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * Determine an element's location on the screen once it has been scrolled into view. Uses `elementIdLocationInView` protocol command. * * @example * this.demoTest = function () { * browser.getLocationInView("#main ul li a.first", function(result) { * this.assert.equal(typeof result, "object"); * this.assert.equal(result.status, 0); * this.assert.equal(result.value.x, 200); * this.assert.equal(result.value.y, 200); * }); * }; * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/getLocationInView.html */ getLocationInView( selector: Definition, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; getLocationInView( using: LocateStrategy, selector: Definition, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * Query for an element's tag name. * * @example * module.exports = { * demoTest() { * browser.getTagName('#login', function(result) { * console.log('result', result); * }); * * // with explicit locate strategy * browser.getTagName('css selector', '#login', function(result) { * console.log('result', result); * }); * * // with selector object - see https://nightwatchjs.org/guide#element-properties * browser.getTagName({ * selector: '#login', * index: 1, * suppressNotFoundErrors: true * }, function(result) { * console.log('result', result); * }); * }, * * demoTestAsync: async function(browser) { * const result = await browser.getTagName('#login'); * console.log('tagName', result); * } * } * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/getTagName.html */ getTagName( selector: Definition, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; getTagName( using: LocateStrategy, selector: Definition, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * Returns the visible text for the element. * * @example * module.exports = { * demoTest() { * browser.getText('#main ul li a.first', function(result) { * this.assert.equal(typeof result, 'object); * this.assert.strictEqual(result.status, 0); // only when using Selenium / JSONWire * this.assert.equal(result.value, 'nightwatchjs.org'); * }); * * // with explicit locate strategy * browser.getText('css selector', '#main ul li a.first', function(result) { * console.log('getText result', result.value); * }); * * // with selector object - see https://nightwatchjs.org/guide#element-properties * browser.getText({ * selector: '#main ul li a', * index: 1 * }, function(result) { * console.log('getText result', result.value); * }); * * browser.getText({ * selector: '#main ul li a.first', * timeout: 2000 // overwrite the default timeout (in ms) to check if the element is present * }, function(result) { * console.log('getText result', result.value); * }); * }, * * demoTestAsync: async function() { * const result = await browser.getText('#main ul li a.first'); * console.log('getText result', result); * } * } * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/getText.html */ getText( selector: Definition, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; getText( using: LocateStrategy, selector: Definition, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * Returns a form element current value. * * @example * module.exports = { * demoTest() { * browser.getValue('#login input[type=text]', function(result) { * console.log('result', result); * }); * * // with explicit locate strategy * browser.getValue('css selector', '#login input[type=text]', function(result) { * console.log('result', result); * }); * * // with selector object - see https://nightwatchjs.org/guide#element-properties * browser.getValue({ * selector: '#login input[type=text]', * index: 1, * suppressNotFoundErrors: true * }, function(result) { * console.log('result', result); * }); * }, * * demoTestAsync: async function() { * const result = await browser.getValue('#login input[type=text]'); * console.log('Value', result); * } * } * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/getValue.html */ getValue( selector: Definition, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; getValue( using: LocateStrategy, selector: Definition, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * Determine if an element is currently displayed. * * @example * module.exports = { * demoTest() { * browser.isVisible('#main ul li a.first', function(result) { * this.assert.equal(typeof result, "object"); * this.assert.equal(result.status, 0); * this.assert.equal(result.value, true); * }); * * // with explicit locate strategy * browser.isVisible('css selector', '#main ul li a.first'); * * // with selector object - see https://nightwatchjs.org/guide#element-properties * browser.isVisible({ * selector: '#main ul li a', * index: 1, * suppressNotFoundErrors: true * }); * * browser.isVisible({ * selector: '#main ul li a.first', * timeout: 2000 // overwrite the default timeout (in ms) to check if the element is present * }); * }, * * demoTestAsync: async function() { * const result = await browser.isVisible('#main ul li a.first'); * console.log('isVisible result', result); * } * } * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/isVisible.html */ isVisible( selector: Definition, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; isVisible( using: LocateStrategy, selector: Definition, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * Determines if an element is present in the DOM. * * @example * module.exports = { * demoTest(browser) { * browser.isPresent('#main ul li a.first', function(result) { * this.assert.equal(typeof result, "object"); * this.assert.equal(result.status, 0); * this.assert.equal(result.value, true); * }); * * // with explicit locate strategy * browser.isPresent('css selector', '#main ul li a.first'); * * // with selector object - see https://nightwatchjs.org/guide#element-properties * browser.isPresent({ * selector: '#main ul li a', * index: 1, * }); * * browser.isPresent({ * selector: '#main ul li a.first', * timeout: 2000 // overwrite the default timeout (in ms) to check if the element is present * }); * }, * * demoTestAsync: async function(browser) { * const result = await browser.isPresent('#main ul li a.first'); * console.log('isPresent result', result); * } * } * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/isPresent.html */ isPresent( selector: Definition, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; isPresent( using: LocateStrategy, selector: Definition, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * Move the mouse by an offset of the specified element. If an element is provided but no offset, the mouse will be moved to the center of the element. * If the element is not visible, it will be scrolled into view. * * @example * this.demoTest = function () { * browser.moveToElement('#main', 10, 10); * }; * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/moveToElement.html */ moveToElement( selector: Definition, xoffset: number, yoffset: number, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; moveToElement( using: LocateStrategy, selector: Definition, xoffset: number, yoffset: number, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * Sends some text to an element. Can be used to set the value of a form element or to send a sequence of key strokes to an element. Any UTF-8 character may be specified. * * From Nightwatch v2, **setValue** also clears the existing value of the element by calling the **clearValue()** beforehand. * * An object map with available keys and their respective UTF-8 characters, as defined on [W3C WebDriver draft spec](https://www.w3.org/TR/webdriver/#character-types), * is loaded onto the main Nightwatch instance as `browser.Keys`. * * @example * // send some simple text to an input * this.demoTest = function () { * browser.setValue('input[type=text]', 'nightwatch'); * }; * // * // send some text to an input and hit enter. * this.demoTest = function () { * browser.setValue('input[type=text]', ['nightwatch', browser.Keys.ENTER]); * }; * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/setValue.html */ setValue( selector: Definition, inputValue: string | string[], callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; setValue( using: LocateStrategy, selector: Definition, inputValue: string | string[], callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * Types a key sequence on the DOM element. Can be used to send a sequence of key strokes to an element. * Any UTF-8 character may be specified. * * **sendKeys** does not clear the existing value of the element. To do so, use **setValue()** instead. * * An object map with available keys and their respective UTF-8 characters, * as defined on [W3C WebDriver draft spec](https://www.w3.org/TR/webdriver/#character-types), * is loaded onto the main Nightwatch instance as `browser.Keys`. * * @example * // send some simple text to an input * this.demoTest = function () { * browser.sendKeys('input[type=text]', 'nightwatch'); * }; * // * // send some text to an input and hit enter. * this.demoTest = function () { * browser.sendKeys('input[type=text]', ['nightwatch', browser.Keys.ENTER]); * }; * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/sendKeys.html */ sendKeys( selector: Definition, inputValue: string | string[], callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; sendKeys( using: LocateStrategy, selector: Definition, inputValue: string | string[], callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * Submit a FORM element. The submit command may also be applied to any element that is a descendant of a FORM element. Uses `submit` protocol command. * * @example * this.demoTest = function () { * browser.submitForm('form.login'); * }; * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/submitForm.html */ submitForm( selector: Definition, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; submitForm( using: LocateStrategy, selector: Definition, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * Opposite of `waitForElementPresent`. Waits a given time in milliseconds (default 5000ms) * for an element to be not present (i.e. removed) in the page before performing * any other commands or assertions. * If the element is still present after the specified amount of time, the test fails. * * You can change the polling interval by defining a `waitForConditionPollInterval` property (in milliseconds) in as a global property in your `nightwatch.json` or in your external globals file. * Similarly, a default timeout can be specified as a global `waitForConditionTimeout` property (in milliseconds). * * @example * module.exports = { * 'demo Test': function() { * // with default implicit timeout of 5000ms (can be overwritten in settings under 'globals.waitForConditionTimeout') * browser.waitForElementNotPresent('#dialog'); * * // specify the locate strategy (css selector/xpath) as the first argument * browser.waitForElementNotPresent('css selector', '#dialog'); * * // with explicit timeout (in milliseconds) * browser.waitForElementNotPresent('#dialog', 1000); * * // continue if failed * browser.waitForElementNotPresent('#dialog', 1000, false); * * // with callback * browser.waitForElementNotPresent('#dialog', 1000, function() { * // do something while we're here * }); * * // with custom output message - the locate strategy is required * browser.waitForElementNotPresent('css selector', '#dialog', 'The dialog container is removed.'); * * // with custom Spanish message * browser.waitForElementNotPresent('#dialog', 1000, 'elemento %s no era presente en %d ms'); * * // many combinations possible - the message is always the last argument * browser.waitForElementNotPresent('#dialog', 1000, false, function() {}, 'elemento %s no era presente en %d ms'); * }, * * 'demo Test with selector objects': function() { * browser.waitForElementNotPresent({ * selector: '#dialog', * timeout: 1000 * }); * * browser.waitForElementNotPresent({ * selector: '#dialog', * locateStrategy: 'css selector' * }, 'Custom output message'); * * browser.waitForElementNotPresent({ * selector: '.container', * index: 2, * retryInterval: 100, * abortOnFailure: true * }); * } * * 'page object demo Test': function () { * var nightwatch = browser.page.nightwatch(); * nightwatch * .navigate() * .assert.titleContains('Nightwatch.js'); * * nightwatch.api.waitForElementNotPresent('@dialogContainer', function(result) { * console.log(result); * }); * } * } * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/waitForElementNotPresent.html * @since v0.4.0 */ waitForElementNotPresent( selector: Definition, time?: number, poll?: number, abortOnFailure?: boolean, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, message?: string, ): Awaitable; waitForElementNotPresent( using: LocateStrategy, selector: Definition, time?: number, poll?: number, abortOnFailure?: boolean, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, message?: string, ): Awaitable; /** * Opposite of `waitForElementVisible`. Waits a given time in milliseconds (default 5000ms) * for an element to be not visible (i.e. hidden but existing) in the page before * performing any other commands or assertions. * If the element fails to be hidden in the specified amount of time, the test fails. * * You can change the polling interval by defining a `waitForConditionPollInterval` property (in milliseconds) in as a global property in your `nightwatch.json` or in your external globals file. * Similarly, a default timeout can be specified as a global `waitForConditionTimeout` property (in milliseconds). * * @example * module.exports = { * 'demo Test': function() { * // with default implicit timeout of 5000ms (can be overwritten in settings under 'globals.waitForConditionTimeout') * browser.waitForElementNotVisible('#dialog'); * * // specify the locate strategy (css selector/xpath) as the first argument * browser.waitForElementNotVisible('css selector', '#dialog'); * * // with explicit timeout (in milliseconds) * browser.waitForElementNotVisible('#dialog', 1000); * * // continue if failed * browser.waitForElementNotVisible('#dialog', 1000, false); * * // with callback * browser.waitForElementNotVisible('#dialog', 1000, function() { * // do something while we're here * }); * * // with custom output message - the locate strategy is required * browser.waitForElementNotVisible('css selector', '#dialog', 'The dialog container is not visible.'); * * // with custom Spanish message * browser.waitForElementNotVisible('#dialog', 1000, 'elemento %s no era visible en %d ms'); * * // many combinations possible - the message is always the last argument * browser.waitForElementNotVisible('#dialog', 1000, false, function() {}, 'elemento %s no era visible en %d ms'); * }, * * 'demo Test with selector objects': function() { * browser.waitForElementNotVisible({ * selector: '#dialog', * timeout: 1000 * }); * * browser.waitForElementNotVisible({ * selector: '#dialog', * locateStrategy: 'css selector' * }, 'Custom output message'); * * browser.waitForElementNotVisible({ * selector: '.container', * index: 2, * retryInterval: 100, * abortOnFailure: true * }); * } * * 'page object demo Test': function () { * var nightwatch = browser.page.nightwatch(); * nightwatch * .navigate() * .assert.titleContains('Nightwatch.js'); * * nightwatch.api.waitForElementNotVisible('@mainDialog', function(result) { * console.log(result); * }); * } * } * * @since v0.4.0 * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/waitForElementNotVisible.html */ waitForElementNotVisible( selector: Definition, time?: number, poll?: number, abortOnFailure?: boolean, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, message?: string, ): Awaitable; waitForElementNotVisible( using: LocateStrategy, selector: Definition, time?: number, poll?: number, abortOnFailure?: boolean, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, message?: string, ): Awaitable; /** * Waits a given time in milliseconds (default 5000ms) for an element to be present in the page before performing any other commands or assertions. * If the element fails to be present in the specified amount of time, the test fails. You can change this by setting `abortOnFailure` to `false`. * * You can change the polling interval by defining a `waitForConditionPollInterval` property (in milliseconds) in as a global property in your `nightwatch.json` or in your external globals file. * Similarly, the default timeout can be specified as a global `waitForConditionTimeout` property (in milliseconds). * * @example * module.exports = { * 'demo Test': function() { * // with default implicit timeout of 5000ms (can be overwritten in settings under 'globals.waitForConditionTimeout') * browser.waitForElementPresent('#index-container'); * * // specify the locate strategy (css selector/xpath) as the first argument * browser.waitForElementPresent('css selector', '#index-container'); * * // with explicit timeout (in milliseconds) * browser.waitForElementPresent('#index-container', 1000); * * // continue if failed * browser.waitForElementPresent('#index-container', 1000, false); * * // with callback * browser.waitForElementPresent('#index-container', 1000, function() { * // do something while we're here * }); * * // with custom output message - the locate strategy is required * browser.waitForElementPresent('css selector', '#index-container', 'The index container is found.'); * * // with custom Spanish message * browser.waitForElementPresent('#index-container', 1000, 'elemento %s no era presente en %d ms'); * * // many combinations possible - the message is always the last argument * browser.waitForElementPresent('#index-container', 1000, false, function() {}, 'elemento %s no era presente en %d ms'); * }, * * 'demo Test with selector objects': function() { * browser.waitForElementPresent({ * selector: '#index-container', * timeout: 1000 * }); * * browser.waitForElementPresent({ * selector: '#index-container', * locateStrategy: 'css selector' * }, 'Custom output message'); * * browser.waitForElementPresent({ * selector: '.container', * index: 2, * retryInterval: 100, * abortOnFailure: true * }); * } * * 'page object demo Test': function () { * var nightwatch = browser.page.nightwatch(); * nightwatch * .navigate() * .assert.titleContains('Nightwatch.js'); * * nightwatch.api.waitForElementPresent('@featuresList', function(result) { * console.log(result); * }); * } * } * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/waitForElementPresent.html */ waitForElementPresent( selector: Definition, time?: number, poll?: number, abortOnFailure?: boolean, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, message?: string, ): Awaitable; waitForElementPresent( using: LocateStrategy, selector: Definition, time?: number, poll?: number, abortOnFailure?: boolean, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, message?: string, ): Awaitable; /** * Waits a given time in milliseconds for an element to be visible in the page before performing any other commands or assertions. * * If the element fails to be present and visible in the specified amount of time, the test fails. You can change this by setting `abortOnFailure` to `false`. * * You can change the polling interval by defining a `waitForConditionPollInterval` property (in milliseconds) in as a global property in your `nightwatch.json` or in your external globals file. * * Similarly, a default timeout can be specified as a global `waitForConditionTimeout` property (in milliseconds). * * @example * this.demoTest = function (browser) { * browser.waitForElementVisible('body', 1000); * // continue if failed * browser.waitForElementVisible('body', 1000, false); * // with callback * browser.waitForElementVisible('body', 1000, function() { * // do something while we're here * }); * // custom Spanish message * browser.waitForElementVisible('body', 1000, 'elemento %s no era visible en %d ms'); * // many combinations possible - the message is always the last argument * browser.waitForElementVisible('body', 1000, false, function() {}, 'elemento %s no era visible en %d ms'); * }; * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/waitForElementVisible.html */ waitForElementVisible( selector: Definition, time?: number, poll?: number, abortOnFailure?: boolean, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, message?: string, ): Awaitable; waitForElementVisible( using: LocateStrategy, selector: Definition, time?: number, poll?: number, abortOnFailure?: boolean, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, message?: string, ): Awaitable; /** * Returns the computed WAI-ARIA label of an element. * * @example * module.exports = { * demoTest() { * browser.getAccessibleName('*[name="search"]', function(result) { * this.assert.equal(typeof result, 'object); * this.assert.equal(result.value, 'search input'); * }); * * // with explicit locate strategy * browser.getAccessibleName('css selector', '*[name="search"]', function(result) { * console.log('getAccessibleName result', result.value); * }); * * // with selector object - see https://nightwatchjs.org/guide#element-properties * browser.getAccessibleName({ * selector: '*[name="search"]', * index: 1 * }, function(result) { * console.log('getAccessibleName result', result.value); * }); * * browser.getAccessibleName({ * selector: '*[name="search"]', * timeout: 2000 // overwrite the default timeout (in ms) to check if the element is present * }, function(result) { * console.log('getAccessibleName result', result.value); * }); * }, * * demoTestAsync: async function() { * const result = await browser.getAccessibleName('*[name="search"]'); * console.log('getAccessibleName result', result); * } * } * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/getAccessibleName.html */ getAccessibleName( selector: Definition, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; getAccessibleName( using: LocateStrategy, selector: Definition, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * Returns the computed WAI-ARIA role of an element. * * @example * module.exports = { * demoTest(browser) { * browser.getAriaRole('*[name="search"]', function(result) { * this.assert.equal(typeof result, 'object'); * this.assert.equal(result.value, 'combobox'); * }); * * // with explicit locate strategy * browser.getAriaRole('css selector', '*[name="search"]', function(result) { * console.log('getAriaRole result', result.value); * }); * * // with selector object - see https://nightwatchjs.org/guide#element-properties * browser.getAriaRole({ * selector: '*[name="search"]', * index: 1 * }, function(result) { * console.log('getAriaRole result', result.value); * }); * * browser.getAriaRole({ * selector: '*[name="search"]', * timeout: 2000 // overwrite the default timeout (in ms) to check if the element is present * }, function(result) { * console.log('getAriaRole result', result.value); * }); * }, * * demoTestAsync: async function(browser) { * const result = await browser.getAriaRole('*[name="search"]'); * console.log('getAriaRole result', result); * } * } * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/getAriaRole.html */ getAriaRole( selector: Definition, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; getAriaRole( using: LocateStrategy, selector: Definition, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * Determine an element's size in pixels. For W3C Webdriver compatible clients (such as GeckoDriver), this command is equivalent to `getLocation` and both return * the dimensions and coordinates of the given element: * - x: X axis position of the top-left corner of the element, in CSS pixels * - y: Y axis position of the top-left corner of the element, in CSS pixels * - height: Height of the element’s bounding rectangle in CSS pixels; * - width: Width of the web element’s bounding rectangle in CSS pixels. * * @example * module.exports = { * demoTest() { * browser.getElementSize('#login', function(result) { * console.log('result', result); * }); * * // with explicit locate strategy * browser.getElementSize('css selector', '#login', function(result) { * console.log('result', result); * }); * * // with selector object - see https://nightwatchjs.org/guide#element-properties * browser.getElementSize({ * selector: '#login', * index: 1, * suppressNotFoundErrors: true * }, function(result) { * console.log('result', result); * }); * }, * * demoTestAsync: async function() { * const result = await browser.getElementSize('#login'); * console.log('classList', result); * } * } * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/getElementRect.html */ getElementRect( selector: Definition, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; getElementRect( using: LocateStrategy, selector: Definition, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * * Uploads file to an element using absolute file path. * * * @example * // send a file to for upload to a field. * this.demoTest = function (browser) { * browser.uploadFile('#myFile', '/path/file.pdf'); * }; * * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/uploadFile.html */ uploadFile( selector: Definition, filePath: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; uploadFile( using: LocateStrategy, selector: Definition, filePath: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * Sends some text to an element. Can be used to set the value of a form element or * to send a sequence of key strokes to an element. Any UTF-8 character may be specified. * *
updateValue is equivalent * with setValue and sendKeys with the exception * that it clears the value beforehand.
* * An object map with available keys and their respective UTF-8 characters, * as defined on [W3C WebDriver draft spec](https://www.w3.org/TR/webdriver/#character-types), * is loaded onto the main Nightwatch instance as `browser.Keys`. * * @example * // send some simple text to an input * this.demoTest = function (browser) { * browser.updateValue('input[type=text]', 'nightwatch'); * }; * * // send some text to an input and hit enter. * this.demoTest = function (browser) { * browser.updateValue('input[type=text]', ['nightwatch', browser.Keys.ENTER]); * }; * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/updateValue.html */ updateValue( selector: Definition, inputValue: string | string[], callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; updateValue( using: LocateStrategy, selector: Definition, inputValue: string | string[], callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * Drag an element to the given position or destination element. * * @example * module.exports = { * demoTest(browser) { * browser.dragAndDrop('#main', {x: 100, y:100}): * * * * //using webElement as a destination * demoTestAsync: async function(browser) { * const destination = await browser.findElement('#upload'); * browser.dragAndDrop('#main', destination.getId()); * } * } * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/dragAndDrop.html */ dragAndDrop( selector: Definition, destination: NightwatchElement | NightwatchPosition, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; dragAndDrop( using: LocateStrategy, selector: Definition, destination: NightwatchElement | NightwatchPosition, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * Returns an element's first child. The child element will be returned as web * element JSON object (with an added .getId() convenience method). * * * @example * module.exports = { * 'demo Test': function(browser) { * const resultElement = await browser.getFirstElementChild('.features-container'); * * console.log('last child element Id:', resultElement.getId()); * }, * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/getFirstElementChild.html */ getFirstElementChild( selector: Definition, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; getFirstElementChild( using: LocateStrategy, selector: Definition, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * Returns an element's last child. The child element will be returned * as web element JSON object (with an added .getId() convenience method). * * * @example * module.exports = { * 'demo Test': function(browser) { * const resultElement = await browser.getLastElementChild('.features-container'); * * console.log('last child element Id:', resultElement.getId()); * }, * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/getLastElementChild.html */ getLastElementChild( selector: Definition, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; getLastElementChild( using: LocateStrategy, selector: Definition, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * Returns the element immediately following the specified one in their parent's childNodes. * The element will be returned as web element JSON object (with an added .getId() convenience method). * * * @example * module.exports = { * 'demo Test': function(browser) { * const resultElement = await browser.getNextSibling('.features-container li:first-child'); * * console.log('next sibling element Id:', resultElement.getId()); * }, * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/getNextSibling.html */ getNextSibling( selector: Definition, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; getNextSibling( using: LocateStrategy, selector: Definition, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * Returns the element immediately preceding the specified one in its parent's child elements list. * The element will be returned as web element JSON object (with an added `.getId()` convenience method). * * * @example * module.exports = { * 'demo Test': function(browser) { * const resultElement = await browser.getPreviousSibling('.features-container li:second-child'); * * console.log('previous sibling element Id:', resultElement.getId()); * }, * * browser.getPreviousSibling('#web-button', function(result) { * * console.log(result.value) * }}) * await browser.getPreviousSibling('#web-button') * await browser.getPreviousSibling({selector: '#web-button', locateStrategy: 'css selector'}) * * // with global element(): * const formEl = element('form'); * const result = await browser.getPreviousSibling(formEl) * * // with Selenium By() locators * // https://www.selenium.dev/selenium/docs/api/javascript/module/selenium-webdriver/index_exports_By.html * const locator = by.tagName('form'); * const result = await browser.getPreviousSibling(locator) * * // with browser.findElement() * const formEl = await browser.findElement('form'); * const result = await browser.getPreviousSibling(formEl) * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/getPreviousSibling.html */ getPreviousSibling( selector: Definition, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; getPreviousSibling( using: LocateStrategy, selector: Definition, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * Returns true or false based on whether the DOM has any child nodes * * @example * module.exports = { * 'demo Test': function(browser) { * const result = await browser.hasDescendants('.features-container'); * * console.log('true or false:', result); * }, * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/hasDescendants.html */ hasDescendants( selector: Definition, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; hasDescendants( using: LocateStrategy, selector: Definition, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * Returns the `shadowRoot` read-only property which represents the shadow root hosted by the element. * This can further be used to retrieve elements part of the shadow root element. * * @example * describe('Shadow Root example test', function() { * it('retrieve the shadowRoot', async function(browser) { * await browser * .navigateTo('https://mdn.github.io/web-components-examples/popup-info-box-web-component/') * .waitForElementVisible('form'); * * const shadowRootEl = await browser.getShadowRoot('popup-info'); * const infoElement = await shadowRootEl.find('.info'); * * await expect(infoElement.property('innerHTML')).to.include('card validation code'); * const iconElement = await shadowRootEl.find('.icon'); * const firstElement = await browser.getFirstElementChild(iconElement); * * await expect.element(firstElement).to.be.an('img'); * }); * }); * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/getShadowRoot.html */ getShadowRoot( selector: Definition | WebElement | By, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; getShadowRoot( using: LocateStrategy, selector: Definition | WebElement | By, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * Search for an elements on the page, starting from the document root. The located element will be returned as web element JSON object (with an added .getId() convenience method). * First argument is the element selector, either specified as a string or as an object (with 'selector' and 'locateStrategy' properties). * * @example * module.exports = { * 'demo Test': function(browser) { * const resultElement = await browser.findElement('.features-container li:first-child'); * * console.log('Element Id:', resultElement.getId()); * } * } * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/findElement.html */ findElement( selector: Definition, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; findElement( using: LocateStrategy, selector: Definition, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * Search for multiple elements on the page, starting from the document root. The located elements will be returned as web element JSON objects (with an added .getId() convenience method). * First argument is the element selector, either specified as a string or as an object (with 'selector' and 'locateStrategy' properties). * * * @example * module.exports = { * 'demo Test': function(browser) { * const resultElements = await browser.findElements('.features-container li'); * * resultElements.forEach(item => console.log('Element Id:', item.getId())); * }, * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/findElements.html */ findElements( selector: Definition, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; findElements( using: LocateStrategy, selector: Definition, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * Retrieve the value of a specified DOM property for the given element. * For all the available DOM element properties, consult the [Element doc at MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/element). * * @example * module.exports = { * demoTest(browser) { * browser.getElementProperty('#login input[type=text]', 'classList', function(result) { * console.log('result', result); * }); * * // with explicit locate strategy * browser.getElementProperty('css selector', '#login input[type=text]', 'classList', function(result) { * console.log('result', result); * }); * * // with selector object - see https://nightwatchjs.org/guide#element-properties * browser.getElementProperty({ * selector: '#login input[type=text]', * index: 1, * suppressNotFoundErrors: true * }, 'classList', function(result) { * console.log('result', result); * }); * }, * * demoTestAsync: async function(browser) { * const result = await browser.getElementProperty('#login input[type=text]', 'classList'); * console.log('classList', result); * } * } * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/getElementProperty.html */ getElementProperty( selector: Definition, property: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; getElementProperty( using: LocateStrategy, selector: Definition, property: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * * Determines if an element is enabled, as indicated by the 'disabled' attribute. * * @example * module.exports = { * demoTest(browser) { * browser.isEnabled('#main select option.first', function(result) { * this.assert.equal(typeof result, "object"); * this.assert.equal(result.status, 0); * this.assert.equal(result.value, true); * }); * * // with explicit locate strategy * browser.isEnabled('css selector', '#main select option.first'); * * // with selector object - see https://nightwatchjs.org/guide#element-properties * browser.isEnabled({ * selector: '#main ul li a', * index: 1, * suppressNotFoundErrors: true * }); * * browser.isEnabled({ * selector: '#main select option.first', * timeout: 2000 // overwrite the default timeout (in ms) to check if the element is present * }); * }, * * demoTestAsync: async function(browser) { * const result = await browser.isEnabled('#main select option.first'); * console.log('isVisible result', result); * } * } * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/isEnabled.html */ isEnabled( selector: Definition, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; isEnabled( using: LocateStrategy, selector: Definition, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * * Determines if an element is selected. * * @example * module.exports = { * demoTest(browser) { * browser.isSelected('#main select option.first', function(result) { * this.assert.equal(typeof result, "object"); * this.assert.equal(result.status, 0); * this.assert.equal(result.value, true); * }); * * // with explicit locate strategy * browser.isSelected('css selector', '#main select option.first'); * * // with selector object - see https://nightwatchjs.org/guide#element-properties * browser.isSelected({ * selector: '#main ul li a', * index: 1, * suppressNotFoundErrors: true * }); * * browser.isSelected({ * selector: '#main select option.first', * timeout: 2000 // overwrite the default timeout (in ms) to check if the element is present * }); * }, * * demoTestAsync: async function(browser) { * const result = await browser.isSelected('#main select option.first'); * console.log('isVisible result', result); * } * } * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/isSelected.html */ isSelected( selector: Definition, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; isSelected( using: LocateStrategy, selector: Definition, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * * Set the value of a specified DOM attribute for the given element. * For all the available DOM attributes, consult the [Element doc at MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/element). * * @example * module.exports = { * demoTest(browser) { * browser.setAttribute('#login input[type=text]', 'disabled', 'true', function(result) { * console.log('result', result); * }); * * // with explicit locate strategy * browser.setAttribute('css selector', '#login input[type=text]', 'disabled', 'true', function(result) { * console.log('result', result); * }); * * // with selector object - see https://nightwatchjs.org/guide#element-properties * browser.setAttribute({ * selector: '#login input[type=text]', * index: 1, * suppressNotFoundErrors: true * }, 'disabled', 'true', function(result) { * console.log('result', result); * }); * }, * * demoTestAsync: async function(browser) { * await browser.setAttribute('#login input[type=text]', 'disabled', 'true'); * } * } * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/setAttribute.html */ setAttribute( selector: Definition, attribute: string, value: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; setAttribute( using: LocateStrategy, selector: Definition, attribute: string, value: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * * An alias of "setValue" command, but hides the content from the nightwatch logs. * *
setValue/setPassword do not clear * the existing value of the element. To do so, use the clearValue() command.
* * An object map with available keys and their respective UTF-8 characters, * as defined on [W3C WebDriver draft spec](https://www.w3.org/TR/webdriver/#character-types), is loaded onto the main Nightwatch instance as `browser.Keys`. * * @example * // send some simple text to an input * this.demoTest = function (browser) { * browser.setPassword('input[type=text]', 'nightwatch'); * }; * // * // send some text to an input and hit enter. * this.demoTest = function (browser) { * browser.setPassword('input[type=text]', ['nightwatch', browser.Keys.ENTER]); * }; * */ setPassword( selector: Definition, inputValue: string | string[], callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; setPassword( using: LocateStrategy, selector: Definition, inputValue: string | string[], callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * * Take a screenshot of the visible region encompassed by this element's bounding rectangle. * * @example * module.exports = { * demoTest(browser) { * browser.takeElementScreenshot('#main', function (imageData, err) { * require('fs').writeFile('out.png', imageData.value, 'base64', function (err) { * console.log(err); * }); * }); * * // with explicit locate strategy * browser.takeElementScreenshot('css selector', '#main', function(imageData, err) { * require('fs').writeFile('out.png', imageData.value, 'base64', function (err) { * console.log(err); * }); * }); * * // with selector object - see https://nightwatchjs.org/guide#element-properties * browser.takeElementScreenshot({ * selector: '#main ul li a', * index: 1 * }, function(imageData, err) { * require('fs').writeFile('out.png', imageData.value, 'base64', function (err) { * console.log(err); * }); * }); * }, * * demoTestAsync: async function(browser) { * const data = await browser.takeElementScreenshot('#main'); * require('fs').writeFile('out.png', data, 'base64'); * } * } * * @see https://nightwatchjs.org/api/takeElementScreenshot.html */ takeElementScreenshot( selector: Definition, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; takeElementScreenshot( using: LocateStrategy, selector: Definition, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; } export interface WebDriverProtocol extends WebDriverProtocolSessions, WebDriverProtocolNavigation, WebDriverProtocolCommandContexts, WebDriverProtocolElements, WebDriverProtocolElementState, WebDriverProtocolElementInteraction, WebDriverProtocolElementLocation, WebDriverProtocolDocumentHandling, WebDriverProtocolCookies, WebDriverProtocolUserActions, WebDriverProtocolUserPrompts, WebDriverProtocolScreenCapture, WebDriverProtocolMobileRelated {} export interface WebDriverProtocolSessions { /** * Get info about, delete or create a new session. Defaults to the current session. * * @example * this.demoTest = function (browser) { * browser.session(function(result) { * console.log(result.value); * }); * // * browser.session('delete', function(result) { * console.log(result.value); * }); * // * browser.session('delete', '12345-abc', function(result) { * console.log(result.value); * }); * } */ session( action?: string, sessionId?: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult>) => void, ): this; /** * Returns a list of the currently active sessions. * * @example * this.demoTest = function (browser) { * browser.sessions(function(result) { * console.log(result.value); * }); * } */ sessions( callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult>>) => void, ): this; /** * Configure the amount of time that a particular type of operation can execute for before they are aborted and a |Timeout| error is returned to the client. * * @example * this.demoTest = function (browser) { * browser.timeouts('script', 10000, function(result) { * console.log(result); * }); * } */ timeouts( typeOfOperation: string, ms: number, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): this; timeouts(callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void): this; /** * Set the amount of time, in milliseconds, that asynchronous scripts executed by `.executeAsync` are permitted to run before they are aborted and a |Timeout| error is returned to the client. * * @example * this.demoTest = function (browser) { * browser.timeoutsAsyncScript(10000, function(result) { * console.log(result); * }); * } */ timeoutsAsyncScript( ms: number, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): this; /** * Set the amount of time the driver should wait when searching for elements. If this command is never sent, the driver will default to an implicit wait of 0ms. * * @example * this.demoTest = function (browser) { * browser.timeoutsImplicitWait(10000, function(result) { * console.log(result); * }); * } */ timeoutsImplicitWait( ms: number, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): this; /** * Query the server's current status. */ status( callback?: ( this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult<{ build: { version: string; revision: string; time: string }; status: { arch: string; name: string; version: string }; }>, ) => void, ): this; /** * Gets the text of the log type specified. To find out the available log types, use `.getLogTypes()`. * * Returns a [log entry JSON object](https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/wiki/JsonWireProtocol#log-entry-json-object). * * @example * this.demoTest = function (browser) { * browser.sessionLog('client', function(result) { * console.log(result.value); * }); * } */ sessionLog(typeString: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, log: NightwatchLogEntry[]) => void): this; /** * Gets an array of strings for which log types are available. This methods returns the entire WebDriver response, if you are only interested in the logs array, use `.getLogTypes()` instead. * * @example * this.demoTest = function (browser) { * browser.sessionLogTypes(function(result) { * console.log(result.value); * }); * } */ sessionLogTypes( callback?: ( this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult>, ) => void, ): this; /** * Command to set Chrome network emulation settings. * * @example * this.demoTest = function() { * browser.setNetworkConditions({ * offline: false, * latency: 50000, * download_throughput: 450 * 1024, * upload_throughput: 150 * 1024 * }); * }; */ setNetworkConditions( spec: { [key: string]: any; }, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): this; } export interface WebDriverProtocolNavigation { /** * Retrieve the URL of the current page or navigate to a new URL. * * @example * module.exports = { * 'demo Test' : function(browser) { * browser.url(function(result) { * // return the current url * console.log(result); * }); * // * // navigate to new url: * browser.url('{URL}'); * // * // * // navigate to new url: * browser.url('{URL}', function(result) { * console.log(result); * }); * } * } */ url(url?: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void): this; url(callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void): this; /** * Navigate backwards in the browser history, if possible. */ back(callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void): this; /** * Navigate forwards in the browser history, if possible. */ forward(callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void): this; /** * Refresh the current page. */ refresh(callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void): this; /** * Get the current page title. * * @example * this.demoTest = function (browser) { * browser.title(function(result) { * console.log(result.value); * }); * } */ title(callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void): this; } export interface WebDriverProtocolCommandContexts { /** * Change focus to another window or close the current window. Shouldn't normally be used directly, instead `.switchWindow()` and `.closeWindow()` should be used. */ window( method: string, handleOrName?: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): this; /** * Retrieve the current window handle. * * @example * this.demoTest = function (browser) { * browser.windowHandle(function(result) { * console.log(result.value); * }); * } */ windowHandle(callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void): Awaitable; /** * Retrieve the list of all window handles available to the session. * * @example * this.demoTest = function (browser) { * browser.windowHandles(function(result) { * // An array of window handles. * console.log(result.value); * }); * } */ windowHandles(callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void): Awaitable; /** * Increases the window to the maximum available size without going full-screen. * * @example * this.demoTest = function (browser) { * browser.windowMaximize('current', function(result) { * console.log(result); * }); * } */ windowMaximize( handleOrName?: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): this; /** * Change or get the position of the specified window. If the second argument is a function it will be used as a callback and * the call will perform a get request to retrieve the existing window position. * * @example * this.demoTest = function (browser) { * * // Change the position of the specified window. * // If the :windowHandle URL parameter is "current", the currently active window will be moved. * browser.windowPosition('current', 0, 0, function(result) { * console.log(result); * }); * * // Get the position of the specified window. * // If the :windowHandle URL parameter is "current", the position of the currently active window will be returned. * browser.windowPosition('current', function(result) { * console.log(result.value); * }); * } */ windowPosition( windowHandle: string, offsetX: number, offsetY: number, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): this; windowPosition( windowHandle: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): this; /** * Change or get the size of the specified window. If the second argument is a function it will be used as a callback and the call will perform a get request to retrieve the existing window size. * * @example * this.demoTest = function (browser) { * * // Return the size of the specified window. If the :windowHandle URL parameter is "current", the size of the currently active window will be returned. * browser.windowSize('current', function(result) { * console.log(result.value); * }); * * // Change the size of the specified window. * // If the :windowHandle URL parameter is "current", the currently active window will be resized. * browser.windowSize('current', 300, 300, function(result) { * console.log(result.value); * }); * } */ windowSize( windowHandle: string, width: number, height: number, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): this; windowSize( windowHandle: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult<{ width: number; height: number }>) => void, ): this; /** * * Change or get the [window rect](https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-window-rect). * This is defined as a dictionary of the `screenX`, `screenY`, `outerWidth` and `outerHeight` attributes of the window. * * Its JSON representation is the following: * - `x` - window's screenX attribute; * - `y` - window's screenY attribute; * - `width` - outerWidth attribute; * - `height` - outerHeight attribute. * * All attributes are in in CSS pixels. To change the window react, you can either specify `width` and `height`, `x` and `y` or all properties together. * * @example * module.exports = { * 'demo test .windowRect()': function(browser) { * * // Change the screenX and screenY attributes of the window rect. * browser.windowRect({x: 500, y: 500}); * * // Change the width and height attributes of the window rect. * browser.windowRect({width: 600, height: 300}); * * // Retrieve the attributes * browser.windowRect(function(result) { * console.log(result.value); * }); * }, * * 'windowRect ES6 demo test': async function(browser) { * const resultValue = await browser.windowRect(); * console.log('result value', resultValue); * } * } */ windowRect( options: { width?: number; height?: number; x?: number; y?: number }, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): this; /** * Change focus to another frame on the page. If the frame id is missing or null, the server should switch to the page's default content. * * @example * this.demoTest = function (browser) { * browser.frame('', function(result) { * console.log(result); * }); * } */ frame( frameId?: WebElement | string | number | null, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): this; /** * Change focus to the parent context. If the current context is the top level browsing context, the context remains unchanged. * * @example * this.demoTest = function (browser) { * browser.frameParent(function(result) { * console.log(result); * }); * } * * @since v0.4.8 */ frameParent(callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void): this; } export interface WebDriverProtocolElements { /** * Search for an element on the page, starting from the document root. The located element will be returned as a web element JSON object. * First argument to be passed is the locator strategy, which is detailed on the [WebDriver docs](https://www.w3.org/TR/webdriver/#locator-strategies). * * The locator stragy can be one of: * - `css selector` * - `link text` * - `partial link text` * - `tag name` * - `xpath` * * @example * module.exports = { * 'demo Test' : function(browser) { * browser.element('css selector', 'body', function(result) { * console.log(result.value) * }); * }, * * 'es6 async demo Test': async function(browser) { * const result = await browser.element('css selector', 'body'); * console.log('result value is:', result.value); * } * } */ element( using: LocateStrategy, value: string, callback: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult<{ [ELEMENT_KEY]: string }>) => void, ): this; /** * Search for multiple elements on the page, starting from the document root. The located elements will be returned as web element JSON objects. * First argument to be passed is the locator strategy, which is detailed on the [WebDriver docs](https://www.w3.org/TR/webdriver/#locator-strategies). * * * The locator strategy can be one of: * - `css selector` * - `link text` * - `partial link text` * - `tag name` * - `xpath` * * @example * module.exports = { * 'demo Test' : function(browser) { * browser.elements('css selector', 'ul li', function(result) { * console.log(result.value) * }); * }, * * 'es6 async demo Test': async function(browser) { * const result = await browser.elements('css selector', 'ul li'); * console.log('result value is:', result.value); * }, * * 'page object demo Test': function (browser) { * var nightwatch = browser.page.nightwatch(); * nightwatch * .navigate() * .assert.titleContains('Nightwatch.js'); * * nightwatch.api.elements('@featuresList', function(result) { * console.log(result); * }); * * browser.end(); * } * } */ elements( using: LocateStrategy, value: string, callback: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult>) => void, ): this; /** * Search for an element on the page, starting from the identified element. The located element will be returned as a Web Element JSON object. * * This command operates on a protocol level and requires a [Web Element ID](https://www.w3.org/TR/webdriver1/#dfn-web-elements). * Read more on [Element retrieval](https://www.w3.org/TR/webdriver1/#element-retrieval) on the W3C WebDriver spec page. * * @example * module.exports = { * 'demo Test' : function(browser) { * browser.elementIdElement('', 'css selector', '.new-element', function(result) { * console.log(result.value) * }); * }, * * 'es6 async demo Test': async function(browser) { * const result = await browser.elementIdElement('', 'css selector', '.new-element'); * console.log(result.value); * } * } */ elementIdElement( id: string, using: LocateStrategy, value: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult<{ [ELEMENT_KEY]: string }>) => void, ): this; /** * Search for multiple elements on the page, starting from the identified element. The located element will be returned as a web element JSON objects. * * @example * module.exports = { * 'demo Test' : function(browser) { * browser.elementIdElements('', 'css selector', 'ul li', function(result) { * console.log(result.value) * }); * }, * * 'es6 async demo Test': async function(browser) { * const result = await browser.elementIdElements('', 'css selector', 'ul li'); * console.log(result.value); * } * } */ elementIdElements( id: string, using: LocateStrategy, value: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult>) => void, ): this; /** * Move to the element and performs a double-click in the middle of the given element if * element is given else double-clicks at the current mouse coordinates (set by `.moveTo()`). * */ elementIdDoubleClick( webElementId: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): this; /** * * Retrieve the value of a specified DOM property for the given element. * For all the available DOM element properties, consult the [Element doc at MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/element). */ elementIdProperty( webElementId: string, DOMPropertyName: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): this; /** * Test if two web element IDs refer to the same DOM element. * * This command is __deprecated__ and is only available on the [JSON Wire protocol](https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/wiki/JsonWireProtocol#sessionsessionidelementidequalsother) * * @example * module.exports = { * 'demo Test' : function(browser) { * browser.elementIdEquals('', '', function(result) { * console.log(result.value) * }); * } * } */ elementIdEquals( id: string, otherId: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): this; /** * Get the element on the page that currently has focus. The element will be returned as a [Web Element](https://www.w3.org/TR/webdriver1/#dfn-web-elements) JSON object. * * @example * module.exports = { * 'demo Test' : function(browser) { * browser.elementActive(function(result) { * console.log(result.value) * }); * } * } */ elementActive( callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult<{ [ELEMENT_KEY]: string }>) => void, ): this; } export interface WebDriverProtocolElementState { /** * Get the value of an element's attribute. */ elementIdAttribute( id: string, attributeName: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): this; /** * Retrieve the computed value of the given CSS property of the given element. * * The CSS property to query should be specified using the CSS property name, not the JavaScript property name (e.g. background-color instead of backgroundColor). */ elementIdCssProperty( id: string, cssPropertyName: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): this; /** * Determine if an element is currently displayed. */ elementIdDisplayed( id: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): this; /** * Determine if an element is currently enabled. */ elementIdEnabled( id: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): this; /** * Retrieve the qualified tag name of the given element. */ elementIdName(id: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void): this; /** * Determine if an OPTION element, or an INPUT element of type checkbox or radio button is currently selected. */ elementIdSelected( id: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): this; /** * Determine an element's size in pixels. The size will be returned as a JSON object with width and height properties. */ elementIdSize( id: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult<{ width: number; height: number }>) => void, ): this; /** * Returns the visible text for the element. */ elementIdText(id: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void): this; } export interface WebDriverProtocolElementInteraction { /** * Scrolls into view a submittable element excluding buttons or editable element, and then attempts to clear its value, reset the checked state, or text content. * * @example * browser.elementIdClear(elementId); */ elementIdClear(id: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void): this; /** * Scrolls into view the element and clicks the in-view center point. * If the element is not pointer-interactable, * an element not interactable error is returned. * * @example * browser.elementIdClick(elementId); */ elementIdClick( id: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * Scrolls into view the form control element and then sends the provided keys to the element, or returns the current value of the element. * In case the element is not keyboard interactable, an element not interactable error is returned. */ elementIdValue( id: string, value?: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): this; elementIdValue( id: string, value: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): this; /** * Send a sequence of key strokes to the active element. The sequence is defined in the same format as the `sendKeys` command. * An object map with available keys and their respective UTF-8 characters, as defined on [W3C WebDriver draft spec](https://www.w3.org/TR/webdriver/#character-types), * is loaded onto the main Nightwatch instance as `client.Keys`. * * Rather than the `setValue`, the modifiers are not released at the end of the call. The state of the modifier keys is kept between calls, * so mouse interactions can be performed while modifier keys are depressed. * * @example * browser * .keys(browser.Keys.CONTROL) // hold down CONTROL key * .click('#element') * .keys(browser.Keys.NULL) // release all keys */ keys( keysToSend: string | string[], callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): this; /** * Submit a FORM element. The submit command may also be applied to any element that is a descendant of a FORM element. * * @example * browser.submit(elementID); */ submit(id: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void): this; } export interface WebDriverProtocolElementLocation { /** * Determine an element's location on the page. The point (0, 0) refers to the upper-left corner of the page. * * The element's coordinates are returned as a JSON object with x and y properties. * * @deprecated */ elementIdLocation( id: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): this; /** * Determine an element's location on the screen once it has been scrolled into view. * * @deprecated */ elementIdLocationInView( id: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): this; } export interface WebDriverProtocolDocumentHandling { /** * Returns a string serialisation of the DOM of the current page. * * @example * browser.source(); */ source(callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void): this; /** * Inject a snippet of JavaScript into the page for execution in the context of the currently selected frame. The executed script is assumed to be synchronous. * The script argument defines the script to execute in the form of a function body. The value returned by that function will be returned to the client. * * The function will be invoked with the provided args array and the values may be accessed via the arguments object in the order specified. * * Under the hood, if the `body` param is a function it is converted to a string with `.toString()`. Any references to your current scope are ignored. * * To ensure cross-browser compatibility, the specified function should not be in ES6 format (i.e. `() => {}`). * If the execution of the function fails, the first argument of the callback contains error information. * * @example * this.demoTest = function (browser) { * browser.execute(function(imageData) { * // resize operation * return true; * }, [imageData], function(result) { * // result.value === true * }); * } */ execute( body: ((this: undefined, ...data: any[]) => T) | string, args?: any[], callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; executeScript( body: ((this: undefined, ...data: any[]) => T) | string, args?: any[], callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): Awaitable; /** * * Inject a snippet of JavaScript into the page for execution in the context of the currently selected frame. * The executed script is assumed to be asynchronous. * * The function to be injected receives the `done` callback as argument which needs to be called * when the asynchronous operation finishes. The value passed to the `done` callback is returned to the client. * Additional arguments for the injected function may be passed as a non-empty array which * will be passed before the `done` callback. * * Asynchronous script commands may not span page loads. If an unload event is fired * while waiting for the script result, an error will be returned. * * @example * this.demoTest = function (browser) { * browser.executeAsyncScript(function(done) { * setTimeout(function() { * done(true); * }, 500); * }, function(result) { * // result.value === true * }); * * browser.executeAsyncScript(function(arg1, arg2, done) { * setTimeout(function() { * done(true); * }, 500); * }, [arg1, arg2], function(result) { * // result.value === true * }); * } */ executeAsyncScript( script: string | ((this: undefined, ...data: any[]) => T) | string, args: any[], callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): this; /** * Inject a snippet of JavaScript into the page for execution in the context of the currently selected frame. The executed script is assumed to be asynchronous. * * The function to be injected receives the `done` callback as argument which needs to be called when the asynchronous operation finishes. * The value passed to the `done` callback is returned to the client. * Additional arguments for the injected function may be passed as a non-empty array which will be passed before the `done` callback. * * Asynchronous script commands may not span page loads. If an unload event is fired while waiting for the script result, an error will be returned. * * @example * this.demoTest = function (browser) { * browser.executeAsync(function(done) { * setTimeout(function() { * done(true); * }, 500); * }, function(result) { * // result.value === true * }); * * browser.executeAsync(function(arg1, arg2, done) { * setTimeout(function() { * done(true); * }, 500); * }, [arg1, arg2], function(result) { * // result.value === true * }); * } */ executeAsync( script: ((this: undefined, ...data: any[]) => any) | string, args?: any[], callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): this; } export interface WebDriverProtocolCookies { /** * Retrieve or delete all cookies visible to the current page or set a cookie. Normally this shouldn't be used directly, instead the cookie convenience methods should be used: * getCookie, getCookies, setCookie, deleteCookie, deleteCookies. * * @see getCookies * @see getCookie * @see setCookie * @see deleteCookie * @see deleteCookies */ cookie(method: string, callbackOrCookie?: () => void): this; } export interface WebDriverProtocolUserActions { /** * Move to the element and peforms a double-click in the middle of the element. * * @example * module.exports = { * demoTest() { * browser.doubleClick('#main ul li a.first'); * * browser.doubleClick('#main ul li a.first', function(result) { * console.log('double click result', result); * }); * * // with explicit locate strategy * browser.doubleClick('css selector', '#main ul li a.first'); * * // with selector object - see https://nightwatchjs.org/guide#element-properties * browser.doubleClick({ * selector: '#main ul li a', * index: 1, * suppressNotFoundErrors: true * }); * * browser.doubleClick({ * selector: '#main ul li a.first', * timeout: 2000 // overwrite the default timeout (in ms) to check if the element is present * }); * }, * * demoTestAsync: async function() { * const result = await browser.doubleClick('#main ul li a.first'); * console.log('double click result', result); * } * } */ doubleClick( selector: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): this; doubleClick( using: LocateStrategy, selector: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): this; /** * Move to the element and click (without releasing) in the middle of the given element. * * @example * module.exports = { * demoTest() { * browser.clickAndHold('#main ul li a.first'); * * browser.clickAndHold('#main ul li a.first', function(result) { * console.log('Click result', result); * }); * * // with explicit locate strategy * browser.clickAndHold('css selector', '#main ul li a.first'); * * // with selector object - see https://nightwatchjs.org/guide#element-properties * browser.clickAndHold({ * selector: '#main ul li a', * index: 1, * suppressNotFoundErrors: true * }); * * browser.clickAndHold({ * selector: '#main ul li a.first', * timeout: 2000 // overwrite the default timeout (in ms) to check if the element is present * }); * }, * * demoTestAsync: async function() { * const result = await browser.clickAndHold('#main ul li a.first'); * console.log('Right click result', result); * } * } * */ clickAndHold( selector: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): this; clickAndHold( using: LocateStrategy, selector: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): this; /** * Release the depressed left mouse button at the current mouse coordinates (set by `.moveTo()`). * */ releaseMouseButton(callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void): this; /** * Click at the current mouse coordinates (set by `.moveTo()`). * * The button can be (0, 1, 2) or ('left', 'middle', 'right'). It defaults to left mouse button. * * @deprecated */ mouseButtonClick( button: 0 | 1 | 2 | 'left' | 'middle' | 'right', callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): this; /** * Click and hold the left mouse button (at the coordinates set by the last `moveTo` command). Note that the next mouse-related command that should follow is `mouseButtonUp` . * Any other mouse command (such as click or another call to buttondown) will yield undefined behaviour. * * Can be used for implementing drag-and-drop. The button can be (0, 1, 2) or ('left', 'middle', 'right'). It defaults to left mouse button, * and if you don't pass in a button but do pass in a callback, it will handle it correctly. * * **Since v2.0, this command is deprecated.** It is only available on older JSONWire-based drivers. * Please use the new [User Actions API](/api/useractions/). * * @deprecated */ mouseButtonDown( button: 0 | 1 | 2 | 'left' | 'middle' | 'right', callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): this; /** * Releases the mouse button previously held (where the mouse is currently at). Must be called once for every `mouseButtonDown` command issued. * * Can be used for implementing drag-and-drop. The button can be (0, 1, 2) or ('left', 'middle', 'right'). It defaults to left mouse button, * and if you don't pass in a button but do pass in a callback, it will handle it correctly. * * **Since v2.0, this command is deprecated.** It is only available on older JSONWire-based drivers. * Please use the new [User Actions API](/api/useractions/). * * @deprecated */ mouseButtonUp( button: 0 | 1 | 2 | 'left' | 'middle' | 'right', callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): this; /** * Move the mouse by an offset of the specified [Web Element ID](https://www.w3.org/TR/webdriver1/#dfn-web-elements) or relative to the current mouse cursor, if no element is specified. * If an element is provided but no offset, the mouse will be moved to the center of the element. * * If an element is provided but no offset, the mouse will be moved to the center of the element. If the element is not visible, it will be scrolled into view. * * @example * this.demoTest = function (browser) { * browser.moveTo(null, 110, 100); * }; */ moveTo( element: string | null, xoffset: number, yoffset: number, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): this; /** * Simulates a context-click(right click) event on the given DOM element. * The element is scrolled into view if it is not already pointer-interactable. * See the WebDriver specification for element [interactability](https://www.w3.org/TR/webdriver/#element-interactability). * * @example * module.exports = { * demoTest() { * browser.rightClick('#main ul li a.first'); * * browser.rightClick('#main ul li a.first', function(result) { * console.log('Click result', result); * }); * * // with explicit locate strategy * browser.rightClick('css selector', '#main ul li a.first'); * * // with selector object - see https://nightwatchjs.org/guide#element-properties * browser.rightClick({ * selector: '#main ul li a', * index: 1, * suppressNotFoundErrors: true * }); * * browser.rightClick({ * selector: '#main ul li a.first', * timeout: 2000 // overwrite the default timeout (in ms) to check if the element is present * }); * }, * * demoTestAsync: async function() { * const result = await browser.rightClick('#main ul li a.first'); * console.log('Right click result', result); * } * } * */ rightClick( selector: Definition, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): this; rightClick( using: LocateStrategy, selector: Definition, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): this; } export interface WebDriverProtocolUserPrompts { /** * Accepts the currently displayed alert dialog. Usually, this is equivalent to clicking on the 'OK' button in the dialog. * * @example * browser.acceptAlert() */ acceptAlert(callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void): this; /** * Dismisses the currently displayed alert dialog. For confirm() and prompt() dialogs, this is equivalent to clicking the 'Cancel' button. * * For alert() dialogs, this is equivalent to clicking the 'OK' button. * * @example * browser.dismissAlert(); */ dismissAlert(callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void): this; /** * Gets the text of the currently displayed JavaScript alert(), confirm(), or prompt() dialog. * * @example * browser.getAlertText(); */ getAlertText(callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void): this; /** * Sends keystrokes to a JavaScript prompt() dialog. * * @example * browser.setAlertText('randomalert'); */ setAlertText(value: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void): this; /** * Automate the input of basic auth credentials whenever they arise. * * @example * this.demoTest = function (browser) { * browser * .registerBasicAuth('test-username', 'test-password') * .navigateTo('http://browserspy.dk/password-ok.php'); * }; * */ registerBasicAuth( username: string, password: string, callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): this; } export interface WebDriverProtocolScreenCapture { /** * Take a screenshot of the current page. * * @example * browser.screenshot(true); */ screenshot(log_screenshot_data: boolean, callback?: (screenshotEncoded: string) => void): this; } export interface WebDriverProtocolMobileRelated { /** * Get the current browser orientation. * * @example * browser.getOrientation() */ getOrientation( callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult<'LANDSCAPE' | 'PORTRAIT'>) => void, ): this; /** * Sets the browser orientation. * * @example * browser.setOrientation(orientation) */ setOrientation( orientation: 'LANDSCAPE' | 'PORTRAIT', callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void, ): this; /** * Get a list of the available contexts. * * @example * browser.contexts(); * * Used by Appium when testing hybrid mobile web apps. More info here: https://github.com/appium/appium/blob/master/docs/en/advanced-concepts/hybrid.md. */ contexts(callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void): this; /** * Get current context. * * @example * browser.currentContext(); */ currentContext(callback?: (this: NightwatchAPI, result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => void): this; /** * Sets the context. * * @example * browser.setContext(context); */ setContext(context: string, callback?: () => void): this; } /** * Map of DOM element locators as shorthand string selectors based on * global selector setting or ElementLocator * * @example * const elements: PageElements { * header: "h1", * banner: { * locateStrategy: "css selector", * selector: "#bannerId" * } * } */ export interface PageElements { [key: string]: Definition; } /** * Type for defining page object models allowing for optional type-safe * inclusion of url, elements, sections, commands, and props properties. */ export interface PageObjectModel { url?: string | ((...args: any) => string); elements?: PageElements; sections?: EnhancedPageObjectSections; commands?: any; props?: any; } export const Nightwatch: NightwatchClient & Nightwatch;