// Type definitions for node-notifier 5.4.0 // Project: https://github.com/mikaelbr/node-notifier // Definitions by: Qubo // Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped /// // eslint-disable-next-line @definitelytyped/no-declare-current-package declare module "node-notifier" { import NotificationCenter = require('node-notifier/notifiers/notificationcenter'); import NotifySend = require("node-notifier/notifiers/notifysend"); import WindowsToaster = require("node-notifier/notifiers/toaster"); import WindowsBalloon = require("node-notifier/notifiers/balloon"); import Growl = require("node-notifier/notifiers/growl"); namespace nodeNotifier { interface NodeNotifier extends NodeJS.EventEmitter { notify( notification?: NotificationCenter.Notification, callback?: NotificationCallback ): NotificationCenter; notify( notification?: WindowsToaster.Notification, callback?: NotificationCallback ): WindowsToaster; notify( notification?: WindowsBalloon.Notification, callback?: NotificationCallback ): WindowsBalloon; notify( notification?: NotifySend.Notification, callback?: NotificationCallback ): NotifySend; notify(notification?: Growl.Notification, callback?: NotificationCallback): Growl; notify(notification?: Notification, callback?: NotificationCallback): NodeNotifier; notify(notification?: string, callback?: NotificationCallback): NodeNotifier; NotificationCenter: typeof NotificationCenter; NotifySend: typeof NotifySend; WindowsToaster: typeof WindowsToaster; WindowsBalloon: typeof WindowsBalloon; Growl: typeof Growl; } interface Notification { title?: string | undefined; message?: string | undefined; /** Absolute path (not balloons) */ icon?: string | undefined; /** Wait with callback until user action is taken on notification */ wait?: boolean | undefined; } interface NotificationMetadata { activationType?: string | undefined; activationAt?: string | undefined; deliveredAt?: string | undefined; activationValue?: string | undefined; activationValueIndex?: string | undefined; } interface NotificationCallback { ( err: Error | null, response: string, metadata?: NotificationMetadata, ): void; } interface Option { withFallback?: boolean | undefined; customPath?: string | undefined; } } var nodeNotifier: nodeNotifier.NodeNotifier; export = nodeNotifier; } // eslint-disable-next-line @definitelytyped/no-declare-current-package declare module "node-notifier/notifiers/notificationcenter" { import notifier = require('node-notifier'); class NotificationCenter { constructor(option?: notifier.Option); notify(notification?: NotificationCenter.Notification, callback?: notifier.NotificationCallback): NotificationCenter; } namespace NotificationCenter { interface Notification extends notifier.Notification { /** * Case Sensitive string for location of sound file, or use one of macOS' native sounds. */ sound?: boolean | string | undefined; subtitle?: string | undefined; /** Attach image? (Absolute path) */ contentImage?: string | undefined; /** URL to open on click */ open?: string | undefined; /** * The amount of seconds before the notification closes. * Takes precedence over wait if both are defined. */ timeout?: number | undefined; /** Label for cancel button */ closeLabel?: string | undefined; /** Action label or list of labels in case of dropdown. */ actions?: string | string[] | undefined; /** Label to be used if there are multiple actions */ dropdownLabel?: string | undefined; /** * If notification should take input. * Value passed as third argument in callback and event emitter. */ reply?: boolean | undefined; } } export = NotificationCenter; } // eslint-disable-next-line @definitelytyped/no-declare-current-package declare module "node-notifier/notifiers/notifysend" { import notifier = require('node-notifier'); class NotifySend { constructor(option?: notifier.Option); notify(notification?: NotifySend.Notification, callback?: notifier.NotificationCallback): NotifySend; } namespace NotifySend { interface Notification { title?: string | undefined; message?: string | undefined; icon?: string | undefined; /** Specifies the urgency level (low, normal, critical). */ urgency?: string | undefined; /** Specifies the timeout in milliseconds at which to expire the notification */ time?: number | undefined; /** Specifies the notification category */ category?: string | undefined; /** Specifies basic extra data to pass. Valid types are int, double, string and byte. */ hint?: string | undefined; } } export = NotifySend; } // eslint-disable-next-line @definitelytyped/no-declare-current-package declare module "node-notifier/notifiers/toaster" { import notifier = require('node-notifier'); class WindowsToaster { constructor(option?: notifier.Option); notify(notification?: WindowsToaster.Notification, callback?: notifier.NotificationCallback): WindowsToaster; } namespace WindowsToaster { interface Notification extends notifier.Notification { /** * Defined by http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/hh761492.aspx */ sound?: boolean | string | undefined; /** ID to use for closing notification. */ id?: number | undefined; /** App.ID and app Name. Defaults to no value, causing SnoreToast text to be visible. */ appID?: string | undefined; /** Refer to previously created notification to close. */ remove?: number | undefined; /** * Creates a shortcut in the start menu which point to the * executable , appID used for the notifications. */ install?: string | undefined; } } export = WindowsToaster; } // eslint-disable-next-line @definitelytyped/no-declare-current-package declare module "node-notifier/notifiers/growl" { import notifier = require('node-notifier'); class Growl { constructor(option?: Growl.Option); notify(notification?: Growl.Notification, callback?: notifier.NotificationCallback): Growl; } namespace Growl { interface Option { name?: string | undefined; host?: string | undefined; port?: number | undefined; } interface Notification extends notifier.Notification { /** whether or not to sticky the notification (defaults to false) */ sticky?: boolean | undefined; /** type of notification to use (defaults to the first registered type) */ label?: string | undefined; /** the priority of the notification from lowest (-2) to highest (2) */ priority?: number | undefined; } } export = Growl; } // eslint-disable-next-line @definitelytyped/no-declare-current-package declare module "node-notifier/notifiers/balloon" { import notifier = require('node-notifier'); class WindowsBalloon { constructor(option?: notifier.Option); notify(notification?: WindowsBalloon.Notification, callback?: notifier.NotificationCallback): WindowsBalloon; } namespace WindowsBalloon { interface Notification { title?: string | undefined; message?: string | undefined; /** How long to show balloons in ms */ time?: number | undefined; /** Wait with callback until user action is taken on notification */ wait?: boolean | undefined; /** The notification type */ type?: 'info' | 'warn' | 'error' | undefined; } } export = WindowsBalloon; }