// Type definitions for node-schedule 2.1 // Project: https://github.com/node-schedule/node-schedule // Definitions by: Cyril Schumacher // Florian Plattner // Tieu Philippe Khim // Seohyun Yoon // Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped /// import { EventEmitter } from 'events'; /** The callback executed by a Job */ export type JobCallback = (fireDate: Date) => void | Promise; /** Scheduler jobs. */ export class Job extends EventEmitter { readonly name: string; /** * Use the function scheduleJob() to create new Job objects. * * @internal * @param name either an optional name for this Job or this Job's callback * @param job either this Job's callback or an optional callback function * @param callback optional callback that is executed right before the JobCallback */ constructor(name: string|JobCallback, job?: JobCallback|(() => void), callback?: () => void); /** * Adds an Invocation to this job. For internal use. * @internal * @return whether the invocation could be added */ trackInvocation(invocation: Invocation): boolean; /** * removes an Invocation from this Job's tracking list. For internal use. * @internal * @return boolean whether the invocation was successful. Removing an Invocation that doesn't exist, returns false. */ stopTrackingInvocation(invocation: Invocation): boolean; /** * @internal * @return the number of currently running instances of this Job. */ triggeredJobs(): number; /** * set the number of currently running Jobs. * @internal */ setTriggeredJobs(triggeredJobs: number): void; /** * cancel all pending Invocations of this Job. * @param reschedule whether to reschedule the canceled Invocations. */ cancel(reschedule?: boolean): boolean; /** * cancel the next Invocation of this Job. * @param reschedule whether to reschedule the canceled Invocation. * @return whether cancelation was successful */ cancelNext(reschedule?: boolean): boolean; /** * Changes the scheduling information for this Job. * @return whether the reschedule was successful */ reschedule(spec: RecurrenceRule|string|number): boolean; /** The Date on which this Job will be run next. */ nextInvocation(): Date; /** A list of all pending Invocations */ pendingInvocations(): Invocation[]; /** * run this Job immediately. */ invoke(): void; /** schedule this Job to be run on the specified date. */ runOnDate(date: Date): void; /** set scheduling information */ schedule(date: Date|string|number): boolean; } export class Range { constructor(start?: number, end?: number, step?: number); /** Whether the class contains the specified value. */ contains(value: number): boolean; } export type Recurrence = number | Range | string; export type RecurrenceSegment = Recurrence | Recurrence[]; export type Timezone = string; export class RecurrenceRule { /** * Day of the month. */ date: RecurrenceSegment; dayOfWeek: RecurrenceSegment; hour: RecurrenceSegment; minute: RecurrenceSegment; month: RecurrenceSegment; second: RecurrenceSegment; year: RecurrenceSegment; tz: Timezone; constructor( year?: RecurrenceSegment, month?: RecurrenceSegment, date?: RecurrenceSegment, dayOfWeek?: RecurrenceSegment, hour?: RecurrenceSegment, minute?: RecurrenceSegment, second?: RecurrenceSegment, tz?: Timezone, ); nextInvocationDate(base: Date): Date; } /** * Recurrence rule specification using a date range and cron expression. */ export interface RecurrenceSpecDateRange { /** * Starting date in date range. */ start?: Date | string | number | undefined; /** * Ending date in date range. */ end?: Date | string | number | undefined; /** * Cron expression string. */ rule: string; /** * Timezone */ tz?: Timezone | undefined; } /** * Recurrence rule specification using object literal syntax. */ export interface RecurrenceSpecObjLit { /** * Day of the month. */ date?: RecurrenceSegment | undefined; dayOfWeek?: RecurrenceSegment | undefined; hour?: RecurrenceSegment | undefined; minute?: RecurrenceSegment | undefined; month?: RecurrenceSegment | undefined; second?: RecurrenceSegment | undefined; year?: RecurrenceSegment | undefined; /** * Timezone */ tz?: Timezone | undefined; } export class Invocation { fireDate: Date; job: Job; recurrenceRule: RecurrenceRule; timerID: number; constructor(job: Job, fireDate: Date, recurrenceRule: RecurrenceRule); } /** * Create a schedule job. * * @param name name for the new Job * @param rule scheduling info * @param callback callback to be executed on each invocation */ export function scheduleJob(name: string, rule: RecurrenceRule | RecurrenceSpecDateRange | RecurrenceSpecObjLit | Date | string | number, callback: JobCallback): Job; /** * Create a schedule job. * * @param rule scheduling info * @param callback callback to be executed on each invocation */ export function scheduleJob(rule: RecurrenceRule | RecurrenceSpecDateRange | RecurrenceSpecObjLit | Date | string | number, callback: JobCallback): Job; /** * Changes the timing of a Job, canceling all pending invocations. * * @param spec The new timing for this Job. * @return if the job could be rescheduled, {null} otherwise. */ export function rescheduleJob(job: Job | string, spec: RecurrenceRule | RecurrenceSpecDateRange | RecurrenceSpecObjLit | Date | string): Job; /** Dictionary of all Jobs, accessible by name. */ export let scheduledJobs: {[jobName: string]: Job}; /** * Cancels the job. * * @returns Whether the job has been cancelled with success. */ export function cancelJob(job: Job|string): boolean; /** * Gracefullly cancels all jobs. * * @returns Promise that resolves when all running jobs have stopped. */ export function gracefulShutdown(): Promise;