declare module 'timers' { import { Abortable } from 'events'; import { setTimeout as setTimeoutPromise, setImmediate as setImmediatePromise, setInterval as setIntervalPromise } from 'timers/promises'; interface TimerOptions extends Abortable { /** * Set to `false` to indicate that the scheduled `Timeout` * should not require the Node.js event loop to remain active. * @default true */ ref?: boolean; } let setTimeout: typeof global.setTimeout; let clearTimeout: typeof global.clearTimeout; let setInterval: typeof global.setInterval; let clearInterval: typeof global.clearInterval; let setImmediate: typeof global.setImmediate; let clearImmediate: typeof global.clearImmediate; global { namespace NodeJS { // compatibility with older typings interface Timer extends RefCounted { hasRef(): boolean; refresh(): this; [Symbol.toPrimitive](): number; } interface Immediate extends RefCounted { hasRef(): boolean; _onImmediate: Function; // to distinguish it from the Timeout class } interface Timeout extends Timer { hasRef(): boolean; refresh(): this; [Symbol.toPrimitive](): number; } } function setTimeout(callback: (...args: TArgs) => void, ms?: number, ...args: TArgs): NodeJS.Timeout; namespace setTimeout { const __promisify__: typeof setTimeoutPromise; } function clearTimeout(timeoutId: NodeJS.Timeout): void; function setInterval(callback: (...args: TArgs) => void, ms?: number, ...args: TArgs): NodeJS.Timer; namespace setInterval { const __promisify__: typeof setIntervalPromise; } function clearInterval(intervalId: NodeJS.Timeout): void; function setImmediate(callback: (...args: TArgs) => void, ...args: TArgs): NodeJS.Immediate; namespace setImmediate { const __promisify__: typeof setImmediatePromise; } function clearImmediate(immediateId: NodeJS.Immediate): void; function queueMicrotask(callback: () => void): void; } } declare module 'node:timers' { export * from 'timers'; } declare module 'timers/promises' { import { TimerOptions } from 'timers'; /** * Returns a promise that resolves after the specified delay in milliseconds. * @param delay defaults to 1 */ function setTimeout(delay?: number, value?: T, options?: TimerOptions): Promise; /** * Returns a promise that resolves in the next tick. */ function setImmediate(value?: T, options?: TimerOptions): Promise; /** * * Returns an async iterator that generates values in an interval of delay ms. * @param delay defaults to 1 */ function setInterval(delay?: number, value?: T, options?: TimerOptions): AsyncIterable; } declare module 'node:timers/promises' { export * from 'timers/promises'; }