import { ConvenientHunk } from "./convenient-hunk"; import { DiffFile } from "./diff-file"; export class ConvenientPatch { /** * Old attributes of the file */ oldFile(): DiffFile; /** * New attributes of the file */ newFile(): DiffFile; /** * The number of hunks in this patch */ size(): number; /** * The hunks in this patch */ hunks(): Promise; /** * The status of this patch (unmodified, added, deleted) */ status(): number; /** * The line statistics of this patch (#contexts, #added, #deleted) */ lineStats(): any; /** * Is this an unmodified patch? */ isUnmodified(): boolean; /** * Is this an added patch? */ isAdded(): boolean; /** * Is this a deleted patch? */ isDeleted(): boolean; /** * Is this an modified patch */ isModified(): boolean; /** * Is this a renamed patch? */ isRenamed(): boolean; /** * Is this a copied patch? */ isCopied(): boolean; /** * Is this an ignored patch? */ isIgnored(): boolean; /** * Is this an untracked patch? */ isUntracked(): boolean; /** * Is this a type change? */ isTypeChange(): boolean; /** * Is this an undreadable patch? */ isUnreadable(): boolean; /** * Is this a conflicted patch? */ isConflicted(): boolean; }