import { Coordinate } from './coordinate'; import MapEvent from './MapEvent'; import { Pixel } from './pixel'; import PluggableMap, { FrameState } from './PluggableMap'; export default class MapBrowserEvent extends MapEvent { constructor( type: string, map: PluggableMap, originalEvent: EVENT, opt_dragging?: boolean, opt_frameState?: FrameState, ); /** * The coordinate corresponding to the original browser event. This will be in the user * projection if one is set. Otherwise it will be in the view projection. */ coordinate: Coordinate; /** * Indicates if the map is currently being dragged. Only set for * POINTERDRAG and POINTERMOVE events. Default is false. */ dragging: boolean; /** * The map pixel relative to the viewport corresponding to the original event. */ pixel: Pixel; /** * Prevents the default browser action. * See */ preventDefault(): void; /** * Prevents further propagation of the current event. * See */ stopPropagation(): void; /** * The original browser event. */ originalEvent: EVENT; }