// Type definitions for optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin 5.0 // Project: https://github.com/nmfr/optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin // Definitions by: Armando Meziat // Spencer Miskoviak // Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped // TypeScript Version: 3.7 import { WebpackPluginInstance as Plugin, Compiler } from 'webpack'; export = OptimizeCssAssetsPlugin; declare namespace OptimizeCssAssetsPlugin { interface Options { /** * A regular expression that indicates the names of the assets that should * be optimized \ minimized. The regular expression provided is run against * the filenames of the files exported by the `ExtractTextPlugin` instances * in your configuration, not the filenames of your source CSS files * * @default /\.css$/g */ assetNameRegExp?: RegExp | undefined; /** * The CSS processor used to optimize \ minimize the CSS. This should be a * function that follows `cssnano.process` interface (receives a CSS and * options parameters and returns a Promise). * * @default cssnano */ cssProcessor?: { process: (css: string, options?: object) => PromiseLike; } | undefined; /** * The options passed to the `cssProcessor`. * * @default {} */ cssProcessorOptions?: object | undefined; /** * The plugin options passed to the `cssProcessor`. * * @default {} */ cssProcessorPluginOptions?: object | undefined; /** * A boolean indicating if the plugin can print messages to the console. * * @default true */ canPrint?: boolean | undefined; } } declare class OptimizeCssAssetsPlugin implements Plugin { constructor(options?: OptimizeCssAssetsPlugin.Options); apply(compiler: Compiler): void; }