// Type definitions for osenv 0.1 // Project: https://github.com/npm/osenv // Definitions by: DefinitelyTyped // Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped /** * The machine name. Calls hostname if not found. */ export function hostname(cb?: (hostname: string, error?: string) => void): string; /** * The currently logged-in user. Calls whoami if not found. */ export function user(cb?: (user: string, error?: string) => void): string; /** * Either PS1 on unix, or PROMPT on Windows. */ export function prompt(cb?: (prompt: string, error?: string) => void): string; /** * The place where temporary files should be created. */ export function tmpdir(cb?: (tmpdir: string, error?: string) => void): string; /** * No place like it. */ export function home(cb?: (home: string, error?: string) => void): string; /** * An array of the places that the operating system will search for executables. */ export function path(cb?: (path: string, error?: string) => void): string; /** * Return the executable name of the editor program. * This uses the EDITOR and VISUAL environment variables, * and falls back to vi on Unix, or notepad.exe on Windows. */ export function editor(cb?: (editor: string, error?: string) => void): string; /** * The SHELL on Unix, which Windows calls the ComSpec. * Defaults to 'bash' or 'cmd'. */ export function shell(cb?: (shell: string, error?: string) => void): string;