export = Pako; export as namespace pako; declare namespace Pako { enum constants { // FlushValues Z_NO_FLUSH = 0, Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH = 1, Z_SYNC_FLUSH = 2, Z_FULL_FLUSH = 3, Z_FINISH = 4, Z_BLOCK = 5, Z_TREES = 6, // StrategyValues Z_FILTERED = 1, Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY = 2, Z_RLE = 3, Z_FIXED = 4, Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY = 0, // ReturnCodes Z_OK = 0, Z_STREAM_END = 1, Z_NEED_DICT = 2, Z_ERRNO = -1, Z_STREAM_ERROR = -2, Z_DATA_ERROR = -3, Z_BUF_ERROR = -5, } type FlushValues = | constants.Z_NO_FLUSH | constants.Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH | constants.Z_SYNC_FLUSH | constants.Z_FINISH | constants.Z_BLOCK | constants.Z_TREES; type StrategyValues = | constants.Z_FILTERED | constants.Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY | constants.Z_RLE | constants.Z_FIXED | constants.Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY; type ReturnCodes = | constants.Z_OK | constants.Z_STREAM_END | constants.Z_NEED_DICT | constants.Z_ERRNO | constants.Z_STREAM_ERROR | constants.Z_DATA_ERROR | constants.Z_BUF_ERROR | constants.Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY; interface DeflateOptions { level?: -1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | undefined; windowBits?: number | undefined; memLevel?: number | undefined; strategy?: StrategyValues | undefined; dictionary?: any; raw?: boolean | undefined; chunkSize?: number | undefined; gzip?: boolean | undefined; header?: Header | undefined; } interface DeflateFunctionOptions { level?: -1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | undefined; windowBits?: number | undefined; memLevel?: number | undefined; strategy?: StrategyValues | undefined; dictionary?: any; raw?: boolean | undefined; } interface InflateOptions { windowBits?: number | undefined; dictionary?: any; raw?: boolean | undefined; to?: "string" | undefined; chunkSize?: number | undefined; } interface InflateFunctionOptions { windowBits?: number | undefined; raw?: boolean | undefined; to?: "string" | undefined; } interface Header { text?: boolean | undefined; time?: number | undefined; os?: number | undefined; extra?: number[] | undefined; name?: string | undefined; comment?: string | undefined; hcrc?: boolean | undefined; } type Data = Uint8Array | ArrayBuffer; /** * Compress data with deflate algorithm and options. */ function deflate(data: Data | string, options?: DeflateFunctionOptions): Uint8Array; /** * The same as deflate, but creates raw data, without wrapper (header and adler32 crc). */ function deflateRaw(data: Data | string, options?: DeflateFunctionOptions): Uint8Array; /** * The same as deflate, but create gzip wrapper instead of deflate one. */ function gzip(data: Data | string, options?: DeflateFunctionOptions): Uint8Array; /** * Decompress data with inflate/ungzip and options. Autodetect format via wrapper header * by default. That's why we don't provide separate ungzip method. */ function inflate(data: Data, options: InflateFunctionOptions & { to: "string" }): string; function inflate(data: Data, options?: InflateFunctionOptions): Uint8Array; /** * The same as inflate, but creates raw data, without wrapper (header and adler32 crc). */ function inflateRaw(data: Data, options: InflateFunctionOptions & { to: "string" }): string; function inflateRaw(data: Data, options?: InflateFunctionOptions): Uint8Array; /** * Just shortcut to inflate, because it autodetects format by header.content. Done for convenience. */ function ungzip(data: Data, options: InflateFunctionOptions & { to: "string" }): string; function ungzip(data: Data, options?: InflateFunctionOptions): Uint8Array; // https://github.com/nodeca/pako/blob/893381abcafa10fa2081ce60dae7d4d8e873a658/lib/deflate.js class Deflate { constructor(options?: DeflateOptions); err: ReturnCodes; msg: string; result: Uint8Array; onData(chunk: Data): void; onEnd(status: number): void; push(data: Data | string, mode?: FlushValues | boolean): boolean; } // https://github.com/nodeca/pako/blob/893381abcafa10fa2081ce60dae7d4d8e873a658/lib/inflate.js class Inflate { constructor(options?: InflateOptions); header?: Header | undefined; err: ReturnCodes; msg: string; result: Uint8Array | string; onData(chunk: Data): void; onEnd(status: number): void; push(data: Data, mode?: FlushValues | boolean): boolean; } }