// Type definitions for PapaParse v5.0 // Project: https://github.com/mholt/PapaParse // Definitions by: Pedro Flemming // Rain Shen // João Loff // John Reilly // Alberto Restifo // Behind The Math // 3af // Janne Liuhtonen // Raphaël Barbazza // Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped // TypeScript Version: 2.2 /// export as namespace Papa; /** * Parse a csv string, a csv file or a readable stream */ export const parse: { (input: string | File | NodeJS.ReadableStream, config?: ParseConfig): ParseResult; (stream: NODE_STREAM_INPUT_TYPE, config?: ParseConfig): NodeJS.ReadWriteStream; }; /** * Unparses javascript data objects and returns a csv string */ export const unparse: (data: Array | Array> | UnparseObject, config?: UnparseConfig) => string; /** * Read-Only Properties */ // An array of characters that are not allowed as delimiters. export const BAD_DELIMETERS: Array; // The true delimiter. Invisible. ASCII code 30. Should be doing the job we strangely rely upon commas and tabs for. declare type RECORD_SEP_TYPE = ''; export const RECORD_SEP = ''; // Also sometimes used as a delimiting character. ASCII code 31. declare type UNIT_SEP_TYPE = ''; export const UNIT_SEP = ''; // Whether or not the browser supports HTML5 Web Workers. If false, worker: true will have no effect. export const WORKERS_SUPPORTED: boolean; // The relative path to Papa Parse. This is automatically detected when Papa Parse is loaded synchronously. // Assign it a value to override auto-detected path. export let SCRIPT_PATH: string; // When passed to Papa Parse a Readable stream is returned. declare type NODE_STREAM_INPUT_TYPE = 1; export const NODE_STREAM_INPUT = 1; // The possible values for the ParseConfig property delimitersToGuess declare type GuessableDelimiters = ',' | '\t' | '|' | ';' | RECORD_SEP_TYPE | UNIT_SEP_TYPE; /** * Configurable Properties */ // The size in bytes of each file chunk. Used when streaming files obtained from the DOM that exist on the local computer. Default 10 MB. export let LocalChunkSize: string; // Same as LocalChunkSize, but for downloading files from remote locations. Default 5 MB. export let RemoteChunkSize: string; // The delimiter used when it is left unspecified and cannot be detected automatically. Default is comma. export let DefaultDelimiter: string; /** * On Papa there are actually more classes exposed * but none of them are officially documented * Since we can interact with the Parser from one of the callbacks * I have included the API for this class. */ export class Parser { constructor(config: ParseConfig); parse(input: string, baseIndex: number, ignoreLastRow: boolean): any; // Sets the abort flag abort(): void; // Gets the cursor position getCharIndex(): number; pause(): void; resume(): void; } export interface ParseConfig { delimiter?: string; // default: "," newline?: string; // default: "\r\n" quoteChar?: string; // default: '"' escapeChar?: string; // default: '"' header?: boolean; // default: false trimHeaders?: boolean; // default: false dynamicTyping?: | boolean | { [headerName: string]: boolean; [columnNumber: number]: boolean } | ((field: string | number) => boolean); // default: false preview?: number; // default: 0 encoding?: string; // default: "" worker?: boolean; // default: false comments?: boolean | string; // default: false download?: boolean; // default: false downloadRequestHeaders?: { [headerName: string]: string }; // default: undefined skipEmptyLines?: boolean | 'greedy'; // default: false fastMode?: boolean; // default: undefined withCredentials?: boolean; // default: undefined delimitersToGuess?: GuessableDelimiters[]; // default: [',', '\t', '|', ';', Papa.RECORD_SEP, Papa.UNIT_SEP] // Callbacks step?(results: ParseResult, parser: Parser): void; // default: undefined complete?(results: ParseResult, file?: File): void; // default: undefined error?(error: ParseError, file?: File): void; // default: undefined chunk?(results: ParseResult, parser: Parser): void; // default: undefined beforeFirstChunk?(chunk: string): string | void; // default: undefined transform?(value: string, field: string | number): any; // default: undefined transformHeader?(header: string, index?: number): string; // default: undefined } export interface UnparseConfig { quotes?: boolean | boolean[]; // default: false quoteChar?: string; // default: '"' escapeChar?: string; // default: '"' delimiter?: string; // default: "," header?: boolean; // default: true newline?: string; // default: "\r\n" skipEmptyLines?: boolean | 'greedy'; // default: false columns?: string[]; // default: null } export interface UnparseObject { fields: Array; data: string | Array; } export interface ParseError { type: string; // A generalization of the error code: string; // Standardized error code message: string; // Human-readable details row: number; // Row index of parsed data where error is } export interface ParseMeta { delimiter: string; // Delimiter used linebreak: string; // Line break sequence used aborted: boolean; // Whether process was aborted fields: Array; // Array of field names truncated: boolean; // Whether preview consumed all input cursor: number; } /** * @interface ParseResult * * data: is an array of rows. If header is false, rows are arrays; otherwise they are objects of data keyed by the field name. * errors: is an array of errors * meta: contains extra information about the parse, such as delimiter used, the newline sequence, whether the process was aborted, etc. Properties in this object are not guaranteed to exist in all situations */ export interface ParseResult { data: Array; errors: Array; meta: ParseMeta; }