// Type definitions for PapaParse 5.3 // Project: https://github.com/mholt/PapaParse // Definitions by: Pedro Flemming // Rain Shen // João Loff // John Reilly // Alberto Restifo // Janne Liuhtonen // Raphaël Barbazza // Piotr Błażejewicz // Emmanuel Gautier // Opportunity Liu // Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped /// import { Duplex } from "stream"; export as namespace Papa; export {}; // Don't export all declarations! /** * Parse local files * @param file a File object obtained from the DOM. * @param config a config object which contains a callback. * @returns Doesn't return anything. Results are provided asynchronously to a callback function. */ // eslint-disable-next-line @definitelytyped/no-unnecessary-generics export function parse(file: TFile, config: ParseLocalConfig): void; /** * Parse remote files * @param url the path or URL to the file to download. * @param config a config object. * @returns Doesn't return anything. Results are provided asynchronously to a callback function. */ // eslint-disable-next-line @definitelytyped/no-unnecessary-generics export function parse(url: string, config: ParseRemoteConfig): void; /** * Parse string in web worker * @param csvString a string of delimited text to be parsed. * @param config an optional config object. * @returns Doesn't return anything. Results are provided asynchronously to a callback function. */ /* eslint-disable @definitelytyped/no-unnecessary-generics */ // tslint:disable-next-line:unified-signatures export function parse(csvString: string, config: ParseWorkerConfig & { download?: false | undefined }): void; /* eslint-enable @definitelytyped/no-unnecessary-generics */ /** * Parse string * @param csvString a string of delimited text to be parsed. * @param config an optional config object. * @returns a parse results object */ export function parse( csvString: string, config?: ParseConfig & { download?: false | undefined; worker?: false | undefined }, ): ParseResult; /** * Parse string, remote files or local files * @param source data to be parsed. * @param config a config object. * @returns Doesn't return anything. Results are provided asynchronously to a callback function. */ export function parse( source: LocalFile | string, config: ParseLocalConfig & ( | (ParseConfig & { download?: false | undefined; worker?: false | undefined }) | (ParseWorkerConfig & { download?: false | undefined }) | ParseRemoteConfig ), ): void; /** * Parse in a node streaming style * @param stream `NODE_STREAM_INPUT` * @param config a config object. * @returns a node duplex stream. * * @see https://github.com/mholt/PapaParse#papa-parse-for-node */ export function parse(stream: typeof NODE_STREAM_INPUT, config?: ParseConfig): Duplex; /** * Unparses javascript data objects and returns a csv string * @param data can be one of: An array of arrays; An array of objects; An object explicitly defining `fields` and `data` * @param config an optional config object */ export function unparse(data: T[] | UnparseObject, config?: UnparseConfig): string; /** * Read-Only Properties */ /** An array of characters that are not allowed as delimiters. `\r`, `\n`, `"`, `\ufeff` */ export const BAD_DELIMITERS: ReadonlyArray; /** The true delimiter. Invisible. ASCII code 30. Should be doing the job we strangely rely upon commas and tabs for. */ export const RECORD_SEP: '\x1E'; /** Also sometimes used as a delimiting character. ASCII code 31. */ export const UNIT_SEP: '\x1F'; /** * Whether or not the browser supports HTML5 Web Workers. * If false, `worker: true` will have no effect. */ export const WORKERS_SUPPORTED: boolean; /** * When passed to Papa Parse a Readable stream is returned. */ export const NODE_STREAM_INPUT: unique symbol; /** * Configurable Properties */ /** * The size in bytes of each file chunk. Used when streaming files obtained from the DOM that exist on the local computer. Default 10 MB. * @default 10485760 */ export let LocalChunkSize: number; /** * Same as `LocalChunkSize`, but for downloading files from remote locations. Default 5 MB. * @default 5242880 */ export let RemoteChunkSize: number; /** * The delimiter used when it is left unspecified and cannot be detected automatically. Default is comma. * @default ',' */ export let DefaultDelimiter: string; /** File object */ export type LocalFile = File | NodeJS.ReadableStream; /** * On Papa there are actually more classes exposed * but none of them are officially documented * Since we can interact with the Parser from one of the callbacks * I have included the API for this class. */ export class Parser { constructor(config: ParseConfig); parse(input: string, baseIndex: number, ignoreLastRow: boolean): any; // Sets the abort flag abort(): void; // Gets the cursor position getCharIndex(): number; pause(): void; resume(): void; } export interface ParseConfig { /** * The delimiting character. * Leave blank to auto-detect from a list of most common delimiters, or any values passed in through `delimitersToGuess`. * It can be a string or a function. * If a string, it can be of any length (so multi-character delimiters are supported). * If a function, it must accept the input as first parameter and it must return a string which will be used as delimiter. * In both cases it cannot be found in `Papa.BAD_DELIMITERS`. * @default // auto-detect */ delimiter?: string | ((input: string) => string) | undefined; /** * The newline sequence. Leave blank to auto-detect. Must be one of `\r`, `\n`, or `\r\n`. * @default // auto-detect */ newline?: '\r' | '\n' | '\r\n' | undefined; /** * The character used to quote fields. The quoting of all fields is not mandatory. Any field which is not quoted will correctly read. * @default '"' */ quoteChar?: string | undefined; /** * The character used to escape the quote character within a field. * If not set, this option will default to the value of `quoteChar`, * meaning that the default escaping of quote character within a quoted field is using the quote character two times. * (e.g. `"column with ""quotes"" in text"`) * @default '"' */ escapeChar?: string | undefined; /** * If `true`, the first row of parsed data will be interpreted as field names. * An array of field names will be returned in meta, and each row of data will be an object of values keyed by field name instead of a simple array. * Rows with a different number of fields from the header row will produce an error. * Warning: Duplicate field names will overwrite values in previous fields having the same name. * @default false */ header?: boolean | undefined; /** * A function to apply on each header. Requires header to be true. The function receives the header as its first argument and the index as second. */ transformHeader?(header: string, index: number): string; /** * If `true`, numeric and boolean data will be converted to their type instead of remaining strings. * Numeric data must conform to the definition of a decimal literal. * Numerical values greater than 2^53 or less than -2^53 will not be converted to numbers to preserve precision. * European-formatted numbers must have commas and dots swapped. * If also accepts an object or a function. * If object it's values should be a boolean to indicate if dynamic typing should be applied for each column number (or header name if using headers). * If it's a function, it should return a boolean value for each field number (or name if using headers) which will be passed as first argument. * @default false */ dynamicTyping?: | boolean | { [headerName: string]: boolean; [columnNumber: number]: boolean } | ((field: string | number) => boolean) | undefined; /** If > 0, only that many rows will be parsed. */ preview?: number | undefined; /** * A string that indicates a comment (for example, "#" or "//"). * When Papa encounters a line starting with this string, it will skip the line. * @default false */ comments?: false | string | undefined; /** * If `true`, lines that are completely empty (those which evaluate to an empty string) will be skipped. * If set to `'greedy'`, lines that don't have any content (those which have only whitespace after parsing) will also be skipped. * @default false */ skipEmptyLines?: boolean | 'greedy' | undefined; /** * Fast mode speeds up parsing significantly for large inputs. * However, it only works when the input has no quoted fields. * Fast mode will automatically be enabled if no " characters appear in the input. * You can force fast mode either way by setting it to true or false. */ fastMode?: boolean | undefined; /** * A function to apply on each value. * The function receives the value as its first argument and the column number or header name when enabled as its second argument. * The return value of the function will replace the value it received. * The transform function is applied before `dynamicTyping`. */ transform?(value: string, field: string | number): any; /** * An array of delimiters to guess from if the delimiter option is not set. * @default [',', '\t', '|', ';', Papa.RECORD_SEP, Papa.UNIT_SEP] */ delimitersToGuess?: string[] | undefined; /** * To stream the input, define a callback function. * Streaming is necessary for large files which would otherwise crash the browser. * You can call parser.abort() to abort parsing. * And, except when using a Web Worker, you can call parser.pause() to pause it, and parser.resume() to resume. */ step?(results: ParseStepResult, parser: Parser): void; /** * The callback to execute when parsing is complete. * It receives the parse results. If parsing a local file, the File is passed in, too. * When streaming, parse results are not available in this callback. */ complete?(results: ParseResult, file: TInput): void; /** * A function to execute before parsing the first chunk. * Can be used with chunk or step streaming modes. * The function receives as an argument the chunk about to be parsed, and it may return a modified chunk to parse. * This is useful for stripping header lines (as long as the header fits in a single chunk). */ beforeFirstChunk?(chunk: string): string | void; } export interface ParseWorkerConfig extends ParseConfig { /** * Whether or not to use a worker thread. * Using a worker will keep your page reactive, but may be slightly slower. */ worker: true; /** * The callback to execute when parsing is complete. * It receives the parse results. If parsing a local file, the File is passed in, too. * When streaming, parse results are not available in this callback. */ complete(results: ParseResult): void; } // Base interface for all async parsing interface ParseAsyncConfigBase extends ParseConfig { /** * Whether or not to use a worker thread. * Using a worker will keep your page reactive, but may be slightly slower. * @default false */ worker?: boolean | undefined; /** * Overrides `Papa.LocalChunkSize` and `Papa.RemoteChunkSize`. */ chunkSize?: number | undefined; /** * A callback function, identical to `step`, which activates streaming. * However, this function is executed after every chunk of the file is loaded and parsed rather than every row. * Works only with local and remote files. * Do not use both `chunk` and `step` callbacks together. */ chunk?(results: ParseResult, parser: Parser): void; /** * A callback to execute if FileReader encounters an error. * The function is passed two arguments: the error and the File. */ error?(error: Error, file: TInput): void; } // Async parsing local file can specify encoding interface ParseLocalConfigBase extends ParseAsyncConfigBase { /** The encoding to use when opening local files. If specified, it must be a value supported by the FileReader API. */ encoding?: string | undefined; } interface ParseLocalConfigStep extends ParseLocalConfigBase { /** @inheritdoc */ step(results: ParseStepResult, parser: Parser): void; } interface ParseLocalConfigNoStep extends ParseLocalConfigBase { /** @inheritdoc */ complete(results: ParseResult, file: TInput): void; } // Local parsing is async and thus must specify either `step` or `complete` (but may specify both) export type ParseLocalConfig = ParseLocalConfigStep | ParseLocalConfigNoStep; // Remote parsing has options for the backing web request interface ParseRemoteConfigBase extends ParseAsyncConfigBase { /** * This indicates that the string you passed as the first argument to `parse()` * is actually a URL from which to download a file and parse its contents. */ download: true; /** * If defined, should be an object that describes the headers. * @example { 'Authorization': 'token 123345678901234567890' } * @default undefined */ downloadRequestHeaders?: { [headerName: string]: string } | undefined; /** * Use POST request on the URL of the download option. The value passed will be set as the body of the request. * @default undefined */ downloadRequestBody?: Blob | BufferSource | FormData | URLSearchParams | string | undefined; /** * A boolean value passed directly into XMLHttpRequest's "withCredentials" property. * @default undefined */ withCredentials?: boolean | undefined; } interface ParseRemoteConfigStep extends ParseRemoteConfigBase { /** @inheritdoc */ step(results: ParseStepResult, parser: Parser): void; } interface ParseRemoteConfigNoStep extends ParseRemoteConfigBase { /** @inheritdoc */ complete(results: ParseResult, file: string): void; } // Remote parsing is async and thus must specify either `step` or `complete` (but may specify both) export type ParseRemoteConfig = ParseRemoteConfigStep | ParseRemoteConfigNoStep; export interface UnparseConfig { /** * If `true`, forces all fields to be enclosed in quotes. * If an array of `true`/`false` values, specifies which fields should be force-quoted (first boolean is for the first column, second boolean for the second column, ...). * A function that returns a boolean values can be used to determine the quotes value of a cell. * This function accepts the cell value and column index as parameters. * Note that this option is ignored for `undefined`, `null` and `date-object` values. * The option `escapeFormulae` also takes precedence over this. * * @default false */ quotes?: boolean | boolean[] | ((value: any, columnIndex: number) => boolean) | undefined; /** * The character used to quote fields. * @default '"' */ quoteChar?: string | undefined; /** * The character used to escape `quoteChar` inside field values. * @default '"' */ escapeChar?: string | undefined; /** * The delimiting character. Multi-character delimiters are supported. It must not be found in `Papa.BAD_DELIMITERS`. * @default ',' */ delimiter?: string | undefined; /** * If `false`, will omit the header row. * If `data` is an array of arrays this option is ignored. * If `data` is an array of objects the keys of the first object are the header row. * If `data` is an object with the `keys` fields and `data` the `fields` are the header row. * @default true */ header?: boolean | undefined; /** * The character used to determine newline sequence. * @default '\r\n' */ newline?: string | undefined; /** * If `true`, lines that are completely empty (those which evaluate to an empty string) will be skipped. * If set to `'greedy'`, lines that don't have any content (those which have only whitespace after parsing) will also be skipped. * @default false */ skipEmptyLines?: boolean | 'greedy' | undefined; /** * If `data` is an array of objects this option can be used to manually specify the keys (columns) you expect in the objects. * If not set the keys of the first objects are used as column. * @default undefined */ columns?: string[] | undefined; /** * If `true`, field values that begin with `=`, `+`, `-`, or `@`, * will be prepended with a ` to defend against [injection attacks](https://www.contextis.com/en/blog/comma-separated-vulnerabilities), * because Excel and LibreOffice will automatically parse such cells as formulae. * @default false */ escapeFormulae?: boolean | RegExp | undefined; } export interface UnparseObject { fields: string[]; data: T[]; } /** Error structure */ export interface ParseError { /** A generalization of the error */ type: 'Quotes' | 'Delimiter' | 'FieldMismatch'; /** Standardized error code */ code: 'MissingQuotes' | 'UndetectableDelimiter' | 'TooFewFields' | 'TooManyFields' | 'InvalidQuotes'; /** Human-readable details */ message: string; /** Row index of parsed data where error is */ row: number; } export interface ParseMeta { /** Delimiter used */ delimiter: string; /** Line break sequence used */ linebreak: string; /** Whether process was aborted */ aborted: boolean; /** Array of field names */ fields?: string[] | undefined; /** Whether preview consumed all input */ truncated: boolean; cursor: number; } /** * A parse result always contains three objects: data, errors, and meta. * Data and errors are arrays, and meta is an object. In the step callback, the data array will only contain one element. */ export interface ParseStepResult { /** * In the step callback, the data array will only contain one element. */ data: T; /** an array of errors. */ errors: ParseError[]; /** * contains extra information about the parse, such as delimiter used, * the newline sequence, whether the process was aborted, etc. * Properties in this object are not guaranteed to exist in all situations. */ meta: ParseMeta; } /** * A parse result always contains three objects: data, errors, and meta. * Data and errors are arrays, and meta is an object. In the step callback, the data array will only contain one element. */ export interface ParseResult { /** * an array of rows. If header is false, rows are arrays; otherwise they are objects of data keyed by the field name. */ data: T[]; /** an array of errors. */ errors: ParseError[]; /** * contains extra information about the parse, such as delimiter used, * the newline sequence, whether the process was aborted, etc. * Properties in this object are not guaranteed to exist in all situations. */ meta: ParseMeta; }