// Type definitions for parse-glob 3.0.4 // Project: https://github.com/jonschlinkert/parse-glob // Definitions by: glen-84 // Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped declare namespace parseGlob { interface Result { /** * A copy of the original, unmodified glob pattern. */ orig: string; /** * An object with boolean information about the glob. */ is: { /** * True if the pattern actually is a glob pattern. */ glob: boolean; /** * True if it's a negation pattern (!/foo.js). */ negated: boolean; /** * True if it has extglobs (@(foo|bar)). */ extglob: boolean; /** * True if it has braces ({1..2} or .{txt,md}). */ braces: boolean; /** * True if it has POSIX brackets ([[:alpha:]]). */ brackets: boolean; /** * True if the pattern has a globstar (double star, **). */ globstar: boolean; /** * True if the pattern should match dotfiles. */ dotfile: boolean; /** * True if the pattern should match dot-directories (like .git). */ dotdir: boolean; }; /** * The glob pattern part of the string, if any. */ glob: string; /** * The non-glob part of the string, if any. */ base: string; /** * File path segments. */ path: { /** * Directory. */ dirname: string; /** * File name with extension. */ basename: string; /** * File name without extension. */ filename: string; /** * File extension with dot. */ extname: string; /** * File extension without dot. */ ext: string; }; } } interface ParseGlob { (glob: string): parseGlob.Result; } declare const parseGlob: ParseGlob; export = parseGlob;