import { IncomingMessage } from "http"; declare global { namespace Express { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface interface AuthInfo {} // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface interface User {} interface Request { authInfo?: AuthInfo | undefined; user?: User | undefined; // These declarations are merged into express's Request type /** * Initiate a login session for `user`. * * Options: * - `session` Save login state in session, defaults to `true`. * * Examples: * * req.logIn(user, { session: false }); * * req.logIn(user, function(err) { * if (err) { throw err; } * // session saved * }); */ login(user: User, done: (err: any) => void): void; login(user: User, options: passport.LogInOptions, done: (err: any) => void): void; /** * Initiate a login session for `user`. * * Options: * - `session` Save login state in session, defaults to `true`. * * Examples: * * req.logIn(user, { session: false }); * * req.logIn(user, function(err) { * if (err) { throw err; } * // session saved * }); */ logIn(user: User, done: (err: any) => void): void; logIn(user: User, options: passport.LogInOptions, done: (err: any) => void): void; /** * Terminate an existing login session. */ logout(options: passport.LogOutOptions, done: (err: any) => void): void; logout(done: (err: any) => void): void; /** * Terminate an existing login session. */ logOut(options: passport.LogOutOptions, done: (err: any) => void): void; logOut(done: (err: any) => void): void; /** * Test if request is authenticated. */ isAuthenticated(): this is AuthenticatedRequest; /** * Test if request is unauthenticated. */ isUnauthenticated(): this is UnauthenticatedRequest; } interface AuthenticatedRequest extends Request { user: User; } interface UnauthenticatedRequest extends Request { user?: undefined; } } } import express = require("express"); declare namespace passport { type DoneCallback = (err: any, user?: Express.User | false | null) => void; type DeserializeUserFunction = (serializedUser: unknown, req: express.Request, done: DoneCallback) => void; /** * An optional callback supplied to allow the application to override * the default manner in which authentication attempts are handled. The * callback has the following signature, where `user` will be set to the * authenticated user on a successful authentication attempt, or `false` * otherwise. An optional `info` argument will be passed, containing additional * details provided by the strategy's verify callback - this could be information about * a successful authentication or a challenge message for a failed authentication. * An optional `status` argument will be passed when authentication fails - this could * be a HTTP response code for a remote authentication failure or similar. * * app.get('/protected', function(req, res, next) { * passport.authenticate('local', function callback(err, user, info, status) { * if (err) { return next(err) } * if (!user) { return res.redirect('/signin') } * res.redirect('/account'); * })(req, res, next); * }); * * Note that if a callback is supplied, it becomes the application's * responsibility to log-in the user, establish a session, and otherwise perform * the desired operations. */ type AuthenticateCallback = ( err: any, user?: Express.User | false | null, info?: object | string | Array, status?: number | Array, ) => any; type AuthorizeCallback = AuthenticateCallback; interface AuthenticateOptions { authInfo?: boolean | undefined; /** * Assign the object provided by the verify callback to given property. */ assignProperty?: string | undefined; /** * True to flash failure messages * or a string to use as a flash message for failures * (overrides any from the strategy itself). */ failureFlash?: string | boolean | undefined; /** * True to store failure message in `req.session.messages`, * or a string to use as override message for failure. */ failureMessage?: boolean | string | undefined; /** * After failed login, redirect to given URL. */ failureRedirect?: string | undefined; failWithError?: boolean | undefined; keepSessionInfo?: boolean | undefined; /** * Save login state in session, defaults to `true`. */ session?: boolean | undefined; scope?: string | string[] | undefined; /** * True to flash success messages * or a string to use as a flash message for success * (overrides any from the strategy itself). */ successFlash?: string | boolean | undefined; /** * True to store success message in `req.session.messages`, * or a string to use as override message for success. */ successMessage?: boolean | string | undefined; /** * After successful login, redirect to given URL. */ successRedirect?: string | undefined; successReturnToOrRedirect?: string | undefined; state?: string | undefined; /** * Pause the request stream before deserializing the user * object from the session. Defaults to `false`. Should * be set to `true` in cases where middleware consuming the * request body is configured after passport and the * deserializeUser method is asynchronous. */ pauseStream?: boolean | undefined; /** * Determines what property on `req` * will be set to the authenticated user object. * Default `'user'`. */ userProperty?: string | undefined; passReqToCallback?: boolean | undefined; prompt?: string | undefined; } interface InitializeOptions { /** * Determines what property on `req` * will be set to the authenticated user object. * Default `'user'`. */ userProperty?: string; /** * When `true`, enables a compatibility layer * for packages that depend on `passport@0.4.x` or earlier. * Default `true`. */ compat?: boolean; } interface SessionOptions { /** * Pause the request stream before deserializing the user * object from the session. Defaults to `false`. Should * be set to `true` in cases where middleware consuming the * request body is configured after passport and the * deserializeUser method is asynchronous. */ pauseStream: boolean; } interface SessionStrategyOptions { /** * Determines what property ("key") on * the session data where login session data is located. * The login session is stored and read from `req.session[key]`. * Default `'passport'`. */ key: string; } interface LogInOptions extends LogOutOptions { /** * Save login state in session, defaults to `true`. */ session: boolean; } interface LogOutOptions { keepSessionInfo?: boolean; } interface StrategyFailure { message?: string; [key: string]: any; } interface Authenticator< InitializeRet = express.Handler, AuthenticateRet = any, AuthorizeRet = AuthenticateRet, AuthorizeOptions = AuthenticateOptions, > { /** * Register a strategy for later use when authenticating requests. The name * with which the strategy is registered is passed to {@link Authenticator.authenticate `authenticate()`}. * * @example Register strategy. * passport.use(new GoogleStrategy(...)); * * @example Register strategy and override name. * passport.use('password', new LocalStrategy(function(username, password, cb) { * // ... * })); */ use(strategy: Strategy): this; use(name: string, strategy: Strategy): this; /** * Deregister a strategy that was previously registered with the given name. * * In a typical application, the necessary authentication strategies are * registered when initializing the app and, once registered, are always * available. As such, it is typically not necessary to call this function. * * @example * passport.unuse('acme'); */ unuse(name: string): this; /** * Adapt this `Authenticator` to work with a specific framework. * * By default, Passport works as {@link Connect}-style * middleware, which makes it compatible with {@link Express}. * For any app built using Express, there is no need to call this function. */ framework(fw: Framework): Authenticator; /** * Passport initialization. * * Intializes Passport for incoming requests, allowing authentication strategies * to be applied. * * As of v0.6.x, it is typically no longer necessary to use this middleware. It * exists for compatiblity with apps built using previous versions of Passport, * in which this middleware was necessary. * * The primary exception to the above guidance is when using strategies that * depend directly on `passport@0.4.x` or earlier. These earlier versions of * Passport monkeypatch Node.js `http.IncomingMessage` in a way that expects * certain Passport-specific properties to be available. This middleware * provides a compatibility layer for this situation. * * Options: * - `userProperty` Determines what property on * `req` will be set to the authenticated user object. * Default `'user'`. * * - `compat` When `true`, enables a compatibility * layer for packages that depend on `passport@0.4.x` or earlier. * Default `true`. * * Examples: * * app.use(passport.initialize()); * * If sessions are being utilized, applications must set up Passport with * functions to serialize a user into and out of a session. For example, a * common pattern is to serialize just the user ID into the session (due to the * fact that it is desirable to store the minimum amount of data in a session). * When a subsequent request arrives for the session, the full User object can * be loaded from the database by ID. * * Note that additional middleware is required to persist login state, so we * must use the `connect.session()` middleware _before_ `passport.initialize()`. * * If sessions are being used, this middleware must be in use by the * Connect/Express application for Passport to operate. If the application is * entirely stateless (not using sessions), this middleware is not necessary, * but its use will not have any adverse impact. * * Examples: * * app.use(connect.cookieParser()); * app.use(connect.session({ secret: 'keyboard cat' })); * app.use(passport.initialize()); * app.use(passport.session()); * * passport.serializeUser(function(user, done) { * done(null,; * }); * * passport.deserializeUser(function(id, done) { * User.findById(id, function (err, user) { * done(err, user); * }); * }); */ initialize(options?: InitializeOptions): InitializeRet; /** * Middleware that will restore login state from a session. * * Web applications typically use sessions to maintain login state between * requests. For example, a user will authenticate by entering credentials into * a form which is submitted to the server. If the credentials are valid, a * login session is established by setting a cookie containing a session * identifier in the user's web browser. The web browser will send this cookie * in subsequent requests to the server, allowing a session to be maintained. * * If sessions are being utilized, and a login session has been established, * this middleware will populate `req.user` with the current user. * * Note that sessions are not strictly required for Passport to operate. * However, as a general rule, most web applications will make use of sessions. * An exception to this rule would be an API server, which expects each HTTP * request to provide credentials in an Authorization header. * * Examples: * * app.use(connect.cookieParser()); * app.use(connect.session({ secret: 'keyboard cat' })); * app.use(passport.initialize()); * app.use(passport.session()); * * Options: * - `pauseStream` Pause the request stream before deserializing the user * object from the session. Defaults to `false`. Should * be set to `true` in cases where middleware consuming the * request body is configured after passport and the * deserializeUser method is asynchronous. */ session(options?: SessionOptions): AuthenticateRet; /** * Authenticates requests. * * Applies the `name`ed strategy (or strategies) to the incoming request, in * order to authenticate the request. If authentication is successful, the user * will be logged in and populated at `req.user` and a session will be * established by default. If authentication fails, an unauthorized response * will be sent. * * Options: * - `session` Save login state in session, defaults to `true`. * - `successRedirect` After successful login, redirect to given URL. * - `successMessage` True to store success message in * `req.session.messages`, or a string to use as override * message for success. * - `successFlash` True to flash success messages or a string to use as a flash * message for success (overrides any from the strategy itself). * - `failureRedirect` After failed login, redirect to given URL. * - `failureMessage` True to store failure message in * `req.session.messages`, or a string to use as override * message for failure. * - `failureFlash` True to flash failure messages or a string to use as a flash * message for failures (overrides any from the strategy itself). * - `assignProperty` Assign the object provided by the verify callback to given property. * * An optional `callback` can be supplied to allow the application to override * the default manner in which authentication attempts are handled. The * callback has the following signature, where `user` will be set to the * authenticated user on a successful authentication attempt, or `false` * otherwise. An optional `info` argument will be passed, containing additional * details provided by the strategy's verify callback - this could be information about * a successful authentication or a challenge message for a failed authentication. * An optional `status` argument will be passed when authentication fails - this could * be a HTTP response code for a remote authentication failure or similar. * * app.get('/protected', function(req, res, next) { * passport.authenticate('local', function(err, user, info, status) { * if (err) { return next(err) } * if (!user) { return res.redirect('/signin') } * res.redirect('/account'); * })(req, res, next); * }); * * Note that if a callback is supplied, it becomes the application's * responsibility to log-in the user, establish a session, and otherwise perform * the desired operations. * * Examples: * * passport.authenticate('local', { successRedirect: '/', failureRedirect: '/login' }); * * passport.authenticate('basic', { session: false }); * * passport.authenticate('twitter'); */ authenticate( strategy: string | string[] | Strategy, callback?: AuthenticateCallback | ((...args: any[]) => any), ): AuthenticateRet; authenticate( strategy: string | string[] | Strategy, options: AuthenticateOptions, callback?: AuthenticateCallback | ((...args: any[]) => any), ): AuthenticateRet; /** * Create third-party service authorization middleware. * * Returns middleware that will authorize a connection to a third-party service. * * This middleware is identical to using {@link Authenticator.authenticate `authenticate()`} * middleware with the `assignProperty` option set to `'account'`. This is * useful when a user is already authenticated (for example, using a username * and password) and they want to connect their account with a third-party * service. * * In this scenario, the user's third-party account will be set at * `req.account`, and the existing `req.user` and login session data will be * be left unmodified. A route handler can then link the third-party account to * the existing local account. * * All arguments to this function behave identically to those accepted by * {@link Authenticator.authenticate `Authenticator.authenticate`}. * * @example * app.get('/oauth/callback/twitter', passport.authorize('twitter')); */ authorize(strategy: string | string[], callback?: AuthorizeCallback | ((...args: any[]) => any)): AuthorizeRet; authorize( strategy: string | string[], options: AuthorizeOptions, callback?: AuthorizeCallback | ((...args: any[]) => any), ): AuthorizeRet; /** * Registers a function used to serialize user objects into the session. * * Examples: * * passport.serializeUser(function(user, done) { * done(null,; * }); */ serializeUser(fn: (user: Express.User, done: (err: any, id?: TID) => void) => void): void; /** * Registers a function used to serialize user objects into the session. * * Examples: * * passport.serializeUser(function(user, done) { * done(null,; * }); */ serializeUser( fn: (req: TR, user: Express.User, done: (err: any, id?: TID) => void) => void, ): void; /** * Private implementation that traverses the chain of serializers, * attempting to serialize a user. */ serializeUser( user: User, req: Request, done: (err: any, serializedUser?: number | NonNullable) => any, ): void; /** * Private implementation that traverses the chain of serializers, * attempting to serialize a user. * * For backwards compatibility. */ serializeUser( user: User, done: (err: any, serializedUser?: number | NonNullable) => any, ): void; /** * Registers a function used to deserialize user objects out of the session. * * Examples: * * passport.deserializeUser(function(id, done) { * User.findById(id, function (err, user) { * done(err, user); * }); * }); */ deserializeUser(fn: (id: TID, done: (err: any, user?: Express.User | false | null) => void) => void): void; /** * Registers a function used to deserialize user objects out of the session. * * Examples: * * passport.deserializeUser(function(id, done) { * User.findById(id, function (err, user) { * done(err, user); * }); * }); */ deserializeUser( fn: (req: TR, id: TID, done: (err: any, user?: Express.User | false | null) => void) => void, ): void; /** * Private implementation that traverses the chain of deserializers, * attempting to deserialize a user. */ deserializeUser( serializedUser: NonNullable, req: Request, done: (err: any, user?: User | false) => any, ): void; /** * Private implementation that traverses the chain of deserializers, * attempting to deserialize a user. * * For backwards compatibility. */ deserializeUser( serializedUser: NonNullable, done: (err: any, user?: User | false) => any, ): void; /** * Registers a function used to transform auth info. * * In some circumstances authorization details are contained in authentication * credentials or loaded as part of verification. * * For example, when using bearer tokens for API authentication, the tokens may * encode (either directly or indirectly in a database), details such as scope * of access or the client to which the token was issued. * * Such authorization details should be enforced separately from authentication. * Because Passport deals only with the latter, this is the responsiblity of * middleware or routes further along the chain. However, it is not optimal to * decode the same data or execute the same database query later. To avoid * this, Passport accepts optional `info` along with the authenticated `user` * in a strategy's `success()` action. This info is set at `req.authInfo`, * where said later middlware or routes can access it. * * Optionally, applications can register transforms to proccess this info, * which take effect prior to `req.authInfo` being set. This is useful, for * example, when the info contains a client ID. The transform can load the * client from the database and include the instance in the transformed info, * allowing the full set of client properties to be convieniently accessed. * * If no transforms are registered, `info` supplied by the strategy will be left * unmodified. * * Examples: * * passport.transformAuthInfo(function(info, done) { * Client.findById(info.clientID, function (err, client) { * info.client = client; * done(err, info); * }); * }); */ transformAuthInfo(fn: (info: any, done: (err: any, info: any) => void) => void): void; /** * Private implementation that traverses the chain of transformers, * attempting to transform auth info. * * If no transformers are registered (or they all pass), * the default behavior is to use the un-transformed info as-is. */ transformAuthInfo( info: unknown, req: Request, done: (err: any, transformedAuthInfo?: InitialInfo | NonNullable) => any, ): void; /** * Private implementation that traverses the chain of transformers, * attempting to transform auth info. * * If no transformers are registered (or they all pass), * the default behavior is to use the un-transformed info as-is. * * For backwards compatibility. */ transformAuthInfo( info: unknown, done: (err: any, transformedAuthInfo?: InitialInfo | NonNullable) => any, ): void; } interface PassportStatic extends Authenticator { /** * Create a new `Authenticator` object. */ Authenticator: { new(): Authenticator }; /** * Create a new `Authenticator` object. */ Passport: PassportStatic["Authenticator"]; /** * Creates an instance of `Strategy`. */ Strategy: { new(): Strategy & StrategyCreatedStatic }; strategies: { /** * Create a new `SessionStrategy` object. * * An instance of this strategy is automatically used when creating an * {@link Authenticator `Authenticator`}. As such, it is typically unnecessary to create an * instance using this constructor. * * This `Strategy` authenticates HTTP requests based on the contents * of session data. * * The login session must have been previously initiated, typically upon the * user interactively logging in using a HTML form. During session initiation, * the logged-in user's information is persisted to the session so that it can * be restored on subsequent requests. * * Note that this strategy merely restores the authentication state from the * session, it does not authenticate the session itself. Authenticating the * underlying session is assumed to have been done by the middleware * implementing session support. This is typically accomplished by setting a * signed cookie, and verifying the signature of that cookie on incoming * requests. * * In {@link Express}-based apps, session support is * commonly provided by {@link `express-session`} * or {@link `cookie-session`}. * * Options: * * - `key` Determines what property ("key") on * the session data where login session data is located. The login * session is stored and read from `req.session[key]`. * Default `'passport'`. */ SessionStrategy: { new(deserializeUser: DeserializeUserFunction): SessionStrategy; new(options: SessionStrategyOptions, deserializeUser: DeserializeUserFunction): SessionStrategy; }; }; } interface Strategy { name?: string | undefined; /** * Authenticate request. * * This function must be overridden by subclasses. In abstract form, it always * throws an exception. */ authenticate(this: StrategyCreated, req: express.Request, options?: any): any; } interface SessionStrategy extends Strategy { /** * The name of the strategy, set to `'session'`. */ readonly name: "session"; /** * Authenticate request based on current session data. * * When login session data is present in the session, that data will be used to * restore login state across across requests by calling the deserialize user * function. * * If login session data is not present, the request will be passed to the next * middleware, rather than failing authentication - which is the behavior of * most other strategies. This deviation allows session authentication to be * performed at the application-level, rather than the individual route level, * while allowing both authenticated and unauthenticated requests and rendering * responses accordingly. Routes that require authentication will need to guard * that condition. * * This function is **protected**, and should _not_ be called directly. Instead, * use `passport.authenticate()` middleware and specify the {@link `name`} * of this strategy and any options. * * Options: * - `pauseStream` When `true`, data events on * the request will be paused, and then resumed after the asynchronous * `deserializeUser` function has completed. This is only necessary in * cases where later middleware in the stack are listening for events, * and ensures that those events are not missed. * Default `false`. * * @example * passport.authenticate('session'); */ authenticate(req: IncomingMessage, options?: Pick): void; } interface StrategyCreatedStatic { /** * Authenticate `user`, with optional `info`. * * Strategies should call this function to successfully authenticate a * user. `user` should be an object supplied by the application after it * has been given an opportunity to verify credentials. `info` is an * optional argument containing additional user information. This is * useful for third-party authentication strategies to pass profile * details. */ success(user: Express.User, info?: object): void; /** * Fail authentication, with optional `challenge` and `status`, defaulting * to `401`. * * Strategies should call this function to fail an authentication attempt. */ fail(challenge?: StrategyFailure | string | number, status?: number): void; /** * Redirect to `url` with optional `status`, defaulting to 302. * * Strategies should call this function to redirect the user (via their * user agent) to a third-party website for authentication. */ redirect(url: string, status?: number): void; /** * Pass without making a success or fail decision. * * Under most circumstances, Strategies should not need to call this * function. It exists primarily to allow previous authentication state * to be restored, for example from an HTTP session. */ pass(): void; /** * Internal error while performing authentication. * * Strategies should call this function when an internal error occurs * during the process of performing authentication; for example, if the * user directory is not available. */ error(err: any): void; } type StrategyCreated = { [P in keyof O]: O[P]; }; interface Profile { provider: string; id: string; displayName: string; username?: string | undefined; name?: | { familyName: string; givenName: string; middleName?: string | undefined; } | undefined; emails?: | Array<{ value: string; type?: string | undefined; }> | undefined; photos?: | Array<{ value: string; }> | undefined; } interface Framework { /** * Passport initialization. * * Intializes Passport for incoming requests, allowing authentication strategies * to be applied. * * If sessions are being utilized, applications must set up Passport with * functions to serialize a user into and out of a session. For example, a * common pattern is to serialize just the user ID into the session (due to the * fact that it is desirable to store the minimum amount of data in a session). * When a subsequent request arrives for the session, the full User object can * be loaded from the database by ID. * * Note that additional middleware is required to persist login state, so we * must use the `connect.session()` middleware _before_ `passport.initialize()`. * * If sessions are being used, this middleware must be in use by the * Connect/Express application for Passport to operate. If the application is * entirely stateless (not using sessions), this middleware is not necessary, * but its use will not have any adverse impact. * * Examples: * * app.use(connect.cookieParser()); * app.use(connect.session({ secret: 'keyboard cat' })); * app.use(passport.initialize()); * app.use(passport.session()); * * passport.serializeUser(function(user, done) { * done(null,; * }); * * passport.deserializeUser(function(id, done) { * User.findById(id, function (err, user) { * done(err, user); * }); * }); */ initialize( passport: Authenticator, options?: any, ): (...args: any[]) => InitializeRet; /** * Authenticates requests. * * Applies the `name`ed strategy (or strategies) to the incoming request, in * order to authenticate the request. If authentication is successful, the user * will be logged in and populated at `req.user` and a session will be * established by default. If authentication fails, an unauthorized response * will be sent. * * Options: * - `session` Save login state in session, defaults to `true`. * - `successRedirect` After successful login, redirect to given URL. * - `successMessage` True to store success message in * `req.session.messages`, or a string to use as override * message for success. * - `successFlash` True to flash success messages or a string to use as a flash * message for success (overrides any from the strategy itself). * - `failureRedirect` After failed login, redirect to given URL. * - `failureMessage` True to store failure message in * `req.session.messages`, or a string to use as override * message for failure. * - `failureFlash` True to flash failure messages or a string to use as a flash * message for failures (overrides any from the strategy itself). * - `assignProperty` Assign the object provided by the verify callback to given property. * * An optional `callback` can be supplied to allow the application to override * the default manner in which authentication attempts are handled. The * callback has the following signature, where `user` will be set to the * authenticated user on a successful authentication attempt, or `false` * otherwise. An optional `info` argument will be passed, containing additional * details provided by the strategy's verify callback - this could be information about * a successful authentication or a challenge message for a failed authentication. * An optional `status` argument will be passed when authentication fails - this could * be a HTTP response code for a remote authentication failure or similar. * * app.get('/protected', function(req, res, next) { * passport.authenticate('local', function(err, user, info, status) { * if (err) { return next(err) } * if (!user) { return res.redirect('/signin') } * res.redirect('/account'); * })(req, res, next); * }); * * Note that if a callback is supplied, it becomes the application's * responsibility to log-in the user, establish a session, and otherwise perform * the desired operations. * * Examples: * * passport.authenticate('local', { successRedirect: '/', failureRedirect: '/login' }); * * passport.authenticate('basic', { session: false }); * * passport.authenticate('twitter'); */ authenticate( passport: Authenticator, name: string, options?: any, callback?: (...args: any[]) => any, ): (...args: any[]) => AuthenticateRet; /** * Create third-party service authorization middleware. * * Returns middleware that will authorize a connection to a third-party service. * * This middleware is identical to using {@link Authenticator.authenticate `authenticate()`} * middleware with the `assignProperty` option set to `'account'`. This is * useful when a user is already authenticated (for example, using a username * and password) and they want to connect their account with a third-party * service. * * In this scenario, the user's third-party account will be set at * `req.account`, and the existing `req.user` and login session data will be * be left unmodified. A route handler can then link the third-party account to * the existing local account. * * All arguments to this function behave identically to those accepted by * {@link Authenticator.authenticate `Authenticator.authenticate`}. * * @example * app.get('/oauth/callback/twitter', passport.authorize('twitter')); */ authorize?( passport: Authenticator, name: string, options?: any, callback?: (...args: any[]) => any, ): (...args: any[]) => AuthorizeRet; } } declare const passport: passport.PassportStatic; export = passport;