// Type definitions for prettier 1.18 // Project: https://github.com/prettier/prettier, https://prettier.io // Definitions by: Ika , // Ifiok Jr. , // Florian Keller , // Sosuke Suzuki // Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped // TypeScript Version: 2.8 export type AST = any; export type Doc = doc.builders.Doc; // https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/master/src/common/fast-path.js export interface FastPath { stack: any[]; getName(): null | PropertyKey; getValue(): T; getNode(count?: number): null | T; getParentNode(count?: number): null | T; call(callback: (path: this) => U, ...names: PropertyKey[]): U; each(callback: (path: this) => void, ...names: PropertyKey[]): void; map(callback: (path: this, index: number) => U, ...names: PropertyKey[]): U[]; } export type BuiltInParser = (text: string, options?: any) => AST; export type BuiltInParserName = | 'babylon' // deprecated | 'babel' | 'babel-flow' | 'flow' | 'typescript' | 'postcss' // deprecated | 'css' | 'less' | 'scss' | 'json' | 'json5' | 'json-stringify' | 'graphql' | 'markdown' | 'vue' | 'html' | 'angular' | 'mdx' | 'yaml' | 'lwc'; export type CustomParser = (text: string, parsers: Record, options: Options) => AST; export interface Options extends Partial {} export interface RequiredOptions extends doc.printer.Options { /** * Print semicolons at the ends of statements. */ semi: boolean; /** * Use single quotes instead of double quotes. */ singleQuote: boolean; /** * Use single quotes in JSX. */ jsxSingleQuote: boolean; /** * Print trailing commas wherever possible. */ trailingComma: 'none' | 'es5' | 'all'; /** * Print spaces between brackets in object literals. */ bracketSpacing: boolean; /** * Put the `>` of a multi-line JSX element at the end of the last line instead of being alone on the next line. */ jsxBracketSameLine: boolean; /** * Format only a segment of a file. */ rangeStart: number; /** * Format only a segment of a file. */ rangeEnd: number; /** * Specify which parser to use. */ parser: BuiltInParserName | CustomParser; /** * Specify the input filepath. This will be used to do parser inference. */ filepath: string; /** * Prettier can restrict itself to only format files that contain a special comment, called a pragma, at the top of the file. * This is very useful when gradually transitioning large, unformatted codebases to prettier. */ requirePragma: boolean; /** * Prettier can insert a special @format marker at the top of files specifying that * the file has been formatted with prettier. This works well when used in tandem with * the --require-pragma option. If there is already a docblock at the top of * the file then this option will add a newline to it with the @format marker. */ insertPragma: boolean; /** * By default, Prettier will wrap markdown text as-is since some services use a linebreak-sensitive renderer. * In some cases you may want to rely on editor/viewer soft wrapping instead, so this option allows you to opt out. */ proseWrap: | boolean // deprecated | 'always' | 'never' | 'preserve'; /** * Include parentheses around a sole arrow function parameter. */ arrowParens: 'avoid' | 'always'; /** * The plugin API is in a beta state. */ plugins: Array; /** * How to handle whitespaces in HTML. */ htmlWhitespaceSensitivity: 'css' | 'strict' | 'ignore'; /** * Which end of line characters to apply. */ endOfLine: 'auto' | 'lf' | 'crlf' | 'cr'; /** * Change when properties in objects are quoted. */ quoteProps: 'as-needed' | 'consistent' | 'preserve'; /** * Whether or not to indent the code inside