/// export as namespace ProgressBar; export = ProgressBar; /** * Flexible ascii progress bar. */ declare class ProgressBar { /** * Initialize a `ProgressBar` with the given `fmt` string and `options` or * `total`. * * Options: * - `total` total number of ticks to complete * - `width` the displayed width of the progress bar defaulting to total * - `stream` the output stream defaulting to stderr * - `complete` completion character defaulting to "=" * - `incomplete` incomplete character defaulting to "-" * - `renderThrottle` minimum time between updates in milliseconds defaulting to 16 * - `callback` optional function to call when the progress bar completes * - `clear` will clear the progress bar upon termination * * Tokens: * - `:bar` the progress bar itself * - `:current` current tick number * - `:total` total ticks * - `:elapsed` time elapsed in seconds * - `:percent` completion percentage * - `:eta` eta in seconds */ constructor(format: string, total: number); constructor(format: string, options: ProgressBar.ProgressBarOptions); /** * "tick" the progress bar with optional `len` and optional `tokens`. */ tick(tokens?: any): void; tick(count?: number, tokens?: any): void; /** * Method to render the progress bar with optional `tokens` to place in the * progress bar's `fmt` field. */ render(tokens?: any, force?: boolean): void; /** * "update" the progress bar to represent an exact percentage. * The ratio (between 0 and 1) specified will be multiplied by `total` and * floored, representing the closest available "tick." For example, if a * progress bar has a length of 3 and `update(0.5)` is called, the progress * will be set to 1. * * A ratio of 0.5 will attempt to set the progress to halfway. * * @param ratio The ratio (between 0 and 1 inclusive) to set the * overall completion to. */ update(ratio: number, tokens?: any): void; /** * "interrupt" the progress bar and write a message above it. */ interrupt(message: string): void; /** * Terminates a progress bar. */ terminate(): void; /** * Completed status of progress (Boolean) */ complete: boolean; /** * Current tick number. */ curr: number; /** * Total number of ticks to complete. */ total: number; } declare namespace ProgressBar { /** * These are keys in the options object you can pass to the progress bar along with total as seen in the example above. */ interface ProgressBarOptions { /** * Total number of ticks to complete. */ total: number; /** * current completed index */ curr?: number | undefined; /** * head character defaulting to complete character */ head?: string | undefined; /** * The displayed width of the progress bar defaulting to total. */ width?: number | undefined; /** * minimum time between updates in milliseconds defaulting to 16 */ renderThrottle?: number | undefined; /** * The output stream defaulting to stderr. */ stream?: NodeJS.WritableStream | undefined; /** * Completion character defaulting to "=". */ complete?: string | undefined; /** * Incomplete character defaulting to "-". */ incomplete?: string | undefined; /** * Option to clear the bar on completion defaulting to false. */ clear?: boolean | undefined; /** * Optional function to call when the progress bar completes. */ callback?: Function | undefined; } }