// Type definitions for Q 1.5 // Project: https://github.com/kriskowal/q // Definitions by: Barrie Nemetchek // Andrew Gaspar // John Reilly // Michel Boudreau // TeamworkGuy2 // Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped // TypeScript Version: 2.3 export = Q; export as namespace Q; /** * If value is a Q promise, returns the promise. * If value is a promise from another library it is coerced into a Q promise (where possible). * If value is not a promise, returns a promise that is fulfilled with value. */ declare function Q(promise: PromiseLike | T): Q.Promise; /** * Calling with nothing at all creates a void promise */ declare function Q(): Q.Promise; declare namespace Q { export type IWhenable = PromiseLike | T; export type IPromise = PromiseLike; export interface Deferred { promise: Promise; /** * Calling resolve with a pending promise causes promise to wait on the passed promise, becoming fulfilled with its * fulfillment value or rejected with its rejection reason (or staying pending forever, if the passed promise does). * Calling resolve with a rejected promise causes promise to be rejected with the passed promise's rejection reason. * Calling resolve with a fulfilled promise causes promise to be fulfilled with the passed promise's fulfillment value. * Calling resolve with a non-promise value causes promise to be fulfilled with that value. */ resolve(value?: IWhenable): void; /** * Calling reject with a reason causes promise to be rejected with that reason. */ reject(reason?: any): void; /** * Calling notify with a value causes promise to be notified of progress with that value. That is, any onProgress * handlers registered with promise or promises derived from promise will be called with the progress value. */ notify(value: any): void; /** * Returns a function suitable for passing to a Node.js API. That is, it has a signature (err, result) and will * reject deferred.promise with err if err is given, or fulfill it with result if that is given. */ makeNodeResolver(): (reason: any, value: T) => void; } export interface Promise { /** * The then method from the Promises/A+ specification, with an additional progress handler. */ then( onFulfill?: ((value: T) => IWhenable) | null, onReject?: ((error: any) => IWhenable) | null, onProgress?: ((progress: any) => any) | null, ): Promise; then( onFulfill?: ((value: T) => IWhenable) | null, onReject?: ((error: any) => IWhenable) | null, onProgress?: ((progress: any) => any) | null, ): Promise; /** * Like a finally clause, allows you to observe either the fulfillment or rejection of a promise, but to do so * without modifying the final value. This is useful for collecting resources regardless of whether a job succeeded, * like closing a database connection, shutting a server down, or deleting an unneeded key from an object. * finally returns a promise, which will become resolved with the same fulfillment value or rejection reason * as promise. However, if callback returns a promise, the resolution of the returned promise will be delayed * until the promise returned from callback is finished. Furthermore, if the returned promise rejects, that * rejection will be passed down the chain instead of the previous result. */ finally(finallyCallback: () => any): Promise; /** * Alias for finally() (for non-ES5 browsers) */ fin(finallyCallback: () => any): Promise; /** * Like then, but "spreads" the array into a variadic fulfillment handler. If any of the promises in the array are * rejected, instead calls onRejected with the first rejected promise's rejection reason. * This is especially useful in conjunction with all */ spread(onFulfill: (...args: any[]) => IWhenable, onReject?: (reason: any) => IWhenable): Promise; /** * A sugar method, equivalent to promise.then(undefined, onRejected). */ catch(onRejected: (reason: any) => IWhenable): Promise; /** * Alias for catch() (for non-ES5 browsers) */ fail(onRejected: (reason: any) => IWhenable): Promise; /** * A sugar method, equivalent to promise.then(undefined, undefined, onProgress). */ progress(onProgress: (progress: any) => any): Promise; /** * Much like then, but with different behavior around unhandled rejection. If there is an unhandled rejection, * either because promise is rejected and no onRejected callback was provided, or because onFulfilled or onRejected * threw an error or returned a rejected promise, the resulting rejection reason is thrown as an exception in a * future turn of the event loop. * This method should be used to terminate chains of promises that will not be passed elsewhere. Since exceptions * thrown in then callbacks are consumed and transformed into rejections, exceptions at the end of the chain are * easy to accidentally, silently ignore. By arranging for the exception to be thrown in a future turn of the * event loop, so that it won't be caught, it causes an onerror event on the browser window, or an uncaughtException * event on Node.js's process object. * Exceptions thrown by done will have long stack traces, if Q.longStackSupport is set to true. If Q.onerror is set, * exceptions will be delivered there instead of thrown in a future turn. * The Golden Rule of done vs. then usage is: either return your promise to someone else, or if the chain ends * with you, call done to terminate it. Terminating with catch is not sufficient because the catch handler may * itself throw an error. */ done( onFulfilled?: ((value: T) => any) | null, onRejected?: ((reason: any) => any) | null, onProgress?: ((progress: any) => any) | null, ): void; /** * If callback is a function, assumes it's a Node.js-style callback, and calls it as either callback(rejectionReason) * when/if promise becomes rejected, or as callback(null, fulfillmentValue) when/if promise becomes fulfilled. * If callback is not a function, simply returns promise. */ nodeify(callback: (reason: any, value: any) => void): Promise; /** * Returns a promise to get the named property of an object. Essentially equivalent to * * @example * promise.then(function (o) { return o[propertyName]; }); */ get(propertyName: string): Promise; set(propertyName: string, value: any): Promise; delete(propertyName: string): Promise; /** * Returns a promise for the result of calling the named method of an object with the given array of arguments. * The object itself is this in the function, just like a synchronous method call. Essentially equivalent to * * @example * promise.then(function (o) { return o[methodName].apply(o, args); }); */ post(methodName: string, args: any[]): Promise; /** * Returns a promise for the result of calling the named method of an object with the given variadic arguments. * The object itself is this in the function, just like a synchronous method call. */ invoke(methodName: string, ...args: any[]): Promise; /** * Returns a promise for an array of the property names of an object. Essentially equivalent to * * @example * promise.then(function (o) { return Object.keys(o); }); */ keys(): Promise; /** * Returns a promise for the result of calling a function, with the given array of arguments. Essentially equivalent to * * @example * promise.then(function (f) { * return f.apply(undefined, args); * }); */ fapply(args: any[]): Promise; /** * Returns a promise for the result of calling a function, with the given variadic arguments. Has the same return * value/thrown exception translation as explained above for fbind. * In its static form, it is aliased as Q.try, since it has semantics similar to a try block (but handling both * synchronous exceptions and asynchronous rejections). This allows code like * * @example * Q.try(function () { * if (!isConnectedToCloud()) { * throw new Error("The cloud is down!"); * } * return syncToCloud(); * }) * .catch(function (error) { * console.error("Couldn't sync to the cloud", error); * }); */ fcall(...args: any[]): Promise; /** * A sugar method, equivalent to promise.then(function () { return value; }). */ thenResolve(value: U): Promise; /** * A sugar method, equivalent to promise.then(function () { throw reason; }). */ thenReject(reason?: any): Promise; /** * Attaches a handler that will observe the value of the promise when it becomes fulfilled, returning a promise for * that same value, perhaps deferred but not replaced by the promise returned by the onFulfilled handler. */ tap(onFulfilled: (value: T) => any): Promise; /** * Returns a promise that will have the same result as promise, except that if promise is not fulfilled or rejected * before ms milliseconds, the returned promise will be rejected with an Error with the given message. If message * is not supplied, the message will be "Timed out after " + ms + " ms". */ timeout(ms: number, message?: string): Promise; /** * Returns a promise that will have the same result as promise, but will only be fulfilled or rejected after at least * ms milliseconds have passed. */ delay(ms: number): Promise; /** * Returns whether a given promise is in the fulfilled state. When the static version is used on non-promises, the * result is always true. */ isFulfilled(): boolean; /** * Returns whether a given promise is in the rejected state. When the static version is used on non-promises, the * result is always false. */ isRejected(): boolean; /** * Returns whether a given promise is in the pending state. When the static version is used on non-promises, the * result is always false. */ isPending(): boolean; valueOf(): any; /** * Returns a "state snapshot" object, which will be in one of three forms: * * - { state: "pending" } * - { state: "fulfilled", value: } * - { state: "rejected", reason: } */ inspect(): PromiseState; } export interface PromiseState { state: "fulfilled" | "rejected" | "pending"; value?: T | undefined; reason?: any; } /** * Returns a "deferred" object with a: * promise property * resolve(value) method * reject(reason) method * notify(value) method * makeNodeResolver() method */ export function defer(): Deferred; /** * Calling resolve with a pending promise causes promise to wait on the passed promise, becoming fulfilled with its * fulfillment value or rejected with its rejection reason (or staying pending forever, if the passed promise does). * Calling resolve with a rejected promise causes promise to be rejected with the passed promise's rejection reason. * Calling resolve with a fulfilled promise causes promise to be fulfilled with the passed promise's fulfillment value. * Calling resolve with a non-promise value causes promise to be fulfilled with that value. */ export function resolve(object?: IWhenable): Promise; /** * Returns a promise that is rejected with reason. */ export function reject(reason?: any): Promise; // If no value provided, returned promise will be of void type export function when(): Promise; // if no fulfill, reject, or progress provided, returned promise will be of same type export function when(value: IWhenable): Promise; // If a non-promise value is provided, it will not reject or progress export function when( value: IWhenable, onFulfilled: (val: T) => IWhenable, onRejected?: ((reason: any) => IWhenable) | null, onProgress?: ((progress: any) => any) | null, ): Promise; /** * (Deprecated) Returns a new function that calls a function asynchronously with the given variadic arguments, and returns a promise. * Notably, any synchronous return values or thrown exceptions are transformed, respectively, into fulfillment values * or rejection reasons for the promise returned by this new function. * This method is especially useful in its static form for wrapping functions to ensure that they are always * asynchronous, and that any thrown exceptions (intentional or accidental) are appropriately transformed into a * returned rejected promise. For example: * * @example * var getUserData = Q.fbind(function (userName) { * if (!userName) { * throw new Error("userName must be truthy!"); * } * if (localCache.has(userName)) { * return localCache.get(userName); * } * return getUserFromCloud(userName); * }); */ export function fbind(method: (...args: any[]) => IWhenable, ...args: any[]): (...args: any[]) => Promise; /** * Returns a promise for the result of calling a function, with the given variadic arguments. Has the same return * value/thrown exception translation as explained above for fbind. * In its static form, it is aliased as Q.try, since it has semantics similar to a try block (but handling both synchronous * exceptions and asynchronous rejections). This allows code like * * @example * Q.try(function () { * if (!isConnectedToCloud()) { * throw new Error("The cloud is down!"); * } * return syncToCloud(); * }) * .catch(function (error) { * console.error("Couldn't sync to the cloud", error); * }); */ export function fcall(method: (...args: any[]) => T, ...args: any[]): Promise; // but 'try' is a reserved word. This is the only way to get around this /** * Alias for fcall() */ export { fcall as try }; /** * Returns a promise for the result of calling the named method of an object with the given variadic arguments. * The object itself is this in the function, just like a synchronous method call. */ export function invoke(obj: any, functionName: string, ...args: any[]): Promise; /** * Alias for invoke() */ export function send(obj: any, functionName: string, ...args: any[]): Promise; /** * Alias for invoke() */ export function mcall(obj: any, functionName: string, ...args: any[]): Promise; /** * Creates a promise-returning function from a Node.js-style function, optionally binding it with the given * variadic arguments. An example: * * @example * var readFile = Q.nfbind(FS.readFile); * readFile("foo.txt", "utf-8").done(function (text) { * //... * }); * * Note that if you have a method that uses the Node.js callback pattern, as opposed to just a function, you will * need to bind its this value before passing it to nfbind, like so: * * @example * var Kitty = mongoose.model("Kitty"); * var findKitties = Q.nfbind(Kitty.find.bind(Kitty)); * * The better strategy for methods would be to use Q.nbind, as shown below. */ export function nfbind(nodeFunction: (...args: any[]) => any, ...args: any[]): (...args: any[]) => Promise; /** * Alias for nfbind() */ export function denodeify(nodeFunction: (...args: any[]) => any, ...args: any[]): (...args: any[]) => Promise; /** * Creates a promise-returning function from a Node.js-style method, optionally binding it with the given * variadic arguments. An example: * * @example * var Kitty = mongoose.model("Kitty"); * var findKitties = Q.nbind(Kitty.find, Kitty); * findKitties({ cute: true }).done(function (theKitties) { * //... * }); */ export function nbind( nodeFunction: (...args: any[]) => any, thisArg: any, ...args: any[] ): (...args: any[]) => Promise; /** * Calls a Node.js-style function with the given array of arguments, returning a promise that is fulfilled if the * Node.js function calls back with a result, or rejected if it calls back with an error * (or throws one synchronously). An example: * * @example * Q.nfapply(FS.readFile, ["foo.txt", "utf-8"]).done(function (text) { * }); * * Note that this example only works because FS.readFile is a function exported from a module, not a method on * an object. For methods, e.g. redisClient.get, you must bind the method to an instance before passing it to * Q.nfapply (or, generally, as an argument to any function call): * * @example * Q.nfapply(redisClient.get.bind(redisClient), ["user:1:id"]).done(function (user) { * }); * * The better strategy for methods would be to use Q.npost, as shown below. */ export function nfapply(nodeFunction: (...args: any[]) => any, args: any[]): Promise; /** * Calls a Node.js-style function with the given variadic arguments, returning a promise that is fulfilled if the * Node.js function calls back with a result, or rejected if it calls back with an error * (or throws one synchronously). An example: * * @example * Q.nfcall(FS.readFile, "foo.txt", "utf-8").done(function (text) { * }); * * The same warning about functions vs. methods applies for nfcall as it does for nfapply. In this case, the better * strategy would be to use Q.ninvoke. */ export function nfcall(nodeFunction: (...args: any[]) => any, ...args: any[]): Promise; /** * Calls a Node.js-style method with the given arguments array, returning a promise that is fulfilled if the method * calls back with a result, or rejected if it calls back with an error (or throws one synchronously). An example: * * @example * Q.npost(redisClient, "get", ["user:1:id"]).done(function (user) { * }); */ export function npost(nodeModule: any, functionName: string, args: any[]): Promise; /** * Calls a Node.js-style method with the given variadic arguments, returning a promise that is fulfilled if the * method calls back with a result, or rejected if it calls back with an error (or throws one synchronously). An example: * * @example * Q.ninvoke(redisClient, "get", "user:1:id").done(function (user) { * }); */ export function ninvoke(nodeModule: any, functionName: string, ...args: any[]): Promise; /** * Alias for ninvoke() */ export function nsend(nodeModule: any, functionName: string, ...args: any[]): Promise; /** * Returns a promise that is fulfilled with an array containing the fulfillment value of each promise, or is rejected with the same rejection reason as the first promise to be rejected. */ export function all( promises: IWhenable<[IWhenable, IWhenable, IWhenable, IWhenable, IWhenable, IWhenable]>, ): Promise<[A, B, C, D, E, F]>; /** * Returns a promise that is fulfilled with an array containing the fulfillment value of each promise, or is rejected with the same rejection reason as the first promise to be rejected. */ export function all( promises: IWhenable<[IWhenable, IWhenable, IWhenable, IWhenable, IWhenable]>, ): Promise<[A, B, C, D, E]>; /** * Returns a promise that is fulfilled with an array containing the fulfillment value of each promise, or is rejected with the same rejection reason as the first promise to be rejected. */ export function all( promises: IWhenable<[IWhenable, IWhenable, IWhenable, IWhenable]>, ): Promise<[A, B, C, D]>; /** * Returns a promise that is fulfilled with an array containing the fulfillment value of each promise, or is rejected with the same rejection reason as the first promise to be rejected. */ export function all(promises: IWhenable<[IWhenable, IWhenable, IWhenable]>): Promise<[A, B, C]>; /** * Returns a promise that is fulfilled with an array containing the fulfillment value of each promise, or is rejected with the same rejection reason as the first promise to be rejected. */ export function all(promises: IWhenable<[IPromise, IPromise]>): Promise<[A, B]>; export function all(promises: IWhenable<[A, IPromise]>): Promise<[A, B]>; export function all(promises: IWhenable<[IPromise, B]>): Promise<[A, B]>; export function all(promises: IWhenable<[A, B]>): Promise<[A, B]>; /** * Returns a promise that is fulfilled with an array containing the fulfillment value of each promise, or is rejected with the same rejection reason as the first promise to be rejected. */ export function all(promises: IWhenable>>): Promise; /** * Returns a promise for the first of an array of promises to become settled. */ export function race(promises: Array>): Promise; /** * Returns a promise that is fulfilled with an array of promise state snapshots, but only after all the original promises * have settled, i.e. become either fulfilled or rejected. */ export function allSettled(promises: IWhenable>>): Promise>>; /** * Deprecated Alias for allSettled() */ export function allResolved(promises: IWhenable>>): Promise>>; /** * Like then, but "spreads" the array into a variadic fulfillment handler. If any of the promises in the array are * rejected, instead calls onRejected with the first rejected promise's rejection reason. This is especially useful * in conjunction with all. */ export function spread( promises: Array>, onFulfilled: (...args: T[]) => IWhenable, onRejected?: (reason: any) => IWhenable, ): Promise; /** * Returns a promise that will have the same result as promise, except that if promise is not fulfilled or rejected * before ms milliseconds, the returned promise will be rejected with an Error with the given message. If message * is not supplied, the message will be "Timed out after " + ms + " ms". */ export function timeout(promise: Promise, ms: number, message?: string): Promise; /** * Returns a promise that will have the same result as promise, but will only be fulfilled or rejected after at least ms milliseconds have passed. */ export function delay(promiseOrValue: Promise | T, ms: number): Promise; /** * Returns a promise that will be fulfilled with undefined after at least ms milliseconds have passed. */ export function delay(ms: number): Promise; /** * Returns whether a given promise is in the fulfilled state. When the static version is used on non-promises, the result is always true. */ export function isFulfilled(promise: Promise): boolean; /** * Returns whether a given promise is in the rejected state. When the static version is used on non-promises, the result is always false. */ export function isRejected(promise: Promise): boolean; /** * Returns whether a given promise is in the pending state. When the static version is used on non-promises, the result is always false. */ export function isPending(promiseOrObject: Promise | any): boolean; /** * Synchronously calls resolver(resolve, reject, notify) and returns a promise whose state is controlled by the * functions passed to resolver. This is an alternative promise-creation API that has the same power as the deferred * concept, but without introducing another conceptual entity. * If resolver throws an exception, the returned promise will be rejected with that thrown exception as the rejection reason. * note: In the latest github, this method is called Q.Promise, but if you are using the npm package version 0.9.7 * or below, the method is called Q.promise (lowercase vs uppercase p). */ export function Promise( resolver: ( resolve: (val?: IWhenable) => void, reject: (reason?: any) => void, notify: (progress: any) => void, ) => void, ): Promise; /** * Creates a new version of func that accepts any combination of promise and non-promise values, converting them to their * fulfillment values before calling the original func. The returned version also always returns a promise: if func does * a return or throw, then Q.promised(func) will return fulfilled or rejected promise, respectively. * This can be useful for creating functions that accept either promises or non-promise values, and for ensuring that * the function always returns a promise even in the face of unintentional thrown exceptions. */ export function promised(callback: (...args: any[]) => T): (...args: any[]) => Promise; /** * Returns whether the given value is a Q promise. */ export function isPromise(object: any): object is Promise; /** * Returns whether the given value is a promise (i.e. it's an object with a then function). */ export function isPromiseAlike(object: any): object is IPromise; /** * If an object is not a promise, it is as "near" as possible. * If a promise is rejected, it is as "near" as possible too. * If it's a fulfilled promise, the fulfillment value is nearer. * If it's a deferred promise and the deferred has been resolved, the * resolution is "nearer". */ export function nearer(promise: Promise): T; /** * This is an experimental tool for converting a generator function into a deferred function. This has the potential * of reducing nested callbacks in engines that support yield. */ export function async(generatorFunction: any): (...args: any[]) => Promise; export function nextTick(callback: (...args: any[]) => any): void; /** * A settable property that will intercept any uncaught errors that would otherwise be thrown in the next tick of the * event loop, usually as a result of done. Can be useful for getting the full * stack trace of an error in browsers, which is not usually possible with window.onerror. */ export let onerror: (reason: any) => void; /** * A settable property that lets you turn on long stack trace support. If turned on, "stack jumps" will be tracked * across asynchronous promise operations, so that if an uncaught error is thrown by done or a rejection reason's stack * property is inspected in a rejection callback, a long stack trace is produced. */ export let longStackSupport: boolean; /** * Resets the global "Q" variable to the value it has before Q was loaded. * This will either be undefined if there was no version or the version of Q which was already loaded before. * @returns The last version of Q. */ export function noConflict(): typeof Q; }