// Type definitions for qrcode 0.8.2 // Project: https://github.com/soldair/node-qrcode // Definitions by: York Yao // Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped /// import * as stream from "stream"; export interface QRCodeOptions { /** * QR Code version. If not specified the more suitable value will be calculated. */ version?: number; /** * Error correction level. * Possible values are low, medium, quartile, high or L, M, Q, H. * Default: M */ errorCorrectionLevel?: "low" | "medium" | "quartile" | "high" | "L" | "M" | "Q" | "H"; /** * Helper function used internally to convert a kanji to its Shift JIS value. * Provide this function if you need support for Kanji mode. */ toSJISFunc?: Function; } export interface QRCodeToDataURLOptions extends QRCodeRenderersOptions { /** * Data URI format. * Default: image/png */ type?: "image/png" | "image/jpeg" | "image/webp"; rendererOpts?: { /** * A Number between 0 and 1 indicating image quality if the requested type is image/jpeg or image/webp. * Default: 0.92 */ quality?: number; }; } export interface QRCodeToStringOptions extends QRCodeOptions { /** * Output format. * Default: utf8 */ type?: "utf8" | "svg" | "terminal"; } export interface QRCodeToFileOptions extends QRCodeRenderersOptions { /** * Output format. * Default: png */ type?: "png" | "svg" | "utf8"; rendererOpts?: { /** * Compression level for deflate. * Default: 9 */ deflateLevel?: number; /** * Compression strategy for deflate. * Default: 3 */ deflateStrategy?: number; }; } export interface QRCodeRenderersOptions extends QRCodeOptions { /** * Define how much wide the quiet zone should be. * Default: 4 */ margin?: number; /** * Scale factor. A value of 1 means 1px per modules (black dots). * Default: 4 */ scale?: number; color?: { /** * Color of dark module. Value must be in hex format (RGBA). * Note: dark color should always be darker than color.light. * Default: #000000ff */ dark?: string; /** * Color of light module. Value must be in hex format (RGBA). * Default: #ffffffff */ light?: string; }; } export interface QRCodeSegment { data: string; mode: 'alphanumeric' | 'numeric'; } export interface QRCode { /** * Bitmatrix class with modules data */ modules: any; /** * Calculated QR Code version */ version: number; /** * Error Correction Level */ errorCorrectionLevel: number; /** * Calculated Mask pattern */ maskPattern: any; /** * Generated segments */ segments: QRCodeSegment[]; } /** * Creates QR Code symbol and returns a qrcode object. */ export function create(text: string | QRCodeSegment[], options: QRCodeOptions): QRCode; /** * Draws qr code symbol to canvas. */ export function toCanvas(canvasElement: HTMLCanvasElement, text: string | QRCodeSegment[], callback: (error: Error) => void): void; /** * Draws qr code symbol to canvas. */ export function toCanvas(canvasElement: HTMLCanvasElement, text: string | QRCodeSegment[], options: QRCodeOptions, callback: (error: Error) => void): void; /** * Draws qr code symbol to canvas. */ export function toCanvas(text: string | QRCodeSegment[], callback: (error: Error, canvas: HTMLCanvasElement) => void): void; /** * Draws qr code symbol to canvas. */ export function toCanvas(text: string | QRCodeSegment[], options: QRCodeOptions, callback: (error: Error, canvas: HTMLCanvasElement) => void): void; /** * Draws qr code symbol to node canvas. */ export function toCanvas(canvas: any, text: string | QRCodeSegment[], callback: (error: Error) => void): void; /** * Draws qr code symbol to node canvas. */ export function toCanvas(canvas: any, text: string | QRCodeSegment[], options: QRCodeOptions, callback: (error: Error) => void): void; /** * Returns a Data URI containing a representation of the QR Code image. */ export function toDataURL(canvasElement: HTMLCanvasElement, text: string | QRCodeSegment[], callback: (error: Error, url: string) => void): void; /** * Returns a Data URI containing a representation of the QR Code image. */ export function toDataURL(canvasElement: HTMLCanvasElement, text: string | QRCodeSegment[], options: QRCodeToDataURLOptions, callback: (error: Error, url: string) => void): void; /** * Returns a Data URI containing a representation of the QR Code image. */ export function toDataURL(text: string | QRCodeSegment[], callback: (error: Error, url: string) => void): void; /** * Returns a Data URI containing a representation of the QR Code image. */ export function toDataURL(text: string | QRCodeSegment[], options: QRCodeToDataURLOptions, callback: (error: Error, url: string) => void): void; /** * Returns a string representation of the QR Code. * If choosen output format is svg it will returns a string containing xml code. */ export function toString(text: string | QRCodeSegment[], callback: (error: Error, string: string) => void): void; /** * Returns a string representation of the QR Code. * If choosen output format is svg it will returns a string containing xml code. */ export function toString(text: string | QRCodeSegment[], options: QRCodeToStringOptions, callback: (error: Error, string: string) => void): void; /** * Saves QR Code to image file. * If options.type is not specified, the format will be guessed from file extension. * Recognized extensions are png, svg, txt. */ export function toFile(path: string, text: string | QRCodeSegment[], callback: (error: Error) => void): void; /** * Saves QR Code to image file. * If options.type is not specified, the format will be guessed from file extension. * Recognized extensions are png, svg, txt. */ export function toFile(path: string, text: string | QRCodeSegment[], options: QRCodeToFileOptions, callback: (error: Error) => void): void; /** * Writes QR Code image to stream. Only works with png format for now. */ export function toFileStream(stream: stream.Writable, text: string | QRCodeSegment[], callback: (error: Error) => void): void; /** * Writes QR Code image to stream. Only works with png format for now. */ export function toFileStream(stream: stream.Writable, text: string | QRCodeSegment[], options: QRCodeOptions, callback: (error: Error) => void): void;