import * as React from "react"; import { ButtonGroup } from "react-bootstrap"; import { Omit } from "../index"; declare namespace ToggleButtonGroup { interface BaseProps { /** * You'll usually want to use string|number|string[]|number[] here, * but you can technically use any|any[]. */ defaultValue?: any; /** * You'll usually want to use string|number|string[]|number[] here, * but you can technically use any|any[]. */ value?: any; } interface RadioProps { /** Required if `type` is set to "radio" */ name: string; type: "radio"; onChange?(value: any): void; } interface CheckboxProps { name?: string | undefined; type: "checkbox"; onChange?(values: any[]): void; } export type ToggleButtonGroupProps = & BaseProps & (RadioProps | CheckboxProps) & Omit & Omit, "defaultValue" | "type" | "value" | "onChange">; } declare class ToggleButtonGroup extends React.Component {} export = ToggleButtonGroup;