import * as React from 'react'; import { TextStyle, ViewStyle, TextProps, TouchableHighlightProps, TouchableNativeFeedbackProps, TabBarIOSItemProps, ToolbarAndroidProps as ReactNativeToolbarAndroidProps } from 'react-native'; export interface IconProps extends TextProps { /** * Size of the icon, can also be passed as fontSize in the style object. * * @default 12 */ size?: number; /** * Name of the icon to show * * See Icon Explorer app * {@link} */ name: string; /** * Color of the icon * */ color?: string; } export interface IconButtonProps extends IconProps, TouchableHighlightProps, TouchableNativeFeedbackProps { /** * Text and icon color * Use iconStyle or nest a Text component if you need different colors. * * @default 'white' */ color?: string; /** * Border radius of the button * Set to 0 to disable. * * @default 5 */ borderRadius?: number; /** * Styles applied to the icon only * Good for setting margins or a different color. * * @default {marginRight: 10} */ iconStyle?: TextStyle; /** * Style prop inherited from TextProps and TouchableWithoutFeedbackProperties * Only exist here so we can have ViewStyle or TextStyle * */ style?: ViewStyle | TextStyle; /** * Background color of the button * * @default '#007AFF' */ backgroundColor?: string; } export type ImageSource = any; export interface ToolbarAndroidProps extends ReactNativeToolbarAndroidProps { /** * Name of the navigation logo icon * (similar to ToolbarAndroid logo) * */ logoName: string; /** * Name of the navigation icon * (similar to ToolbarAndroid navIcon) * */ navIconName: string; /** * Name of the overflow icon * (similar to ToolbarAndroid overflowIcon) * */ overflowIconName: string; /** * Size of the icons * * @default 24 */ iconSize: number; /** * Color of the icons * * @default 'black' */ iconColor: string; } export interface TabBarItemIOSProps extends TabBarIOSItemProps { /** * Name of the default icon (similar to TabBarIOS.Item icon) * */ iconName: string; /** * Name of the selected icon (similar to TabBarIOS.Item selectedIcon) * * Defaults to iconName * */ selectedIconName?: string; /** * Size of the icon * * @default 30 */ iconSize?: number; /** * Color of the icon * */ iconColor?: string; /** * Color of the selected icon. * * Defaults to iconColor * */ selectedIconColor?: string; } export class Icon extends React.Component { static getImageSource( name: string, size?: number, color?: string, ): Promise; static getImageSourceSync( name: string, size?: number, color?: string, ): ImageSource; static getRawGlyphMap(): { [name: string]: number }; static loadFont( file?: string ): Promise; static hasIcon( name: string, ): boolean; } export namespace Icon { class ToolbarAndroid extends React.Component {} class TabBarItem extends React.Component {} class TabBarItemIOS extends React.Component {} class Button extends React.Component {} }