import { ComponentType, ReactElement, Ref as ElementRef } from 'react'; import { CSSObject } from '@emotion/serialize'; import { colors, spacing } from '../theme'; import { ClassNamesState, Theme } from '../types'; export interface InputProps { cx: (a: string | null, b: ClassNamesState, c: string) => string | void; getStyles: (name: string, props: any) => {}; theme: Theme; /** Reference to the internal element */ innerRef: (element: ElementRef) => void; /** Set whether the input should be visible. Does not affect input size. */ isHidden: boolean; /** Whether the input is disabled */ isDisabled?: boolean; className?: string; /** Autocomplete value for the Select Input */ autoComplete?: string; } export function inputCSS(props: InputProps): CSSObject; export function inputStyle(isHidden: boolean): React.CSSProperties; declare function Input(props: InputProps): ReactElement; export default Input;