import { ComponentType, ReactElement, ReactNode } from 'react'; import { CSSObject } from '@emotion/serialize'; import { colors, spacing } from '../theme'; import { CommonProps, GroupTypeBase, OptionTypeBase } from '../types'; import { ContainerProps } from './containers'; interface State { /** Whether this is disabled */ isDisabled: boolean; } interface ValueProps { /** The children to be rendered. */ children: ReactNode; /* The data of the selected option rendered in the Single Value componentn */ data: OptionType; /** Props passed to the wrapping element for the group. */ innerProps: any; } export type SingleValueProps< OptionType extends OptionTypeBase, GroupType extends GroupTypeBase = GroupTypeBase > = CommonProps & ValueProps & State; export function css(props: SingleValueProps): CSSObject; declare function SingleValue< OptionType extends OptionTypeBase, GroupType extends GroupTypeBase = GroupTypeBase // tslint:disable-next-line:no-unnecessary-generics >(props: SingleValueProps): ReactElement; export default SingleValue;