import { PureComponent, Requireable, Validator } from "react"; import { IndexRange } from "../../index"; import { CellMeasurerCacheInterface, KeyMapper, MeasuredCellParent } from "./CellMeasurer"; import { GridCellRenderer } from "./Grid"; /** * Specifies the number of miliseconds during which to disable pointer events while a scroll is in progress. * This improves performance and makes scrolling smoother. */ export const DEFAULT_SCROLLING_RESET_TIME_INTERVAL = 150; export type OnCellsRenderedCallback = (params: IndexRange) => void; export type OnScrollCallback = (params: { clientHeight: number; scrollHeight: number; scrollTop: number }) => void; export type MasonryCellProps = { index: number; isScrolling: boolean; key: React.Key; parent: MeasuredCellParent; style?: React.CSSProperties | undefined; }; export type CellRenderer = (props: MasonryCellProps) => React.ReactNode; export type MasonryProps = { autoHeight: boolean; cellCount: number; cellMeasurerCache: CellMeasurerCacheInterface; cellPositioner: Positioner; cellRenderer: CellRenderer; className?: string | undefined; height: number; id?: string | undefined; keyMapper?: KeyMapper | undefined; onCellsRendered?: OnCellsRenderedCallback | undefined; onScroll?: OnScrollCallback | undefined; overscanByPixels?: number | undefined; role?: string | undefined; scrollingResetTimeInterval?: number | undefined; style?: React.CSSProperties | undefined; tabIndex?: number | null | undefined; width: number; /** * PLEASE NOTE * The [key: string]: any; line is here on purpose * This is due to the need of force re-render of PureComponent * Check the following link if you want to know more * */ [key: string]: any; }; export type MasonryState = { isScrolling: boolean; scrollTop: number; }; /** * This component efficiently displays arbitrarily positioned cells using windowing techniques. * Cell position is determined by an injected `cellPositioner` property. * Windowing is vertical; this component does not support horizontal scrolling. * * Rendering occurs in two phases: * 1) First pass uses estimated cell sizes (provided by the cache) to determine how many cells to measure in a batch. * Batch size is chosen using a fast, naive layout algorithm that stacks images in order until the viewport has been filled. * After measurement is complete (componentDidMount or componentDidUpdate) this component evaluates positioned cells * in order to determine if another measurement pass is required (eg if actual cell sizes were less than estimated sizes). * All measurements are permanently cached (keyed by `keyMapper`) for performance purposes. * 2) Second pass uses the external `cellPositioner` to layout cells. * At this time the positioner has access to cached size measurements for all cells. * The positions it returns are cached by Masonry for fast access later. * Phase one is repeated if the user scrolls beyond the current layout's bounds. * If the layout is invalidated due to eg a resize, cached positions can be cleared using `recomputeCellPositions()`. * * Animation constraints: * Simple animations are supported (eg translate/slide into place on initial reveal). * More complex animations are not (eg flying from one position to another on resize). * * Layout constraints: * This component supports multi-column layout. * The height of each item may vary. * The width of each item must not exceed the width of the column it is "in". * The left position of all items within a column must align. * (Items may not span multiple columns.) */ export class Masonry extends PureComponent { static defaultProps: { autoHeight: false; keyMapper: identity; onCellsRendered: noop; onScroll: noop; overscanByPixels: 20; role: "grid"; scrollingResetTimeInterval: typeof DEFAULT_SCROLLING_RESET_TIME_INTERVAL; style: emptyObject; tabIndex: 0; }; clearCellPositions(): void; // HACK This method signature was intended for Grid invalidateCellSizeAfterRender(params: { rowIndex: number }): void; recomputeCellPositions(): void; static getDerivedStateFromProps(nextProps: MasonryProps, prevState: MasonryState): MasonryState | null; } export default Masonry; export type emptyObject = {}; export type identity = (value: T) => T; export type noop = () => void; export type Position = { left: number; top: number; }; export type createCellPositionerParams = { cellMeasurerCache: CellMeasurerCacheInterface; columnCount: number; columnWidth: number; spacer?: number | undefined; }; export type resetParams = { columnCount: number; columnWidth: number; spacer?: number | undefined; }; export type Positioner = ((index: number) => Position) & { reset: (params: resetParams) => void; }; export const createCellPositioner: (params: createCellPositionerParams) => Positioner;