import { Component, ComponentClass, ComponentType, CSSProperties, FunctionComponent, Key, Ref } from "react"; export type CSSDirection = "ltr" | "rtl"; export type Direction = "vertical" | "horizontal"; // TODO: deprecate in favour of Layout export type Layout = "vertical" | "horizontal"; export type ScrollDirection = "forward" | "backward"; export type Align = "auto" | "smart" | "center" | "end" | "start"; export interface ListChildComponentProps { index: number; style: CSSProperties; data: T; isScrolling?: boolean | undefined; } export interface GridChildComponentProps { columnIndex: number; rowIndex: number; style: CSSProperties; data: T; isScrolling?: boolean | undefined; } // This is supposed to represent the type of the first parameter to // React.createElement. export type ReactElementType = | FunctionComponent | ComponentClass | string; export interface CommonProps { /** * Optional CSS class to attach to outermost
element. */ className?: string | undefined; /** * Tag name passed to document.createElement to create the inner container element. This is an advanced property; in most cases, the default ("div") should be used. */ innerElementType?: ReactElementType | undefined; /** * Ref to attach to the inner container element. This is an advanced property. */ innerRef?: Ref | undefined; /** * Tag name passed to document.createElement to create the inner container element. This is an advanced property; in most cases, the default ("div") should be used. * * @deprecated since 1.4.0 */ innerTagName?: string | undefined; /** * Contextual data to be passed to the item renderer as a data prop. This is a light-weight alternative to React's built-in context API. * * Item data is useful for item renderers that are class components. */ itemData?: T | undefined; /** * Tag name passed to document.createElement to create the outer container element. This is an advanced property; in most cases, the default ("div") should be used. */ outerElementType?: ReactElementType | undefined; /** * Ref to attach to the outer container element. This is an advanced property. */ outerRef?: Ref | undefined; /** * Tag name passed to document.createElement to create the outer container element. This is an advanced property; in most cases, the default ("div") should be used. * * @deprecated since 1.4.0 */ outerTagName?: string | undefined; /** * Optional inline style to attach to outermost
element. */ style?: CSSProperties | undefined; /** * Adds an additional isScrolling parameter to the children render function. This parameter can be used to show a placeholder row or column while the list is being scrolled. * * Note that using this parameter will result in an additional render call after scrolling has stopped (when isScrolling changes from true to false). */ useIsScrolling?: boolean | undefined; } export type ListItemKeySelector = (index: number, data: T) => Key; export interface ListOnItemsRenderedProps { overscanStartIndex: number; overscanStopIndex: number; visibleStartIndex: number; visibleStopIndex: number; } export interface ListOnScrollProps { scrollDirection: ScrollDirection; scrollOffset: number; scrollUpdateWasRequested: boolean; } export interface ListProps extends CommonProps { /** * React component responsible for rendering the individual item specified by an index prop. This component also receives a style prop (used for positioning). * * If useIsScrolling is enabled for the list, the component also receives an additional isScrolling boolean prop. */ children: ComponentType>; /** * Height of the list. * * For vertical lists, this must be a number. It affects the number of rows that will be rendered (and displayed) at any given time. * * For horizontal lists, this can be a number or a string (e.g. "50%"). */ height: number | string; /** * Total number of items in the list. Note that only a few items will be rendered and displayed at a time. */ itemCount: number; /** * Width of the list. * * For horizontal lists, this must be a number. It affects the number of columns that will be rendered (and displayed) at any given time. * * For vertical lists, this can be a number or a string (e.g. "50%"). */ width: number | string; /** * Determines the direction of text and horizontal scrolling. * * This property also automatically sets the CSS direction style for the list component. * * Specifying "horizontal" or "vertical" for this value is deprecated. Use "layout" prop instead. * * @default "ltr" */ direction?: CSSDirection | Direction | undefined; /** * Layout/orientation of the list. * * Acceptable values are: * - "vertical" (default) - Up/down scrolling. * - "horizontal" - Left/right scrolling. * * Note that lists may scroll in both directions (depending on CSS) but content will only be windowed in the layout direction specified. */ layout?: Layout | undefined; /** * Scroll offset for initial render. * * For vertical lists, this affects scrollTop. For horizontal lists, this affects scrollLeft. */ initialScrollOffset?: number | undefined; /** * By default, lists will use an item's index as its key. This is okay if: * * - Your collections of items is never sorted or modified * - Your item renderer is not stateful and does not extend PureComponent * * If your list does not satisfy the above constraints, use the itemKey property to specify your own keys for items */ itemKey?: ListItemKeySelector | undefined; /** * The number of items (rows or columns) to render outside of the visible area. This property can be important for two reasons: * * - Overscanning by one row or column allows the tab key to focus on the next (not yet visible) item. * - Overscanning slightly can reduce or prevent a flash of empty space when a user first starts scrolling. * * Note that overscanning too much can negatively impact performance. By default, List overscans by one item. */ overscanCount?: number | undefined; /** * Called when the items rendered by the list change. */ onItemsRendered?: ((props: ListOnItemsRenderedProps) => any) | undefined; /** * Called when the list scroll positions changes, as a result of user scrolling or scroll-to method calls. */ onScroll?: ((props: ListOnScrollProps) => any) | undefined; } export type GridItemKeySelector = (params: { columnIndex: number; rowIndex: number; data: T; }) => Key; export interface GridOnItemsRenderedProps { overscanColumnStartIndex: number; overscanColumnStopIndex: number; overscanRowStartIndex: number; overscanRowStopIndex: number; visibleColumnStartIndex: number; visibleColumnStopIndex: number; visibleRowStartIndex: number; visibleRowStopIndex: number; } export interface GridOnScrollProps { horizontalScrollDirection: ScrollDirection; scrollLeft: number; scrollTop: number; scrollUpdateWasRequested: boolean; verticalScrollDirection: ScrollDirection; } export interface GridProps extends CommonProps { /** * React component responsible for rendering the individual item specified by an index prop. This component also receives a style prop (used for positioning). * * If useIsScrolling is enabled for the list, the component also receives an additional isScrolling boolean prop. */ children: ComponentType>; /** * Number of columns in the grid. Note that only a few columns will be rendered and displayed at a time. */ columnCount: number; /** * Determines the direction of text and horizontal scrolling. * * This property also automatically sets the CSS direction style for the grid component. * * @default "ltr" */ direction?: CSSDirection | undefined; /** * Height of the grid. This affects the number of rows that will be rendered (and displayed) at any given time. */ height: number; /** * Horizontal scroll offset for initial render. */ initialScrollLeft?: number | undefined; /** * Vertical scroll offset for initial render. */ initialScrollTop?: number | undefined; /** * By default, grids will use an item's indices as its key. This is okay if: * * - Your collections of items is never sorted or modified * - Your item renderer is not stateful and does not extend PureComponent * * If your grid does not satisfy the above constraints, use the itemKey property to specify your own keys for items. */ itemKey?: GridItemKeySelector | undefined; /** * Called when the items rendered by the grid change. */ onItemsRendered?: ((props: GridOnItemsRenderedProps) => any) | undefined; /** * Called when the grid scroll positions changes, as a result of user scrolling or scroll-to method calls. */ onScroll?: ((props: GridOnScrollProps) => any) | undefined; /** * @deprecated since version 1.8.2, please use overscanColumnCount */ overscanColumnsCount?: number | undefined; /** * The number of columns to render outside of the visible area. This property can be important for two reasons: * * - Overscanning by one row or column allows the tab key to focus on the next (not yet visible) item. * - Overscanning slightly can reduce or prevent a flash of empty space when a user first starts scrolling. * * Note that overscanning too much can negatively impact performance. By default, grid overscans by one item. */ overscanColumnCount?: number | undefined; /** * @deprecated since version 1.8.2, please use overscanRowCount */ overscanRowsCount?: number | undefined; /** * The number of rows to render outside of the visible area. This property can be important for two reasons: * * - Overscanning by one row or column allows the tab key to focus on the next (not yet visible) item. * - Overscanning slightly can reduce or prevent a flash of empty space when a user first starts scrolling. * * Note that overscanning too much can negatively impact performance. By default, grid overscans by one item. */ overscanRowCount?: number | undefined; /** * The number of items (rows or columns) to render outside of the visible area. This property can be important for two reasons: * * - Overscanning by one row or column allows the tab key to focus on the next (not yet visible) item. * - Overscanning slightly can reduce or prevent a flash of empty space when a user first starts scrolling. * * Note that overscanning too much can negatively impact performance. By default, grid overscans by one item. * * @deprecated since version 1.4.0 */ overscanCount?: number | undefined; /** * Number of rows in the grid. Note that only a few rows will be rendered and displayed at a time. */ rowCount: number; /** * Width of the grid. This affects the number of columns that will be rendered (and displayed) at any given time. */ width: number; } export interface FixedSizeListProps extends ListProps { /** * Size of a item in the direction being windowed. For vertical lists, this is the row height. For horizontal lists, this is the column width. */ itemSize: number; } export interface VariableSizeListProps extends ListProps { /** * Estimated size of a item in the direction being windowed. For vertical lists, this is the row height. For horizontal lists, this is the column width. * * This value is used to calculated the estimated total size of a list before its items have all been measured. The total size impacts user scrolling behavior. * It is updated whenever new items are measured. */ estimatedItemSize?: number | undefined; /** * Returns the size of a item in the direction being windowed. For vertical lists, this is the row height. For horizontal lists, this is the column width. */ itemSize: (index: number) => number; } export interface FixedSizeGridProps extends GridProps { /** * Width of an individual column within the grid. */ columnWidth: number; /** * Height of an individual row within the grid. */ rowHeight: number; } export interface VariableSizeGridProps extends GridProps { /** * Returns the width of the specified column. */ columnWidth: (index: number) => number; /** * Average (or estimated) column width for unrendered columns. * * This value is used to calculated the estimated total width of a Grid before its columns have all been measured. * The estimated width impacts user scrolling behavior. It is updated whenever new columns are measured. */ estimatedColumnWidth?: number | undefined; /** * Average (or estimated) row height for unrendered rows. * * This value is used to calculated the estimated total height of a Grid before its rows have all been measured. * The estimated height impacts user scrolling behavior. It is updated whenever new rows are measured. */ estimatedRowHeight?: number | undefined; /** * Returns the height of the specified row. */ rowHeight: (index: number) => number; } export class FixedSizeList extends Component> { /** * Scroll to the specified offset (scrollTop or scrollLeft, depending on the direction prop). */ scrollTo(scrollOffset: number): void; /** * Scroll to the specified item. * * By default, the List will scroll as little as possible to ensure the item is visible. * You can control the alignment of the item though by specifying a second alignment parameter. Acceptable values are: * * - auto (default) - Scroll as little as possible to ensure the item is visible. (If the item is already visible, it won't scroll at all.) * - smart * - If the item is already visible, don't scroll at all. * - If it is less than one viewport away, scroll as little as possible so that it becomes visible. * - If it is more than one viewport away, scroll so that it is centered within the list. * - center - Center align the item within the list. * - end - Align the item to the end of the list (the bottom for vertical lists or the right for horizontal lists). * - start - Align the item to the beginning of the list (the top for vertical lists or the left for horizontal lists). */ scrollToItem(index: number, align?: Align): void; } export class VariableSizeList extends Component> { /** * Scroll to the specified offset (scrollTop or scrollLeft, depending on the direction prop). */ scrollTo(scrollOffset: number): void; /** * Scroll to the specified item. * * By default, the List will scroll as little as possible to ensure the item is visible. * You can control the alignment of the item though by specifying a second alignment parameter. Acceptable values are: * * - auto (default) - Scroll as little as possible to ensure the item is visible. (If the item is already visible, it won't scroll at all.) * - smart * - If the item is already visible, don't scroll at all. * - If it is less than one viewport away, scroll as little as possible so that it becomes visible. * - If it is more than one viewport away, scroll so that it is centered within the list. * - center - Center align the item within the list. * - end - Align the item to the end of the list (the bottom for vertical lists or the right for horizontal lists). * - start - Align the item to the beginning of the list (the top for vertical lists or the left for horizontal lists). */ scrollToItem(index: number, align?: Align): void; /** * VariableSizeList caches offsets and measurements for each index for performance purposes. * This method clears that cached data for all items after (and including) the specified index. * It should be called whenever a item's size changes. (Note that this is not a typical occurrence.) * * By default the list will automatically re-render after the index is reset. * If you would like to delay this re-render until e.g. a state update has completed in the parent component, * specify a value of false for the second, optional parameter. */ resetAfterIndex(index: number, shouldForceUpdate?: boolean): void; } export class FixedSizeGrid extends Component> { /** * Scroll to the specified offsets. */ scrollTo(params: { scrollLeft?: number; scrollTop?: number }): void; /** * Scroll to the specified item. * * By default, the Grid will scroll as little as possible to ensure the item is visible. * You can control the alignment of the item though by specifying an `align` property. Acceptable values are: * * - auto (default) - Scroll as little as possible to ensure the item is visible. (If the item is already visible, it won't scroll at all.) * - smart * - If the item is already visible, don't scroll at all. * - If it is less than one viewport away, scroll as little as possible so that it becomes visible. * - If it is more than one viewport away, scroll so that it is centered within the grid. * - center - Center align the item within the grid. * - end - Align the item to the bottom, right hand side of the grid. * - start - Align the item to the top, left hand of the grid. * * If either `columnIndex` or `rowIndex` are omitted, `scrollLeft` or `scrollTop` will be unchanged (respectively). */ scrollToItem(params: { align?: Align | undefined; columnIndex?: number | undefined; rowIndex?: number | undefined; }): void; } export class VariableSizeGrid extends Component> { /** * Scroll to the specified offsets. */ scrollTo(params: { scrollLeft?: number; scrollTop?: number }): void; /** * Scroll to the specified item. * * By default, the Grid will scroll as little as possible to ensure the item is visible. * You can control the alignment of the item though by specifying an `align` property. Acceptable values are: * * - auto (default) - Scroll as little as possible to ensure the item is visible. (If the item is already visible, it won't scroll at all.) * - smart * - If the item is already visible, don't scroll at all. * - If it is less than one viewport away, scroll as little as possible so that it becomes visible. * - If it is more than one viewport away, scroll so that it is centered within the grid. * - center - Center align the item within the grid. * - end - Align the item to the bottom, right hand side of the grid. * - start - Align the item to the top, left hand of the grid. * * If either `columnIndex` or `rowIndex` are omitted, `scrollLeft` or `scrollTop` will be unchanged (respectively). */ scrollToItem(params: { align?: Align | undefined; columnIndex?: number | undefined; rowIndex?: number | undefined; }): void; /** * VariableSizeGrid caches offsets and measurements for each column index for performance purposes. * This method clears that cached data for all columns after (and including) the specified index. * It should be called whenever a column's width changes. (Note that this is not a typical occurrence.) * * By default the grid will automatically re-render after the index is reset. * If you would like to delay this re-render until e.g. a state update has completed in the parent component, * specify a value of false for the second, optional parameter. */ resetAfterColumnIndex(index: number, shouldForceUpdate?: boolean): void; /** * VariableSizeGrid caches offsets and measurements for each item for performance purposes. * This method clears that cached data for all items after (and including) the specified indices. * It should be called whenever an items size changes. (Note that this is not a typical occurrence.) * * By default the grid will automatically re-render after the index is reset. * If you would like to delay this re-render until e.g. a state update has completed in the parent component, * specify a value of false for the optional shouldForceUpdate parameter. */ resetAfterIndices(params: { columnIndex: number; rowIndex: number; shouldForceUpdate?: boolean | undefined; }): void; /** * VariableSizeGrid caches offsets and measurements for each row index for performance purposes. * This method clears that cached data for all rows after (and including) the specified index. * It should be called whenever a row's height changes. (Note that this is not a typical occurrence.) * * By default the grid will automatically re-render after the index is reset. * If you would like to delay this re-render until e.g. a state update has completed in the parent component, * specify a value of false for the second, optional parameter. */ resetAfterRowIndex(index: number, shouldForceUpdate?: boolean): void; } /** * Custom comparison function for React.memo(). * It knows to compare individual style props and ignore the wrapper object. * * @see */ export function areEqual( prevProps: Readonly, nextProps: Readonly, ): boolean; /** * Custom shouldComponentUpdate for class components. * It knows to compare individual style props and ignore the wrapper object. * * @see */ export function shouldComponentUpdate

( this: { props: P; state: S }, nextProps: Readonly

, nextState: Readonly, ): boolean;