* These are types for things that are present in the `experimental` builds of React but not yet
* on a stable build.
* Once they are promoted to stable they can just be moved to the main index file.
* To load the types declared here in an actual project, there are three ways. The easiest one,
* if your `tsconfig.json` already has a `"types"` array in the `"compilerOptions"` section,
* is to add `"react/experimental"` to the `"types"` array.
* Alternatively, a specific import syntax can to be used from a typescript file.
* This module does not exist in reality, which is why the {} is important:
* ```ts
* import {} from 'react/experimental'
* ```
* It is also possible to include it through a triple-slash reference:
* ```ts
* ///
* ```
* Either the import or the reference only needs to appear once, anywhere in the project.
// See https://github.com/facebook/react/blob/master/packages/react/src/React.js to see how the exports are declared,
// and https://github.com/facebook/react/blob/master/packages/shared/ReactFeatureFlags.js to verify which APIs are
// flagged experimental or not. Experimental APIs will be tagged with `__EXPERIMENTAL__`.
// For the inputs of types exported as simply a fiber tag, the `beginWork` function of ReactFiberBeginWork.js
// is a good place to start looking for details; it generally calls prop validation functions or delegates
// all tasks done as part of the render phase (the concurrent part of the React update cycle).
// Suspense-related handling can be found in ReactFiberThrow.js.
import React = require('./next');
export {};
declare module '.' {
* @param subscribe
* @param getSnapshot
* @see https://github.com/reactwg/react-18/discussions/86
// keep in sync with `useSyncExternalStore` from `use-sync-external-store`
export function unstable_useSyncExternalStore(
subscribe: (onStoreChange: () => void) => () => void,
getSnapshot: () => Snapshot,
getServerSnapshot?: () => Snapshot,
): Snapshot;