// Type definitions for redis 2.8 // Project: https://github.com/NodeRedis/node_redis // Definitions by: Carlos Ballesteros Velasco // Peter Harris // TANAKA Koichi // Stuart Schechter // Junyoung Choi // James Garbutt // Bartek SzczepaƄski // Pirasis Leelatanon // Stanislav Dzhus // Jake Ferrante // Adebayo Opesanya // Ryo Ota // Thomas de Barochez // David Stephens // Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped // Imported from: https://github.com/types/npm-redis /// import { EventEmitter } from 'events'; import { Duplex } from 'stream'; export interface RetryStrategyOptions { error: NodeJS.ErrnoException; total_retry_time: number; times_connected: number; attempt: number; } export type RetryStrategy = (options: RetryStrategyOptions) => number | Error | unknown; /** * Client options. * @see https://github.com/NodeRedis/node-redis#user-content-options-object-properties */ export interface ClientOpts { /** * IP address of the Redis server. * @default */ host?: string | undefined; /** * Port of the Redis server. * @default 6379 */ port?: number | undefined; /** * The UNIX socket string of the Redis server. * @default null */ path?: string | undefined; /** * The URL of the Redis server.\ * Format: * [redis[s]:]//[[user][:password@]][host][:port][/db-number][?db=db-number[&password=bar[&option=value]]]\ * More info avaliable at [IANA](http://www.iana.org/assignments/uri-schemes/prov/redis). * @default null */ url?: string | undefined; parser?: string | undefined; /** * Set to `true`, Node Redis will return Redis number values as Strings instead of javascript Numbers. * Useful if you need to handle big numbers (above `Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER` === 2^53). * Hiredis is incapable of this behavior, so setting this option to `true` * will result in the built-in javascript parser being used no matter * the value of the `parser` option. * @default null */ string_numbers?: boolean | undefined; /** * If set to `true`, then all replies will be sent to callbacks as Buffers instead of Strings. * @default false */ return_buffers?: boolean | undefined; /** * If set to `true`, then replies will be sent to callbacks as Buffers. * This option lets you switch between Buffers and Strings on a per-command basis, * whereas `return_buffers` applies to every command on a client.\ * **Note**: This doesn't work properly with the pubsub mode. * A subscriber has to either always return Strings or Buffers. * @default false */ detect_buffers?: boolean | undefined; /** * If set to `true`, the keep-alive functionality is enabled on the underlying socket. * @default true */ socket_keepalive?: boolean | undefined; /** * Initial Delay in milliseconds. * This will also set the initial delay for keep-alive packets being sent to Redis. * @default 0 */ socket_initial_delay?: number | undefined; /** * When a connection is established to the Redis server, * the server might still be loading the database from disk. * While loading, the server will not respond to any commands. * To work around this, Node Redis has a "ready check" which sends the **INFO** command to the server. * The response from the **INFO** command indicates whether the server is ready for more commands. * When ready, **node_redis** emits a **ready** event. * Setting `no_ready_check` to `true` will inhibit this check. * @default false */ no_ready_check?: boolean | undefined; /** * By default, if there is no active connection to the Redis server, * commands are added to a queue and are executed once the connection has been established. * Setting `enable_offline_queue` to `false` will disable this feature * and the callback will be executed immediately with an error, * or an error will be emitted if no callback is specified. * @default true */ enable_offline_queue?: boolean | undefined; retry_max_delay?: number | undefined; connect_timeout?: number | undefined; max_attempts?: number | undefined; /** * If set to `true`, all commands that were unfulfilled while the connection is lost * will be retried after the connection has been reestablished. * Use this with caution if you use state altering commands (e.g. incr). * This is especially useful if you use blocking commands. * @default false */ retry_unfulfilled_commands?: boolean | undefined; auth_pass?: string | undefined; /** * If set, client will run Redis auth command on connect. * Alias `auth_pass`.\ * **Note**: Node Redis < 2.5 must use `auth_pass`. * @default null */ password?: string | undefined; /** * If set, client will run Redis **select** command on connect. * @default null */ db?: string | number | undefined; /** * You can force using IPv6 if you set the family to **IPv6**. * @see Node.js [net](https://nodejs.org/api/net.html) * or [dns](https://nodejs.org/api/dns.html) * modules on how to use the family type. * @default IPv4 */ family?: string | undefined; /** * If set to `true`, a client won't resubscribe after disconnecting. * @default false */ disable_resubscribing?: boolean | undefined; /** * Passing an object with renamed commands to use instead of the original functions. * For example, if you renamed the command **KEYS** to "DO-NOT-USE" * then the `rename_commands` object would be: { KEYS : "DO-NOT-USE" }. * @see the [Redis security topics](http://redis.io/topics/security) for more info. * @default null */ rename_commands?: { [command: string]: string } | null | undefined; /** * An object containing options to pass to * [tls.connect](http://nodejs.org/api/tls.html#tls_tls_connect_port_host_options_callback) * to set up a TLS connection to Redis * (if, for example, it is set up to be accessible via a tunnel). * @default null */ tls?: any; /** * A string used to prefix all used keys (e.g. namespace:test). * Please be aware that the **keys** command will not be prefixed. * The **keys** command has a "pattern" as argument and no key * and it would be impossible to determine the existing keys in Redis if this would be prefixed. * @default null */ prefix?: string | undefined; /** * A function that receives an options object as parameter including the retry `attempt`, * the `total_retry_time` indicating how much time passed since the last time connected, * the **error** why the connection was lost and the number of `times_connected` in total. * If you return a number from this function, the retry will happen after that time in milliseconds. * If you return a non-number, no further retry will happen * and all offline commands are flushed with errors. * Return an error to return that specific error to all offline commands. * @default function * @see interface `RetryStrategyOptions` * @example * const client = redis.createClient({ * retry_strategy: function(options) { * if (options.error && options.error.code === "ECONNREFUSED") { * // End reconnecting on a specific error and flush all commands with * // a individual error * return new Error("The server refused the connection"); * } * if (options.total_retry_time > 1000 * 60 * 60) { * // End reconnecting after a specific timeout and flush all commands * // with a individual error * return new Error("Retry time exhausted"); * } * if (options.attempt > 10) { * // End reconnecting with built in error * return undefined; * } * // reconnect after * return Math.min(options.attempt * 100, 3000); * } * }); */ retry_strategy?: RetryStrategy | undefined; } export type Callback = (err: Error | null, reply: T) => void; export interface ServerInfo { redis_version: string; versions: number[]; } export interface OverloadedCommand { (arg1: T, arg2: T, arg3: T, arg4: T, arg5: T, arg6: T, cb?: Callback): R; (arg1: T, arg2: T, arg3: T, arg4: T, arg5: T, cb?: Callback): R; (arg1: T, arg2: T, arg3: T, arg4: T, cb?: Callback): R; (arg1: T, arg2: T, arg3: T, cb?: Callback): R; (arg1: T, arg2: T | T[], cb?: Callback): R; (arg1: T | T[], cb?: Callback): R; (...args: Array>): R; } export interface OverloadedKeyCommand { (key: string, arg1: T, arg2: T, arg3: T, arg4: T, arg5: T, arg6: T, cb?: Callback): R; (key: string, arg1: T, arg2: T, arg3: T, arg4: T, arg5: T, cb?: Callback): R; (key: string, arg1: T, arg2: T, arg3: T, arg4: T, cb?: Callback): R; (key: string, arg1: T, arg2: T, arg3: T, cb?: Callback): R; (key: string, arg1: T, arg2: T, cb?: Callback): R; (key: string, arg1: T | T[], cb?: Callback): R; (key: string, ...args: Array>): R; (...args: Array>): R; } export interface OverloadedListCommand { (arg1: T, arg2: T, arg3: T, arg4: T, arg5: T, arg6: T, cb?: Callback): R; (arg1: T, arg2: T, arg3: T, arg4: T, arg5: T, cb?: Callback): R; (arg1: T, arg2: T, arg3: T, arg4: T, cb?: Callback): R; (arg1: T, arg2: T, arg3: T, cb?: Callback): R; (arg1: T, arg2: T, cb?: Callback): R; (arg1: T | T[], cb?: Callback): R; (...args: Array>): R; } export interface OverloadedSetCommand { (key: string, arg1: T, arg2: T, arg3: T, arg4: T, arg5: T, arg6: T, cb?: Callback): R; (key: string, arg1: T, arg2: T, arg3: T, arg4: T, arg5: T, cb?: Callback): R; (key: string, arg1: T, arg2: T, arg3: T, arg4: T, cb?: Callback): R; (key: string, arg1: T, arg2: T, arg3: T, cb?: Callback): R; (key: string, arg1: T, arg2: T, cb?: Callback): R; (key: string, arg1: T | { [key: string]: T } | T[], cb?: Callback): R; (key: string, ...args: Array>): R; (args: [string, ...T[]], cb?: Callback): R; } export interface OverloadedLastCommand { (arg1: T1, arg2: T1, arg3: T1, arg4: T1, arg5: T1, arg6: T2, cb?: Callback): R; (arg1: T1, arg2: T1, arg3: T1, arg4: T1, arg5: T2, cb?: Callback): R; (arg1: T1, arg2: T1, arg3: T1, arg4: T2, cb?: Callback): R; (arg1: T1, arg2: T1, arg3: T2, cb?: Callback): R; (arg1: T1, arg2: T2 | Array, cb?: Callback): R; (args: Array, cb?: Callback): R; (...args: Array>): R; } export interface Commands { /** * Listen for all requests received by the server in real time. */ monitor(cb?: Callback): R; MONITOR(cb?: Callback): R; /** * Get information and statistics about the server. */ info(cb?: Callback): R; info(section?: string | string[], cb?: Callback): R; INFO(cb?: Callback): R; INFO(section?: string | string[], cb?: Callback): R; /** * Ping the server. */ ping(callback?: Callback): R; ping(message: string, callback?: Callback): R; PING(callback?: Callback): R; PING(message: string, callback?: Callback): R; /** * Post a message to a channel. */ publish(channel: string, value: string, cb?: Callback): R; PUBLISH(channel: string, value: string, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Authenticate to the server. */ auth(password: string, callback?: Callback): R; AUTH(password: string, callback?: Callback): R; /** * KILL - Kill the connection of a client. * LIST - Get the list of client connections. * GETNAME - Get the current connection name. * PAUSE - Stop processing commands from clients for some time. * REPLY - Instruct the server whether to reply to commands. * SETNAME - Set the current connection name. */ client: OverloadedCommand; CLIENT: OverloadedCommand; /** * Set multiple hash fields to multiple values. */ hmset: OverloadedSetCommand; HMSET: OverloadedSetCommand; /** * Listen for messages published to the given channels. */ subscribe: OverloadedListCommand; SUBSCRIBE: OverloadedListCommand; /** * Stop listening for messages posted to the given channels. */ unsubscribe: OverloadedListCommand; UNSUBSCRIBE: OverloadedListCommand; /** * Listen for messages published to channels matching the given patterns. */ psubscribe: OverloadedListCommand; PSUBSCRIBE: OverloadedListCommand; /** * Stop listening for messages posted to channels matching the given patterns. */ punsubscribe: OverloadedListCommand; PUNSUBSCRIBE: OverloadedListCommand; /** * Append a value to a key. */ append(key: string, value: string, cb?: Callback): R; APPEND(key: string, value: string, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Asynchronously rewrite the append-only file. */ bgrewriteaof(cb?: Callback<'OK'>): R; BGREWRITEAOF(cb?: Callback<'OK'>): R; /** * Asynchronously save the dataset to disk. */ bgsave(cb?: Callback): R; BGSAVE(cb?: Callback): R; /** * Count set bits in a string. */ bitcount(key: string, cb?: Callback): R; bitcount(key: string, start: number, end: number, cb?: Callback): R; BITCOUNT(key: string, cb?: Callback): R; BITCOUNT(key: string, start: number, end: number, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Perform arbitrary bitfield integer operations on strings. */ bitfield: OverloadedKeyCommand; BITFIELD: OverloadedKeyCommand; /** * Perform bitwise operations between strings. */ bitop(operation: string, destkey: string, key1: string, key2: string, key3: string, cb?: Callback): R; bitop(operation: string, destkey: string, key1: string, key2: string, cb?: Callback): R; bitop(operation: string, destkey: string, key: string, cb?: Callback): R; bitop(operation: string, destkey: string, ...args: Array>): R; BITOP(operation: string, destkey: string, key1: string, key2: string, key3: string, cb?: Callback): R; BITOP(operation: string, destkey: string, key1: string, key2: string, cb?: Callback): R; BITOP(operation: string, destkey: string, key: string, cb?: Callback): R; BITOP(operation: string, destkey: string, ...args: Array>): R; /** * Find first bit set or clear in a string. */ bitpos(key: string, bit: number, start: number, end: number, cb?: Callback): R; bitpos(key: string, bit: number, start: number, cb?: Callback): R; bitpos(key: string, bit: number, cb?: Callback): R; BITPOS(key: string, bit: number, start: number, end: number, cb?: Callback): R; BITPOS(key: string, bit: number, start: number, cb?: Callback): R; BITPOS(key: string, bit: number, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Remove and get the first element in a list, or block until one is available. */ blpop: OverloadedLastCommand; BLPOP: OverloadedLastCommand; /** * Remove and get the last element in a list, or block until one is available. */ brpop: OverloadedLastCommand; BRPOP: OverloadedLastCommand; /** * Pop a value from a list, push it to another list and return it; or block until one is available. */ brpoplpush(source: string, destination: string, timeout: number, cb?: Callback): R; BRPOPLPUSH(source: string, destination: string, timeout: number, cb?: Callback): R; /** * ADDSLOTS - Assign new hash slots to receiving node. * COUNT-FAILURE-REPORTS - Return the number of failure reports active for a given node. * COUNTKEYSINSLOT - Return the number of local keys in the specified hash slot. * DELSLOTS - Set hash slots as unbound in receiving node. * FAILOVER - Forces a slave to perform a manual failover of its master. * FORGET - Remove a node from the nodes table. * GETKEYSINSLOT - Return local key names in the specified hash slot. * INFO - Provides info about Redis Cluster node state. * KEYSLOT - Returns the hash slot of the specified key. * MEET - Force a node cluster to handshake with another node. * NODES - Get cluster config for the node. * REPLICATE - Reconfigure a node as a slave of the specified master node. * RESET - Reset a Redis Cluster node. * SAVECONFIG - Forces the node to save cluster state on disk. * SET-CONFIG-EPOCH - Set the configuration epoch in a new node. * SETSLOT - Bind a hash slot to a specified node. * SLAVES - List slave nodes of the specified master node. * SLOTS - Get array of Cluster slot to node mappings. */ cluster: OverloadedCommand; CLUSTER: OverloadedCommand; /** * Get array of Redis command details. * * COUNT - Get total number of Redis commands. * GETKEYS - Extract keys given a full Redis command. * INFO - Get array of specific REdis command details. */ command(cb?: Callback>): R; COMMAND(cb?: Callback>): R; /** * Get array of Redis command details. * * COUNT - Get array of Redis command details. * GETKEYS - Extract keys given a full Redis command. * INFO - Get array of specific Redis command details. * GET - Get the value of a configuration parameter. * REWRITE - Rewrite the configuration file with the in memory configuration. * SET - Set a configuration parameter to the given value. * RESETSTAT - Reset the stats returned by INFO. */ config: OverloadedCommand; CONFIG: OverloadedCommand; /** * Return the number of keys in the selected database. */ dbsize(cb?: Callback): R; DBSIZE(cb?: Callback): R; /** * OBJECT - Get debugging information about a key. * SEGFAULT - Make the server crash. */ debug: OverloadedCommand; DEBUG: OverloadedCommand; /** * Decrement the integer value of a key by one. */ decr(key: string, cb?: Callback): R; DECR(key: string, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Decrement the integer value of a key by the given number. */ decrby(key: string, decrement: number, cb?: Callback): R; DECRBY(key: string, decrement: number, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Delete a key. */ del: OverloadedCommand; DEL: OverloadedCommand; /** * Discard all commands issued after MULTI. */ discard(cb?: Callback<'OK'>): R; DISCARD(cb?: Callback<'OK'>): R; /** * Return a serialized version of the value stored at the specified key. */ dump(key: string, cb?: Callback): R; DUMP(key: string, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Echo the given string. */ echo(message: T, cb?: Callback): R; ECHO(message: T, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Execute a Lua script server side. */ eval: OverloadedCommand; EVAL: OverloadedCommand; /** * Execute a Lue script server side. */ evalsha: OverloadedCommand; EVALSHA: OverloadedCommand; /** * Determine if a key exists. */ exists: OverloadedCommand; EXISTS: OverloadedCommand; /** * Set a key's time to live in seconds. */ expire(key: string, seconds: number, cb?: Callback): R; EXPIRE(key: string, seconds: number, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Set the expiration for a key as a UNIX timestamp. */ expireat(key: string, timestamp: number, cb?: Callback): R; EXPIREAT(key: string, timestamp: number, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Remove all keys from all databases. */ flushall(cb?: Callback): R; flushall(async: "ASYNC", cb?: Callback): R; FLUSHALL(cb?: Callback): R; FLUSHALL(async: 'ASYNC', cb?: Callback): R; /** * Remove all keys from the current database. */ flushdb(cb?: Callback<'OK'>): R; flushdb(async: "ASYNC", cb?: Callback): R; FLUSHDB(cb?: Callback<'OK'>): R; FLUSHDB(async: 'ASYNC', cb?: Callback): R; /** * Add one or more geospatial items in the geospatial index represented using a sorted set. */ geoadd: OverloadedKeyCommand; GEOADD: OverloadedKeyCommand; /** * Returns members of a geospatial index as standard geohash strings. */ geohash: OverloadedKeyCommand; GEOHASH: OverloadedKeyCommand; /** * Returns longitude and latitude of members of a geospatial index. */ geopos: OverloadedKeyCommand, R>; GEOPOS: OverloadedKeyCommand, R>; /** * Returns the distance between two members of a geospatial index. */ geodist: OverloadedKeyCommand; GEODIST: OverloadedKeyCommand; /** * Query a sorted set representing a geospatial index to fetch members matching a given maximum distance from a point. */ georadius: OverloadedKeyCommand, R>; GEORADIUS: OverloadedKeyCommand, R>; /** * Query a sorted set representing a geospatial index to fetch members matching a given maximum distance from a member. */ georadiusbymember: OverloadedKeyCommand, R>; GEORADIUSBYMEMBER: OverloadedKeyCommand, R>; /** * Get the value of a key. */ get(key: string, cb?: Callback): R; GET(key: string, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Returns the bit value at offset in the string value stored at key. */ getbit(key: string, offset: number, cb?: Callback): R; GETBIT(key: string, offset: number, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Get a substring of the string stored at a key. */ getrange(key: string, start: number, end: number, cb?: Callback): R; GETRANGE(key: string, start: number, end: number, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Set the string value of a key and return its old value. */ getset(key: string, value: string, cb?: Callback): R; GETSET(key: string, value: string, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Delete on or more hash fields. */ hdel: OverloadedKeyCommand; HDEL: OverloadedKeyCommand; /** * Determine if a hash field exists. */ hexists(key: string, field: string, cb?: Callback): R; HEXISTS(key: string, field: string, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Get the value of a hash field. */ hget(key: string, field: string, cb?: Callback): R; HGET(key: string, field: string, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Get all fields and values in a hash. */ hgetall(key: string, cb?: Callback<{ [key: string]: string }>): R; HGETALL(key: string, cb?: Callback<{ [key: string]: string }>): R; /** * Increment the integer value of a hash field by the given number. */ hincrby(key: string, field: string, increment: number, cb?: Callback): R; HINCRBY(key: string, field: string, increment: number, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Increment the float value of a hash field by the given amount. */ hincrbyfloat(key: string, field: string, increment: number, cb?: Callback): R; HINCRBYFLOAT(key: string, field: string, increment: number, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Get all the fields of a hash. */ hkeys(key: string, cb?: Callback): R; HKEYS(key: string, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Get the number of fields in a hash. */ hlen(key: string, cb?: Callback): R; HLEN(key: string, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Get the values of all the given hash fields. */ hmget: OverloadedKeyCommand; HMGET: OverloadedKeyCommand; /** * Set the string value of a hash field. */ hset: OverloadedSetCommand; HSET: OverloadedSetCommand; /** * Set the value of a hash field, only if the field does not exist. */ hsetnx(key: string, field: string, value: string, cb?: Callback): R; HSETNX(key: string, field: string, value: string, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Get the length of the value of a hash field. */ hstrlen(key: string, field: string, cb?: Callback): R; HSTRLEN(key: string, field: string, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Get all the values of a hash. */ hvals(key: string, cb?: Callback): R; HVALS(key: string, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Increment the integer value of a key by one. */ incr(key: string, cb?: Callback): R; INCR(key: string, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Increment the integer value of a key by the given amount. */ incrby(key: string, increment: number, cb?: Callback): R; INCRBY(key: string, increment: number, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Increment the float value of a key by the given amount. */ incrbyfloat(key: string, increment: number, cb?: Callback): R; INCRBYFLOAT(key: string, increment: number, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Find all keys matching the given pattern. */ keys(pattern: string, cb?: Callback): R; KEYS(pattern: string, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Get the UNIX time stamp of the last successful save to disk. */ lastsave(cb?: Callback): R; LASTSAVE(cb?: Callback): R; /** * Get an element from a list by its index. */ lindex(key: string, index: number, cb?: Callback): R; LINDEX(key: string, index: number, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Insert an element before or after another element in a list. */ linsert(key: string, dir: 'BEFORE' | 'AFTER', pivot: string, value: string, cb?: Callback): R; LINSERT(key: string, dir: 'BEFORE' | 'AFTER', pivot: string, value: string, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Get the length of a list. */ llen(key: string, cb?: Callback): R; LLEN(key: string, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Remove and get the first element in a list. */ lpop(key: string, cb?: Callback): R; LPOP(key: string, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Prepend one or multiple values to a list. */ lpush: OverloadedKeyCommand; LPUSH: OverloadedKeyCommand; /** * Prepend a value to a list, only if the list exists. */ lpushx(key: string, value: string, cb?: Callback): R; LPUSHX(key: string, value: string, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Get a range of elements from a list. */ lrange(key: string, start: number, stop: number, cb?: Callback): R; LRANGE(key: string, start: number, stop: number, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Remove elements from a list. */ lrem(key: string, count: number, value: string, cb?: Callback): R; LREM(key: string, count: number, value: string, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Set the value of an element in a list by its index. */ lset(key: string, index: number, value: string, cb?: Callback<'OK'>): R; LSET(key: string, index: number, value: string, cb?: Callback<'OK'>): R; /** * Trim a list to the specified range. */ ltrim(key: string, start: number, stop: number, cb?: Callback<'OK'>): R; LTRIM(key: string, start: number, stop: number, cb?: Callback<'OK'>): R; /** * Get the values of all given keys. */ mget: OverloadedCommand; MGET: OverloadedCommand; /** * Atomically tranfer a key from a Redis instance to another one. */ migrate: OverloadedCommand; MIGRATE: OverloadedCommand; /** * Move a key to another database. */ move(key: string, db: string | number): R; MOVE(key: string, db: string | number): R; /** * Set multiple keys to multiple values. */ mset: OverloadedCommand; MSET: OverloadedCommand; /** * Set multiple keys to multiple values, only if none of the keys exist. */ msetnx: OverloadedCommand; MSETNX: OverloadedCommand; /** * Inspect the internals of Redis objects. */ object: OverloadedCommand; OBJECT: OverloadedCommand; /** * Remove the expiration from a key. */ persist(key: string, cb?: Callback): R; PERSIST(key: string, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Remove a key's time to live in milliseconds. */ pexpire(key: string, milliseconds: number, cb?: Callback): R; PEXPIRE(key: string, milliseconds: number, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Set the expiration for a key as a UNIX timestamp specified in milliseconds. */ pexpireat(key: string, millisecondsTimestamp: number, cb?: Callback): R; PEXPIREAT(key: string, millisecondsTimestamp: number, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Adds the specified elements to the specified HyperLogLog. */ pfadd: OverloadedKeyCommand; PFADD: OverloadedKeyCommand; /** * Return the approximated cardinality of the set(s) observed by the HyperLogLog at key(s). */ pfcount: OverloadedCommand; PFCOUNT: OverloadedCommand; /** * Merge N different HyperLogLogs into a single one. */ pfmerge: OverloadedCommand; PFMERGE: OverloadedCommand; /** * Set the value and expiration in milliseconds of a key. */ psetex(key: string, milliseconds: number, value: string, cb?: Callback<'OK'>): R; PSETEX(key: string, milliseconds: number, value: string, cb?: Callback<'OK'>): R; /** * Inspect the state of the Pub/Sub subsytem. */ pubsub: OverloadedCommand; PUBSUB: OverloadedCommand; /** * Get the time to live for a key in milliseconds. */ pttl(key: string, cb?: Callback): R; PTTL(key: string, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Close the connection. */ quit(cb?: Callback<'OK'>): R; QUIT(cb?: Callback<'OK'>): R; /** * Return a random key from the keyspace. */ randomkey(cb?: Callback): R; RANDOMKEY(cb?: Callback): R; /** * Enables read queries for a connection to a cluster slave node. */ readonly(cb?: Callback): R; READONLY(cb?: Callback): R; /** * Disables read queries for a connection to cluster slave node. */ readwrite(cb?: Callback): R; READWRITE(cb?: Callback): R; /** * Rename a key. */ rename(key: string, newkey: string, cb?: Callback<'OK'>): R; RENAME(key: string, newkey: string, cb?: Callback<'OK'>): R; /** * Rename a key, only if the new key does not exist. */ renamenx(key: string, newkey: string, cb?: Callback): R; RENAMENX(key: string, newkey: string, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Create a key using the provided serialized value, previously obtained using DUMP. */ restore(key: string, ttl: number, serializedValue: string, cb?: Callback<'OK'>): R; RESTORE(key: string, ttl: number, serializedValue: string, cb?: Callback<'OK'>): R; /** * Return the role of the instance in the context of replication. */ role(cb?: Callback<[string, number, Array<[string, string, string]>]>): R; ROLE(cb?: Callback<[string, number, Array<[string, string, string]>]>): R; /** * Remove and get the last element in a list. */ rpop(key: string, cb?: Callback): R; RPOP(key: string, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Remove the last element in a list, prepend it to another list and return it. */ rpoplpush(source: string, destination: string, cb?: Callback): R; RPOPLPUSH(source: string, destination: string, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Append one or multiple values to a list. */ rpush: OverloadedKeyCommand; RPUSH: OverloadedKeyCommand; /** * Append a value to a list, only if the list exists. */ rpushx(key: string, value: string, cb?: Callback): R; RPUSHX(key: string, value: string, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Append one or multiple members to a set. */ sadd: OverloadedKeyCommand; SADD: OverloadedKeyCommand; /** * Synchronously save the dataset to disk. */ save(cb?: Callback): R; SAVE(cb?: Callback): R; /** * Get the number of members in a set. */ scard(key: string, cb?: Callback): R; SCARD(key: string, cb?: Callback): R; /** * DEBUG - Set the debug mode for executed scripts. * EXISTS - Check existence of scripts in the script cache. * FLUSH - Remove all scripts from the script cache. * KILL - Kill the script currently in execution. * LOAD - Load the specified Lua script into the script cache. */ script: OverloadedCommand; SCRIPT: OverloadedCommand; /** * Subtract multiple sets. */ sdiff: OverloadedCommand; SDIFF: OverloadedCommand; /** * Subtract multiple sets and store the resulting set in a key. */ sdiffstore: OverloadedKeyCommand; SDIFFSTORE: OverloadedKeyCommand; /** * Change the selected database for the current connection. */ select(index: number | string, cb?: Callback): R; SELECT(index: number | string, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Set the string value of a key. */ set(key: string, value: string, cb?: Callback<'OK'>): R; set(key: string, value: string, flag: string, cb?: Callback<'OK'>): R; set(key: string, value: string, mode: string, duration: number, cb?: Callback<'OK' | undefined>): R; set(key: string, value: string, mode: string, duration: number, flag: string, cb?: Callback<'OK' | undefined>): R; set(key: string, value: string, flag: string, mode: string, duration: number, cb?: Callback<'OK' | undefined>): R; SET(key: string, value: string, cb?: Callback<'OK'>): R; SET(key: string, value: string, flag: string, cb?: Callback<'OK'>): R; SET(key: string, value: string, mode: string, duration: number, cb?: Callback<'OK' | undefined>): R; SET(key: string, value: string, mode: string, duration: number, flag: string, cb?: Callback<'OK' | undefined>): R; SET(key: string, value: string, flag: string, mode: string, duration: number, cb?: Callback<'OK' | undefined>): R; /** * Sets or clears the bit at offset in the string value stored at key. */ setbit(key: string, offset: number, value: string, cb?: Callback): R; SETBIT(key: string, offset: number, value: string, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Set the value and expiration of a key. */ setex(key: string, seconds: number, value: string, cb?: Callback): R; SETEX(key: string, seconds: number, value: string, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Set the value of a key, only if the key does not exist. */ setnx(key: string, value: string, cb?: Callback): R; SETNX(key: string, value: string, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Overwrite part of a string at key starting at the specified offset. */ setrange(key: string, offset: number, value: string, cb?: Callback): R; SETRANGE(key: string, offset: number, value: string, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Synchronously save the dataset to disk and then shut down the server. */ shutdown: OverloadedCommand; SHUTDOWN: OverloadedCommand; /** * Intersect multiple sets. */ sinter: OverloadedKeyCommand; SINTER: OverloadedKeyCommand; /** * Intersect multiple sets and store the resulting set in a key. */ sinterstore: OverloadedCommand; SINTERSTORE: OverloadedCommand; /** * Determine if a given value is a member of a set. */ sismember(key: string, member: string, cb?: Callback): R; SISMEMBER(key: string, member: string, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Make the server a slave of another instance, or promote it as master. */ slaveof(host: string, port: string | number, cb?: Callback): R; SLAVEOF(host: string, port: string | number, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Manages the Redis slow queries log. */ slowlog: OverloadedCommand, R>; SLOWLOG: OverloadedCommand, R>; /** * Get all the members in a set. */ smembers(key: string, cb?: Callback): R; SMEMBERS(key: string, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Move a member from one set to another. */ smove(source: string, destination: string, member: string, cb?: Callback): R; SMOVE(source: string, destination: string, member: string, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Sort the elements in a list, set or sorted set. */ sort: OverloadedCommand; SORT: OverloadedCommand; /** * Remove and return one or multiple random members from a set. */ spop(key: string, cb?: Callback): R; spop(key: string, count: number, cb?: Callback): R; SPOP(key: string, cb?: Callback): R; SPOP(key: string, count: number, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Get one or multiple random members from a set. */ srandmember(key: string, cb?: Callback): R; srandmember(key: string, count: number, cb?: Callback): R; SRANDMEMBER(key: string, cb?: Callback): R; SRANDMEMBER(key: string, count: number, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Remove one or more members from a set. */ srem: OverloadedKeyCommand; SREM: OverloadedKeyCommand; /** * Get the length of the value stored in a key. */ strlen(key: string, cb?: Callback): R; STRLEN(key: string, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Add multiple sets. */ sunion: OverloadedCommand; SUNION: OverloadedCommand; /** * Add multiple sets and store the resulting set in a key. */ sunionstore: OverloadedCommand; SUNIONSTORE: OverloadedCommand; /** * Internal command used for replication. */ sync(cb?: Callback): R; SYNC(cb?: Callback): R; /** * Return the current server time. */ time(cb?: Callback<[string, string]>): R; TIME(cb?: Callback<[string, string]>): R; /** * Get the time to live for a key. */ ttl(key: string, cb?: Callback): R; TTL(key: string, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Determine the type stored at key. */ type(key: string, cb?: Callback): R; TYPE(key: string, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Deletes a key in a non-blocking manner. * Very similar to DEL, but actual memory reclamation * happens in a different thread, making this non-blocking. */ unlink: OverloadedCommand; UNLINK: OverloadedCommand; /** * Forget about all watched keys. */ unwatch(cb?: Callback<'OK'>): R; UNWATCH(cb?: Callback<'OK'>): R; /** * Wait for the synchronous replication of all the write commands sent in the context of the current connection. */ wait(numslaves: number, timeout: number, cb?: Callback): R; WAIT(numslaves: number, timeout: number, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Watch the given keys to determine execution of the MULTI/EXEC block. */ watch: OverloadedCommand; WATCH: OverloadedCommand; /** * Add one or more members to a sorted set, or update its score if it already exists. */ zadd: OverloadedKeyCommand; ZADD: OverloadedKeyCommand; /** * Get the number of members in a sorted set. */ zcard(key: string, cb?: Callback): R; ZCARD(key: string, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Count the members in a sorted set with scores between the given values. */ zcount(key: string, min: number | string, max: number | string, cb?: Callback): R; ZCOUNT(key: string, min: number | string, max: number | string, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Increment the score of a member in a sorted set. */ zincrby(key: string, increment: number, member: string, cb?: Callback): R; ZINCRBY(key: string, increment: number, member: string, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Intersect multiple sorted sets and store the resulting sorted set in a new key. */ zinterstore: OverloadedCommand; ZINTERSTORE: OverloadedCommand; /** * Count the number of members in a sorted set between a given lexicographic range. */ zlexcount(key: string, min: string, max: string, cb?: Callback): R; ZLEXCOUNT(key: string, min: string, max: string, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Return a range of members in a sorted set, by index. */ zrange(key: string, start: number, stop: number, cb?: Callback): R; zrange(key: string, start: number, stop: number, withscores: string, cb?: Callback): R; ZRANGE(key: string, start: number, stop: number, cb?: Callback): R; ZRANGE(key: string, start: number, stop: number, withscores: string, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Return a range of members in a sorted set, by lexicographical range. */ zrangebylex(key: string, min: string, max: string, cb?: Callback): R; zrangebylex(key: string, min: string, max: string, limit: string, offset: number, count: number, cb?: Callback): R; ZRANGEBYLEX(key: string, min: string, max: string, cb?: Callback): R; ZRANGEBYLEX(key: string, min: string, max: string, limit: string, offset: number, count: number, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Return a range of members in a sorted set, by lexicographical range, ordered from higher to lower strings. */ zrevrangebylex(key: string, min: string, max: string, cb?: Callback): R; zrevrangebylex(key: string, min: string, max: string, limit: string, offset: number, count: number, cb?: Callback): R; ZREVRANGEBYLEX(key: string, min: string, max: string, cb?: Callback): R; ZREVRANGEBYLEX(key: string, min: string, max: string, limit: string, offset: number, count: number, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Return a range of members in a sorted set, by score. */ zrangebyscore(key: string, min: number | string, max: number | string, cb?: Callback): R; zrangebyscore(key: string, min: number | string, max: number | string, withscores: string, cb?: Callback): R; zrangebyscore(key: string, min: number | string, max: number | string, limit: string, offset: number, count: number, cb?: Callback): R; zrangebyscore(key: string, min: number | string, max: number | string, withscores: string, limit: string, offset: number, count: number, cb?: Callback): R; ZRANGEBYSCORE(key: string, min: number | string, max: number | string, cb?: Callback): R; ZRANGEBYSCORE(key: string, min: number | string, max: number | string, withscores: string, cb?: Callback): R; ZRANGEBYSCORE(key: string, min: number | string, max: number | string, limit: string, offset: number, count: number, cb?: Callback): R; ZRANGEBYSCORE(key: string, min: number | string, max: number | string, withscores: string, limit: string, offset: number, count: number, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Determine the index of a member in a sorted set. */ zrank(key: string, member: string, cb?: Callback): R; ZRANK(key: string, member: string, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Remove one or more members from a sorted set. */ zrem: OverloadedKeyCommand; ZREM: OverloadedKeyCommand; /** * Remove all members in a sorted set between the given lexicographical range. */ zremrangebylex(key: string, min: string, max: string, cb?: Callback): R; ZREMRANGEBYLEX(key: string, min: string, max: string, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Remove all members in a sorted set within the given indexes. */ zremrangebyrank(key: string, start: number, stop: number, cb?: Callback): R; ZREMRANGEBYRANK(key: string, start: number, stop: number, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Remove all members in a sorted set within the given indexes. */ zremrangebyscore(key: string, min: string | number, max: string | number, cb?: Callback): R; ZREMRANGEBYSCORE(key: string, min: string | number, max: string | number, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Return a range of members in a sorted set, by index, with scores ordered from high to low. */ zrevrange(key: string, start: number, stop: number, cb?: Callback): R; zrevrange(key: string, start: number, stop: number, withscores: string, cb?: Callback): R; ZREVRANGE(key: string, start: number, stop: number, cb?: Callback): R; ZREVRANGE(key: string, start: number, stop: number, withscores: string, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Return a range of members in a sorted set, by score, with scores ordered from high to low. */ zrevrangebyscore(key: string, min: number | string, max: number | string, cb?: Callback): R; zrevrangebyscore(key: string, min: number | string, max: number | string, withscores: string, cb?: Callback): R; zrevrangebyscore(key: string, min: number | string, max: number | string, limit: string, offset: number, count: number, cb?: Callback): R; zrevrangebyscore(key: string, min: number | string, max: number | string, withscores: string, limit: string, offset: number, count: number, cb?: Callback): R; ZREVRANGEBYSCORE(key: string, min: number | string, max: number | string, cb?: Callback): R; ZREVRANGEBYSCORE(key: string, min: number | string, max: number | string, withscores: string, cb?: Callback): R; ZREVRANGEBYSCORE(key: string, min: number | string, max: number | string, limit: string, offset: number, count: number, cb?: Callback): R; ZREVRANGEBYSCORE(key: string, min: number | string, max: number | string, withscores: string, limit: string, offset: number, count: number, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Determine the index of a member in a sorted set, with scores ordered from high to low. */ zrevrank(key: string, member: string, cb?: Callback): R; ZREVRANK(key: string, member: string, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Get the score associated with the given member in a sorted set. */ zscore(key: string, member: string, cb?: Callback): R; ZSCORE(key: string, member: string, cb?: Callback): R; /** * Add multiple sorted sets and store the resulting sorted set in a new key. */ zunionstore: OverloadedCommand; ZUNIONSTORE: OverloadedCommand; /** * Incrementally iterate the keys space. */ scan: OverloadedCommand; SCAN: OverloadedCommand; /** * Incrementally iterate Set elements. */ sscan: OverloadedKeyCommand; SSCAN: OverloadedKeyCommand; /** * Incrementally iterate hash fields and associated values. */ hscan: OverloadedKeyCommand; HSCAN: OverloadedKeyCommand; /** * Incrementally iterate sorted sets elements and associated scores. */ zscan: OverloadedKeyCommand; ZSCAN: OverloadedKeyCommand; } export const RedisClient: new (options: ClientOpts) => RedisClient; export interface RedisClient extends Commands, EventEmitter { connected: boolean; command_queue_length: number; offline_queue_length: number; retry_delay: number | Error; retry_backoff: number; command_queue: any[]; offline_queue: any[]; connection_id: number; server_info: ServerInfo; stream: Duplex; on(event: 'message' | 'message_buffer', listener: (channel: string, message: string) => void): this; on(event: 'pmessage' | 'pmessage_buffer', listener: (pattern: string, channel: string, message: string) => void): this; on(event: 'subscribe' | 'unsubscribe', listener: (channel: string, count: number) => void): this; on(event: 'psubscribe' | 'punsubscribe', listener: (pattern: string, count: number) => void): this; on(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this; /** * Client methods. */ end(flush?: boolean): void; unref(): void; cork(): void; uncork(): void; duplicate(options?: ClientOpts, cb?: Callback): RedisClient; sendCommand(command: string, cb?: Callback): boolean; sendCommand(command: string, args?: any[], cb?: Callback): boolean; send_command(command: string, cb?: Callback): boolean; send_command(command: string, args?: any[], cb?: Callback): boolean; /** * Mark the start of a transaction block. */ multi(args?: Array>>): Multi; MULTI(args?: Array>>): Multi; batch(args?: Array>>): Multi; BATCH(args?: Array>>): Multi; } export const Multi: new () => Multi; export interface Multi extends Commands { exec(cb?: Callback): boolean; EXEC(cb?: Callback): boolean; exec_atomic(cb?: Callback): boolean; EXEC_ATOMIC(cb?: Callback): boolean; } export let debug_mode: boolean; export function createClient(port: number, host?: string, options?: ClientOpts): RedisClient; export function createClient(unix_socket: string, options?: ClientOpts): RedisClient; export function createClient(redis_url: string, options?: ClientOpts): RedisClient; export function createClient(options?: ClientOpts): RedisClient; export function addCommand(command: string): void; export function add_command(command: string): void; export function print(err: Error | null, reply: any): void; export class RedisError extends Error { name: string; } export class ReplyError extends RedisError { command: string; args?: unknown[] | undefined; code: string; } export class AbortError extends RedisError { command: string; args?: unknown[] | undefined; code?: string | undefined; } export class ParserError extends RedisError { offset: number; buffer: Buffer; } export class AggregateError extends AbortError { }